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Subject: Re: Hamvention Date: Thu Feb 17 2022 08:50 pm
From: Shaun Buzza To: Brian KB9BVN

 BK>  BK>> Just curious, how many of you have purchased your Hamvention
 BK>  BK>> tickets/credentials for this MAy hamfest extravaganza?

 BK>  A> Ticket and hotel secured. Son is a student so gets in free. I'll be
 BK>  A> rolling deep with my crew of mid-70 year old hams.

 BK> Have you been to the new venue in Xenia before? I have not. Last time
 BK> for to Dayton was the last year they had it in Trotwood OH at the Hare
 BK> Arena.

Wow, you guys have a much more active ham community than any around here! If
that sort of stuff went on in my area, I'd probably have got my license way
sooner. It's still fun just to Rx, though...

SysOp, PiBBS

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