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Subject: Easy way to add CD-ROM Date: Mon Apr 13 2015 12:51 pm
From: mark lewis To: Grant Tattersall

 mlF> GT> Does anyone know of a program that can easily import CD-ROMs 
 mlF> GT> into the filebase?  I.E.  Not having to manually enter each 
 mlF> GT> file area. Also I am using ra 2.6 so earlier utilities like 
 mlF> GT> addrom don't  work. Even a command-line utility that can add 
 mlF> GT> a file area would  do the trick nicely.  I have many CDs to 
 mlF> GT> import.

 mlF> are you saying that RAFILE IMPORT won't work for you? simply 
 mlF> create the basic area definition for each area in RACONFIG and 
 mlF> then run the import...

 GT> The importing is not the issue, it is the tedious task of adding 
 GT> each area. I have 30 plus cds which have 50 plus areas on each.

ohhhh... yeah, i can see that...

 GT> I have done a few already and can see it is going to take me a 
 GT> LONG time.

yeah, i've always done these chores manually and written them off as part of
the task of setting up and configuring a system... once it is done, that's
another task removed from the TODO list ;) 

 GT> Programs like addrom do the trick nicely but it doesn't work on ra 
 GT> 2.50+.  I was hoping someone had found a quicker way of doing it.

i'm trying to remember if i ever looked at addrom... i think i did way back but 
still had to manually edit the areas for some reason... probably security or
groups or some such... but then i'm kinda weird in how i want my CD rom areas
laid out... even areas that get imported into my system via allfix have to be
edited... mainly because it doesn't place them in the sequence where i want
them placed... it seems to always put them into the first free area instead of
at the end or at least in the same area group as the template i told it to

 GT> Thank you for your reply,

one possibility might be to install an older RA that addrom works with and then 
convert those file areas database files up to 2.6's format... i don't know if
that would work well, though... i would attempt it in another set of
directories well away from your install you are working on now... and make sure 
that you don't have any RA environment variables pointing to your final
installation... essentially you would have another, older install, set up the
files areas, then upgrade it to 2.5 or 2.6... check that the file areas
upgraded properly and then copy the file areas files over... files.idx,
fgroups.idx and the files/hdr/*.*, files/idx/*.* and files/txt/*.* database

i don't know who wrote addrom but if the sources are pascal and available, i
could try to update it with the new structures if no one else could or wanted
to... i still have a working compile environment for TP6 and TP7 ;) 


* Origin: North American RemoteAccess Support 919-774-5930 (1:3634/12)

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