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Subject: Any active hams? Date: Wed Jan 26 2022 06:16 am
From: mark lewis To: Ricky DeLuco

 On 2022 Jan 25 11:39:02, you wrote to Alexander Rowsell:

 RD> Hello there ... I am here.  Not much activity on this Echo.

by volume, HAM is the 54th most active echo carried by the SouthEast STar...
the following report can only go back as far as the end of 2018 since that's
when sestar was installed to replace wpusa, my old system that Hurricane
Florence killed...

                          FTN Echomail Flow Report
                             The SouthEast Star
                                 waldo kitty
                          2022-Jan-26 06:14 (-0500)

              Top Quantity Received, First Date, and Last Date
              All entries without unknown areas - Most to Least

                      :    Total : Days :  Avg # :  First Date :   Last Date
 Echotag              : Received : Seen :  / Day :     Seen    :     Seen
 HAM                  :     1059 : 1222 :      1 : 2018 Sep 23 : 2022 Jan 26


"The soul of a small kitten in the body of a mighty dragon. Look on my majesty, 
ye mighty, and despair! Or bring me catnip. Your choice. Oooh, a shiny thing!"
... To err is human. To forgive is against company policy.
 * Origin:  (1:3634/12.73)

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