Section One BBS

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Subject: Re: Any active hams? Date: Wed Jan 26 2022 01:02 am
From: Nigel Reed To: All

On Tue, 25 Jan 2022 10:14:40 -0500
"mark lewis" <mark.lewis@1:3634/12.73> wrote:

> there's been daily, non-duplicate, posts in here for many years...
> apparently that system needed a poke for traffic to start flowing
> again?? idk... you can see the seenbys and path your message followed below...

If that's the case, then they're into a black hole somewhere. This year
I have one posting from 1/7, two on 1/14 then one on 1/21, 1/24. 

I received 10 for December 2021.
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Replies: Any active hams? (mark lewis)