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Subject: Re: Greetings Date: Thu Feb 17 2022 03:51 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Brian Indy


 BI> Just got connected, and was wondering if any of you are POTA operators?

 BI> Just got into POTA in June of 2020, and have been hooked ever since.

  One ham had a different take on was "Pizza On The Air". He would
make calls from a pizza place. He believed in that H.A.M. stands for "Have
Another Meal", and "You Don't Call Us Late For Dinner" (hi hi).

  Now, please excuse me...I hear my name being called by one of these. <G>

Daryl, WX4QZ

... I just bought a cured ham. I wonder what it had??
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In Reply To: Greetings (Brian Indy)
Replies: Greetings (Brian KB9BVN)Greetings (Sean Dennis)