Section One BBS

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Subject: Poll Via Telnet Date: Sun Feb 07 2016 03:57 pm

JK>Yes, I send mail traffic crash to your system with BBBS's binkp in my two
JK>dialout nodes that I set up in two scripts for my nodes 2 and 3.  ( in one
JK>script, I call bbbs like this:  ./bbbs 2 2 TCPIP  and in the other I call it
JK>like this: ./bbbs 3 3 TCPIP; the rest of scripts look pretty much like my
JK>script for node 1.)

JK>> I was wondering if it
JK>> could also transfer packets over a telnet connect as well?  I have my
JK>> mailer running on the standard port for telnet (port 23) and was
JK>> wondering if BBBS could connect to that to transfer mail as if it were JK>>
on a dialup system.

JK>Yes, you can send mailer traffic in telnet mode.

Ok, thank you for the clarification.  I filed this away for future use,
if any :)
 ■ OLXWin 1.00b ■ Hello, I am part number │║▐║│║│█│║▌│║▌││
 * Origin: Neptune's Lair * Memphis TN * (1:116/18)

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