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Subject: Re: Hamvention Date: Thu Feb 17 2022 09:32 pm
From: Andre To: Shaun Buzza

 SB> Wow, you guys have a much more active ham community than any around here!
 SB> If that sort of stuff went on in my area, I'd probably have got my license
 SB> way sooner. It's still fun just to Rx, though...

Milwaukee has a relatively active community, helped of course with being a
mid-sized city. And luckily for me, I coincidentally live in a city with the
nicest Ham Radio Outlet.

I'd use the term "active" pretty loosely though. As the guys advance in age,
they're less and less active. But eventually I ended up getting into a Field
Day club where we get outside reasonably often as long as there isn't snow on
the ground. 

- Andre, WT9X
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