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Subject: Echolink and Metronet Date: Thu Feb 17 2022 02:11 am
From: Brian KB9BVN To: Sean Dennis

//Hello Sean,//

on *17.02.22* at *3:18:41* You wrote in area *HAM*
to *Brian Indy* about *"Echolink and Metronet"*.

 SD> Why in the hell they want $120 for a single static IP on an IPv6 network is
 SD> beyond me.  Considering IPv6 can supposedly support 340 trillion trillion
 SD> trillion IP addresses, giving someone one static IP shouldn't be much.
 SD> Sounds
 SD> like their main "front end" to the internet is IPv4 and they have very
 SD> limited IPv4 addresses available to them.

That's exactly the reason. They don't have a giant pile of IP4 addresses to
They said I could just pay $10 a month for the static IP. Hey now that's a real

 SD> What's your call, BTW?




--- WinPoint 398.2
 * Origin: Pass the pizza (1:229/426.31)

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