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Subject: Re: Any active hams? Date: Wed Jan 26 2022 11:39 am
From: Sean Dennis To: Nigel Reed

-=> Nigel Reed wrote to Alexander Rowsell <=-

 NR> I'm not really active but I have my license and a small HT that I can
 NR> barely reach the local repeater with. I tend to balk at the amount ham
 NR> radios cost when you consider how cheap other technology is. I occasionally
 NR> use Echolink on my PC and really keep it for emergencies.
 NR> I'm a member of the local CERT team.

Considering the relatively high ROI ham equipment has (I'm talking good
quality here; not the disposable Chinese HTs), it's worth it.  I have never paid
more than $500 for a HF rig since I buy them used except for my first
HF rig, an ICOM IC-718, for about $650 new.

I have about 20 different 2 meter HTs, from Baofengs to a couple of Motorola
Radius models.  Probably going to dump them all and just get an ICOM IC-V86
2 meter HT eventually.

73 DE KS4TD,

... A diamond is a piece of coal that stuck to the job.
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