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Subject: POTA Date: Thu Feb 17 2022 02:18 am
From: Brian KB9BVN To: Ralf Voepel

//Hello Ralf,//

on *16.02.22* at *15:25:25* You wrote in area *HAM*
to *Brian Indy* about *"Greetings"*.

 RV> Hi Brian,

 RV> I am not a POTA Hamop, yet. My XYL and I just bought a Travel Trailer and
 RV> tink about WorKamping. I moght get into POTA once starting traveling.
 RV> However, if I hear or see a POTA station, I try to get them.

Ralf if you are working many POTA stations at all, you should register with and get credit for the hunts.  POTA has two ways to
participate, you can hunt and you can activate.  They have a ton of free awards 
if you enjoy that.  I run QRP, I have almost 400 different parks in my hunter
log, and I have activated the same nearby park 13 times all since June of 2020. 
 I am by no means a big gun in POTA. It's a lot of fun. As soon as the weather
breaks, I'm back to activating. 

Good luck with the new travel trailer. 

73 de KB9BVN



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In Reply To: Greetings (Ralf Voepel)