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Subject: Re: How do you study for extra? Date: Sun Mar 24 2024 07:24 pm
From: Ed Vance To: Nigel Reed

It was 3 months after I received my Novice ticket that I ordered a DX40 from
After building it I was transmitting on 7.173Mc/s and found a card in my postal
mailbox that I was being heard on 14.346 Mc/s , it was an OO Card, (Official
I wrote Heathkit, and they said one of the Coils needed replacing.
A local store was selling Heathkit products so I took the TX to the repair
department and paid to have it fixed.
Sitting in a Bus with the TX on my lap both ways probably looked strange to
others riding the Bus, didn't bother me, I paid the fare same as they.

No plans to upgrade from Advanced  Class, wish You well studying for the Amateur
Extra test.
Took it once, passed CW, failed text part, walked out with a Temporary Advanced

Since then I lost privileges as to frequencies I can use as all General Class
Amateurs on up did.

Maybe one day I'll have a looksee if there is any activity to those exclusive
portions of the CW Bands (which I could use with the Advanced but haven't).
During my Novice year, one Amateurs K4CSH, Al Hall, came on 3720 Kc/s to talk to
the group that used that freq about starting a Kentucky Novice Net - KNN.
He invited us (7?) to his QTH so we'd have an eyeball QSO together.

I don't know if the Club still exist, but after Al became a Silent Key,  the
Club asked the Friendly Country Cousins to issue Al's Call to the Club.

Good Luck, 73 de Ed W9ODR . .
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