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Subject: Re: Any active hams? Date: Wed Jan 26 2022 01:00 am
From: Nigel Reed To: Alexander Rowsell

On Mon, 24 Jan 2022 23:23:10 -0500
"Alexander Rowsell" <alexander.rowsell@1:275/89> wrote:

> Browsing this board from Diamond Mine and it seems the last activity
> was over 2 years ago... not sure if these boards actually get used
> anymore!

I'm not really active but I have my license and a small HT that I can
barely reach the local repeater with. I tend to balk at the amount ham
radios cost when you consider how cheap other technology is. I
occasionally use Echolink on my PC and really keep it for emergencies.
I'm a member of the local CERT team.

Also, I doubt that I would use a base station much at home since I'm
always playing music.
End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
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In Reply To: Any active hams? (Alexander Rowsell)