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Subject: Echolink and Metronet Date: Wed Feb 16 2022 10:18 pm
From: Sean Dennis To: Brian Indy

Hello Brian,

16 Feb 22 22:11, you wrote to All:

 BI> Just found out something today, I recently switched to Metronet fiber,
 BI> and my Echolink program stopped working. So I went in to the router
 BI> and tried to setup port forwarding, it would not work. Tried it many times,
 BI> same bad result. Called Metronet...unless you buy a static IP
 BI> for $120 a year, you can't port forward.  Metronet uses something
 BI> called CGNAT - Carrier Grade NAT  and this is why you can't port
 BI> forward using their dynamic assigned external IP.

Thanks for the warning.  CGNAT is one of the huge drawbacks of IPv6 and one of
the many reasons why I am not a fan of IPv6.  I am using Spectrum that still
uses IPv4 with NAT which means they can support a LOT of internal IPv4
customers easily.  I have a pfSense box as my edge firewall device that does
the port forwarding stuff.

 BI> I wish I had known that before. I don't use echolink much. So I'm not
 BI> paying $120 for a static IP from Metronet.

Why in the hell they want $120 for a single static IP on an IPv6 network is
beyond me.  Considering IPv6 can supposedly support 340 trillion trillion
trillion IP addresses, giving someone one static IP shouldn't be much.  Sounds
like their main "front end" to the internet is IPv4 and they have very limited
IPv4 addresses available to them.

What's your call, BTW?

-- Sean

... I pulled a muscle digging for gold.  Just a miner injury.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)

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