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Subject: Any active hams? Date: Tue Jan 25 2022 10:14 am
From: mark lewis To: Alexander Rowsell

 On 2022 Jan 24 23:23:10, you wrote to All:

 AR> @TZUTC: -0500
 AR> @MSGID: 10296.fidoham@1:275/89 2654d966
 AR> @PID: Synchronet 3.19a-Win32 master/e8793d25d Nov 23 2021 MSC 1928
 AR> @TID: SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 master/e8793d25d Nov 23 2021 MSC 1928
 AR> Browsing this board from Diamond Mine and it seems the last activity was
 AR> over 2 years ago... not sure if these boards actually get used anymore!

there's been daily, non-duplicate, posts in here for many years... apparently
that system needed a poke for traffic to start flowing again?? idk... you can
see the seenbys and path your message followed below...

 AR> If any hams are out there, feel free to reply :)
 AR> I need to get my TS-820S back on the air! I think the radio is in good
 AR> shape, I just need to set up an antenna and find an operating position in
 AR> my apartment. I want to pick up a spare set of final tubes just in case
 AR> mine ever go out.

 AR> 73!
 AR> --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
 AR>  * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS - (1:275/89)
 AR> SEEN-BY: 138/146 153/7715 229/426 275/0 89 91 93 95 97 98 99 100 201 301
 AR> 1000
 AR> SEEN-BY: 342/11 640/1321 3634/12 116/116 123/25 755 135/300 154/10 3634/15
 AR> 27
 AR> SEEN-BY: 3634/50 119 300/4 123/160 180 40 153/757 123/190 126 200 222/2
 AR> 250/1
 AR> SEEN-BY: 240/1120 640/1321 3634/0 18/0 123/0 1/120
 AR> @PATH: 275/89 100 153/7715 3634/12


"The soul of a small kitten in the body of a mighty dragon. Look on my majesty, 
ye mighty, and despair! Or bring me catnip. Your choice. Oooh, a shiny thing!"
... Northerners eat fried chicken with a knife and fork.
 * Origin:  (1:3634/12.73)

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In Reply To: Any active hams? (Alexander Rowsell)