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Subject: Re: Hamvention Date: Fri Feb 18 2022 03:04 pm
From: Shaun Buzza To: Brian KB9BVN

 BK> What do you RX with? Have you played around much with the little SDR
 BK> dongles?

Yes, that's what I'm using, a RTL-SDR dongle, with telescopic dipole. It's
nothing special, but it cost less than $100 for two of them.

 BK> In the US we have 3 license classes, my two 12 year old grandkids passed
 BK> their Technician Exam on the first try and when my grand daughter gets
 BK> on the air, as
 BK> usual, it's an instant pile up. I think I saw you say you lived in
 BK> Canada, I am
 BK> not familiar with the licensing there but I QSO with a lot of Canadian hams
 BK> (Canadian Bacons?) from here near Indy. I operate CW mostly, then some SSB
 BK> and very little digital. 

I believe there are two classes here, but don't quote me on that. It has been
a while since I looked at getting my license. For the most part, I tend to
use my devices to listen to the local trunks for police/ambulance, or
ADS-B/ACARS from aircraft. I live quite close to a major airport.

SysOp, PiBBS

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In Reply To: Hamvention (Brian KB9BVN)