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Subject: Re: Hamvention Date: Sat Feb 19 2022 02:47 am
From: Sean Dennis To: Daryl Stout

-=> Daryl Stout wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 DS>   Never mind the price of transportation, lodging, food, and gear.

If I go, I'll probably be going in a RV.  That will cut a lot of the costs
because I can bring food with me and have everything already set up.  If I
have a motorhome, I can bring home with me to the convention center and that
will save even more by not having to buy food.  Plus, if I get tired, I can
always go take a nap.

The important things in my life: food and sleep!

73 DE KS4TD,

... "When I was a boy the Dead Sea was only sick." - George Burns
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