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Subject: Hamvention Date: Sat Feb 19 2022 07:15 am
From: Derek Mullin To: Brian KB9BVN

  Re: Hamvention
  By: Brian KB9BVN to All on Thu Feb 17 2022 18:23:49

 BK> Just curious, how many of you have purchased your Hamvention
 BK> tickets/credentials for this MAy hamfest extravaganza? 

Haven't bought my ticket yet, but I do expect to be there with a few other BBS

 BK> I don't really need anything but the pandemic has killed most of the

No justification needed. I never go there looking for anything in particular.
Most of the fun is in roaming around the flea market and meeting new folks at
the beer tent.

 BK> hamfests around here, and I haven't been to Hamvention sibce it moved from
 BK> Trotwood OH to Xenia Ohio. 

I do get nostalgic about the old Hara Arena venue and miss it sometimes, but it
really was begging to be torn down. The new facility is superior in almost
every way. It's the same convention, same vendors, same people, better
surroundings, better food options, fewer eruptions of raw sewage.

electronic chicken bbs -
 * Origin: electronic chicken bbs - (1:229/200)

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In Reply To: Hamvention (Brian KB9BVN)