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Subject: Echolink and Metronet Date: Thu Feb 17 2022 10:21 am
From: Sean Dennis To: deon

Hello deon,

17 Feb 22 20:47, you wrote to me:

 de> CGNAT is an IPv4 solution due to the lack of IPv4 addresses - where
 de> the answer is IPv6 isnt it?

Yes, you're right.  I stand corrected.

 de> I've not heard of ISP's selling single static IPv6 addresses - I
 de> thought most gave you a /64, /60 or /56 as part of the service you get with
 de> them.

I wouldn't know.  Here in the US, it is exceedingly difficult to find a large
ISP that supports IPv6.  All of the large ISPs have a significant investment  in
IPv4 with NAT/CGNAT and are -very- hesitant to change.

It's so much so that all of my computers have IPv6 disabled as there's no need
for it right now.

A side note: here's an interesting opinion article about why IPv6 hasn't had
wide adoption yet in the past 25 years of its existance:

This is quickly becoming off-topic so netmail is welcome or we can move this
somewhere else.

Are you an amateur radio operator?

-- Sean KS4TD

... America is the land of opportunity.  Everyone can become a taxpayer.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)

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In Reply To: Echolink and Metronet (deon)