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Subject: Re: Echolink and Metronet Date: Tue Feb 22 2022 04:05 pm
From: Nigel Reed To: All

On Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:13:21 -0500
"Sean Dennis" <sean.dennis@1:18/200> wrote:

> Hello Brian,

> 17 Feb 22 02:11, you wrote to me:

>  BB> That's exactly the reason. They don't have a giant pile of IP4
>  BB> addresses to use. They said I could just pay $10 a month for the
>  BB> static IP. Hey now that's a real discount.  

> They said this -after- telling you it was $120 as month?  Spectrum
> won't give you a static IP unless you have Spectrum Business (which,
> for what I am doing, would be worth the cost).

> ISP are real sleazeballs these days.  I remember the nascent days of
> the public Internet where you had neighborhood ISPs before they all
> got bought up.

back in England, Demon Internet would provide every user with a static
IP with their 10 quid a month internet service. You were expected to run
an smtp server and they would "store and forward" you emails. They had a
software package to do all that and it was actually pretty neat, all integrated.
End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
telnet 23
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