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Subject: Greetings Date: Fri Feb 18 2022 07:20 am
From: Brian KB9BVN To: Daryl Stout

//Hello Daryl,//

on *17.02.22* at *21:51:00* You wrote in area *HAM*
to *Brian Indy* about *"Re: Greetings"*.

 BI>> Just got connected, and was wondering if any of you are POTA operators?
 BI>> Just got into POTA in June of 2020, and have been hooked ever since.

 DS>   One ham had a different take on was "Pizza On The Air". He
 DS> would
 DS> make calls from a pizza place. He believed in that H.A.M. stands for
 DS> "Have Another Meal", and "You Don't Call Us Late For Dinner" (hi hi).

Hahahah...that's awesome. Several years ago there was a QRP contest called "Run 
For the Border", yup, you had to be operating from a Taco Bell parking lot.
There were over 100 logs turned in! Just proves all most hams need for a road
trip and outdoors operation, is an excuse, no matter how silly it is.

We used to have a diner near here called "The Knuckle Sandwich"...they had a
1950's rock n roll motif, and served all kinds of delicious fried foods.  Some
of the guys would meet there and call "The Knuckle Net" on the local repeater.  
It always brought more hams to the "table" so to speak.

I write up my POTA adventures and put them on my website, if you ever want to
take a look just go to    


Brian KB9BVN
CW Operator since 1988

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