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Subject: Hamvention Date: Thu Feb 17 2022 08:06 pm
From: Brian KB9BVN To: Andre

//Hello Andre,//

on *18.02.22* at *0:53:01* You wrote in area *HAM*
to *Brian KB9BVN* about *"Hamvention"*.

 BK>> Just curious, how many of you have purchased your Hamvention
 BK>> tickets/credentials for this MAy hamfest extravaganza?

 A> Ticket and hotel secured. Son is a student so gets in free. I'll be
 A> rolling deep with my crew of mid-70 year old hams.

Have you been to the new venue in Xenia before? I have not. Last time for to
Dayton was the last year they had it in Trotwood OH at the Hare Arena. 

Brian KB9BVN
--- WinPoint 398.2
 * Origin: I might be moving to Montana soon (1:229/426.31)

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