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Subject: Re: Hamvention Date: Mon Feb 21 2022 04:44 pm
From: Sean Dennis To: Daryl Stout

-=> Daryl Stout wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 DS>   I think the Sevierville one is coming up soon. I want to say they
 DS> used to do that one at the Ten-Tec facility. Are they still even in
 DS> business??

Yes, they are.  I believe they got bought out and HQ is in Colorado but
their factory in Sevierville is still going and if you are local and buy a radio
from them, you can pick it up right at the factory.

I would love to find a Ten-Tec Scout with all of the freqency modules to use
as a "out in the sticks" rig.  Once I can get Social Security and my 4WD
Pathfinder fixed, I fully intend on doing a lot more mountian topping and
SOTA/POTA activations.

 DS>   Everyone wants the glory and benefits, but no wants the gall and the
 DS> work. It's like you have plenty of folks to checkin to nets...but DON'T YOU
 DS> DARE ask them to be Net Control, a club officer, a hamfest worker, etc. Or
 DS> they think that these events "just magically happen by themselves". I guess
 DS> they've been sniffing the oil from a dummy load
 DS> too long. :P

That and politics...which is why I will not join any of the clubs in my area

73 DE KS4TD,

... All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence then success is  sure.
--- MultiMail/Linux
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)

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