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Subject: Greetings Date: Wed Feb 16 2022 09:25 pm
From: Ralf Voepel To: Brian Indy

Hi Brian,

I am not a POTA Hamop, yet. My XYL and I just bought a Travel Trailer and
tink about WorKamping. I moght get into POTA once starting traveling.
However, if I hear or see a POTA station, I try to get them.

73 de KF5WGB
Ralf Voepel

 BI> //Hello All,//

 BI> Greetings all, 

 BI> Just got connected, and was wondering if any of you are POTA operators? 

 BI> Just got into POTA in June of 2020, and have been hooked ever since.

 BI> Regards, Brian Franklin
 BI> -+- WinPoint 398.2
 BI>  @ ORIGINAL: Just another Point Node  (1:229/426.31)
--- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1)
 * Origin: WinPoint (1:103/705.782)

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In Reply To: Greetings (Brian Indy)
Replies: POTA (Brian KB9BVN)