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Subject: Echolink and Metronet Date: Thu Feb 17 2022 08:47 pm
From: deon To: Sean Dennis

  Re: Echolink and Metronet
  By: Sean Dennis to Brian Indy on Wed Feb 16 2022 10:18 pm

 > Thanks for the warning.  CGNAT is one of the huge drawbacks of IPv6 and one 
of  the many reasons why I am not a fan of IPv6.  I am

 > Why in the hell they want $120 for a single static IP on an IPv6 network is  
beyond me.  Considering IPv6 can supposedly support 340
 > trillion trillion  trillion IP addresses, giving someone one static IP 
shouldn't be much.  Sounds  like their main "front end" to the
 > internet is IPv4 and they have very limited  IPv4 addresses available to 

I'm thinking you've got confused.

CGNAT is an IPv4 solution due to the lack of IPv4 addresses - where the answer
is IPv6 isnt it?

I've not heard of ISP's selling single static IPv6 addresses - I thought most
gave you a /64, /60 or /56 as part of the service you get with them.

--- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
 * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (3:633/509)

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