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Subject: Echolink and Metronet Date: Wed Feb 16 2022 09:28 pm
From: Ralf Voepel To: Brian Indy

Hi Brian,
how about tethering you cellphone to the PC just for echolink.
Once done, unhook and use the Metronet again.
Just my 5 cents

73 de KF5WGB
Ral Voepel

 BI> Just found out something today, I recently switched to Metronet fiber,
 BI> and my Echolink program stopped working. So I went in to the router and
 BI> tried to setup port forwarding, it would not work. Tried it many times,
 BI> same bad result. Called Metronet...unless you buy a static IP for $120 a
 BI> year, you can't port forward.  Metronet uses something called CGNAT -
 BI> Carrier Grade NAT  and this is why you can't port forward using their
 BI> dynamic assigned external IP. 

 BI> I wish I had known that before. I don't use echolink much. So I'm not
 BI> paying $120 for a static IP from Metronet. 

 BI> Just a heads up. 

 BI> 73

 BI> Regards, Brian Franklin
 BI> -+- WinPoint 398.2
 BI>  @ ORIGINAL: I might be moving to Montana soon (1:229/426.31)
--- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1)
 * Origin: WinPoint (1:103/705.782)

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