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Subject: Hamvention Date: Fri Feb 18 2022 09:17 am
From: Brian KB9BVN To: Shaun Buzza

//Hello Shaun,//

on *18.02.22* at *1:50:46* You wrote in area *HAM*
to *Brian KB9BVN* about *"Re: Hamvention"*.

 SB> Wow, you guys have a much more active ham community than any around here!
 SB> If that sort of stuff went on in my area, I'd probably have got my
 SB> license way sooner. It's still fun just to Rx, though...

What do you RX with? Have you played around much with the little SDR dongles?

I have a reallly terrible antenna at home, an attic dipole, cut for 1/2 wave on 
40m. I make contacts with it but hearing DX is sometimes impossible, BUT it
seems to be a decent shortwave receiving antenna when I get time to do any
SWLing. So I do a lot of operating outdoors in the parks, or parking lots with
a portable vertical antenna and my Elecraft K2. 

In the US we have 3 license classes, my two 12 year old grandkids passed their
Technician Exam on the first try and when my grand daughter gets on the air, as 
usual, it's an instant pile up. I think I saw you say you lived in Canada, I am 
not familiar with the licensing there but I QSO with a lot of Canadian hams
(Canadian Bacons?) from here near Indy. I operate CW mostly, then some SSB and
very little digital. 

Brian KB9BVN
--- WinPoint 398.2
 * Origin: Pass the pizza (1:229/426.31)

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