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Subject: Any active hams? Date: Tue Jan 25 2022 09:57 am
From: Sean Dennis To: Alexander Rowsell

Hello Alexander,

Monday January 24 2022 23:23, you wrote to All:

 AR> Browsing this board from Diamond Mine and it seems the last activity
 AR> was over 2 years ago... not sure if these boards actually get used anymore!

We're here and not sure why it shows no activity in two years...what's your

 AR> I need to get my TS-820S back on the air! I think the radio is in good
 AR> shape, I just need to set up an antenna and find an operating position
 AR> in my apartment. I want to pick up a spare set of final tubes just in
 AR> case mine ever go out.

I have an IC-718 and a IC-706MKII that were both hit by lightning and need
repair so I have been off the air since last April.  I am hoping to eventually
get an IC-7610 for the shack and use the other two radios for mobile use as I
love mountain topping--being surrounded by the Appapachian Mountains has its
advantages. :D

73 DE KS4TD,

... 63% of all APRS signals originate from an all-you-can-eat buffet.
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 * Origin: Outpost BBS Sysop Console (1:18/200)

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In Reply To: Any active hams? (Alexander Rowsell)