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Subject: Hamvention Date: Thu Feb 17 2022 07:53 pm
From: Brian KB9BVN To: Sean Dennis

//Hello Sean,//

on *18.02.22* at *0:05:05* You wrote in area *HAM*
to *Brian KB9BVN* about *"Hamvention"*.

 SD> Hello Brian,

 SD> 17 Feb 22 18:23, you wrote to All:

 BB>> Just curious, how many of you have purchased your Hamvention
 BB>> tickets/credentials for this MAy hamfest extravaganza?

 SD> I've never been.  Never have had the money to do it in the past 25 years.

I only live 2 hours (2.5 hours now they moved it) away so didn't have the cost
of a hotel, and I usually only went to the Hamvention for just one day, usually 
Saturday.  When I go to Four Days in May I have to pay for three nights (Weds,
Thurs, Fri) at the Holiday Inn Express in Fairborn, the QRP Amateur Radio Club
International gets us a slight discount but it's $500 easy by the time you add
in gas, meals, and hamfest tickets.  FDIM has QRP Forums all day Thursday,
which is a line up of speakers from around the world. Friday is a day at the
hamfest then they have a Buildathon, a QRP Club Night, and a Vendor night where 
you can buy new kits and parts and stuff. Saturday is back at the hamfest,
Saturday night is the annual QRP Banquet and QRP Hall of Fame inductees are
inducted.   I usually head back to Indy after the banquet.

If you ever get a chance to go to Dayton, do it at least once. It's really
something to see. 

Brian KB9BVN
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