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Subject: Re: Greetings Date: Sun Feb 20 2022 08:30 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Sean Dennis


 DS>   One ham had a different take on was "Pizza On The Air". He
 DS> would make calls from a pizza place. He believed in that H.A.M. stands
 DS> for "Have Another Meal", and "You Don't Call Us Late For Dinner" (hi
 DS> hi).

 SD> Studies show that 65% of all APRS signals originate at an AYCE buffet.

  That is TOO FUNNY. <BG> But, if they eat ham, they're cannibalistic 
(hi hi).

 SD> ... After we pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.

  Great tagline. <G>


... Haunted French pancakes give me the crepes.
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In Reply To: Greetings (Sean Dennis)