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Subject: Re: Hamvention Date: Fri Feb 18 2022 05:00 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Brian KB9BVN


 BK> Just curious, how many of you have purchased your Hamvention
 BK> tickets/credentials for this MAy hamfest extravaganza?

  I've never been to either Hamvention or Hamcation. I had hoped to
take Amtrak to the Duke City Hamfest in Albuquerque right after my
Mom died 2 1/2 years ago (just to get away from things for a bit),
but I never got the chance. I attended the Huntsville, Alabama Hamfest 
5 years ago, but the bus ride between Little Rock and Huntsville 
(through Memphis, with a change in Nashville) nearly killed me.
  The seats were so cramped (far less than on a plane, let alone on
Amtrak, which I prefer)...that my legs locked up, and were like
water when I went to stand up. Then, to make matters worse, my pants
fell off my hips when I went to stand up. Had I not had Depends on
(getting old is not for sissies, but it doesn't last long), it would
would've been "full moon rising" (hi hi).

  I have family in Nashville (they're in poor health now), but they
provided transportation on the way back (I had a long layover) to
a local White Castle for gut grenades (hi hi) and french fries...
and a visit to their home.

  There are only 3 hamfests in Arkansas now...Hoxie (west of Walnut
Ridge) in mid-February...Mena (always the weekend after Labor Day, and
it's the oldest hamfest west of the Mississippi River), and Morrilton
(a small hamfest on Petit Jean Mountain the Saturday of Columbus Day
Weekend). Due to Covid-19, both Russellville and Fort Smith (for now)
are not doing hamfests.

  And, because of all the petty bickering with the central Arkansas 
area clubs (never mind no one wants to do the work involved), Little 
Rock last had a hamfest in 2016...and I doubt one will ever be here 
again. In the past, I had done talk-in, but in its final years, I
headed up the VE Testing, and did a forum. A PDF file on the content
is available off of the hyperlink on my QRZ bio.

  With health and finances, my hamfest days are over. I thought about
going to Hoxie earlier this month, but I had to get the fluids checked
and changed on my car.

Daryl, WX4QZ

... I got gas for 99 cents today...but it was from Taco Bell.
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In Reply To: Hamvention (Brian KB9BVN)