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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Jan 21 2022 09:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   January 20, 2022                                                        
     * ARES Activates as Wind-Driven Year-End Fire Destroys 1,000 Colorado  
     * Extended ARRL Team Will Support February's ARRL National Convention  
       in Orlando                                                           
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * National Science Foundation Awards Nearly $50,000 for HamSCI        
     * Announcements                                                       
     * FCC Seeks Attorney-visor for its Mobility Division                
     * Launch of a Wooden Satellite Still Pending                          
     * Amateur Radio in the News                                           
     * Two Radio Amateurs Appointed to the FCC Technological visory      
       Council (TAC)                                                       
     * Getting It Right!                                                   
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Upcoming Section, State, and Division Conventions                   
   ARES Activates as Wind-Driven Year-End Fire Destroys 1,000 Colorado     
   Members of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service^(R) (ARES^(R)) in        
   Colorado, volunteering for the Boulder County (Colorado) Amateur Radio  
   Emergency Services (BCARES), turned out on December 30, 2021 as the     
   devastating Marshall Fire roared through Superior and (portions of)     
   Louisville, Colorado. Intense winds whipped a grass fire south of       
   Boulder near Marshall into a massive firestorm that became too large    
   and fierce for firefighters to battle.                                  
   "The only battle was evacuation, as the towns of Louisville and         
   Superior and [the] northern suburbs of Denver lay in the fire's         
   wind-driven path," said Amateur TV (ATV) enthusiast and equipment       
   dealer Jim Andrews, KH6HTV, of Boulder. Andrews said the only thing     
   limiting the fire's spread was the fact that the winds diminished by    
   that evening.                                                           
   "By that time, hundreds of homes had burned down," Andrews said, whose  
   own house was among them. "This was not a typical forest fire, but an   
   urban firestorm." Thousands of people were evacuated.                   
   BCARES Board of Directors Chairman and Region 1, District 3 Emergency   
   Coordinator Allen Bishop, K0ARK, said that a request from the Boulder   
   Office of Emergency Management (OEM) to activate the emergency          
   operations center (EOC) is what initiated the ARES activation. "At that 
   time, staffing was initiated with the activation of the BCARES Radio    
   Network, with three BCARES members assigned to the EOC," Bishop said.   
   The BCARES Net was promptly activated.                                  
   ARES volunteers supported communication at evacuation sites and         
   established emergency communication as commercial power failures and    
   preventive shutdowns by utilities caused a loss of commercial           
   communication. "Within about 8 hours," Bishop said, "battery back-up    
   systems for cell phones and landlines failed, and 911 services went     
   "To facilitate a restoration of these emergency services, BCARES        
   activated the Mountain Emergency Radio Network (MERN)," Bishop said.    
   Established in 2010, MERN consists of repeaters installed at fire       
   stations in Gold Hill and Allenspark, at community centers in Nederland 
   and Raymond, and the privately owned Airlink Repeater. "These repeaters 
   provided the emergency communication links that facilitated the         
   restoration of 911 communications back to the dispatch center for the   
   duration of the power outages," Bishop explained. The Allenspark        
   Neighbors Emergency Network (ANEN) and Airlink (Alternate Access Radio  
   Network) participated.                                                  
                                      Jim Andrews, KH6HTV, shared this     
                                      photo of what remained of his home.  
                                      [Jim Andrews, KH6HTV, photo]         
   According to Bishop, as the Marshall Fire expanded, evacuation center   
   support was requested at three locations to provide on-site situation   
   reports using Winlink. Bishop said BCARES members and mutual-aid ARES   
   operators from neighboring Districts established local communication    
   with the BCARES EOC radio position from designated field locations.     
   BCARES was activated for 2 days. One person died as a result of the     
   As Andrews reported, Boulder County announced on New Year's Day that    
   nearly 1,000 homes were lost. In addition to his own home, the fire     
   destroyed his daughter's home next door, as well as the homes of all    
   his close neighbors. "We had no official warning of the coming          
   firestorm," Andrews said. "My only warning was from our daughter who    
   saw it happening." Andrews added, "KH6HTV VIDEO, as a supplier of ATV   
   gear, will be out of operation for a very long time to come." Andrews   
   edits the monthly Boulder Amateur Television Club TV Repeater's         
   REPEATER newsletter.                                                    
   Extended ARRL Team Will Support February's ARRL National Convention in  
   An extended ARRL team of member-volunteers, program representatives,    
   and presenters will advance the convention theme inviting attendees to  
   "reDiscover Radio" at Orlando HamCation, host of the 2022 ARRL National 
   Convention February 10 - 13. A wide-ranging roster of workshops,        
   exhibits, and activities will educate and entertain radio amateurs      
   committed to developing knowledge and skills in radio technology and    
   radio communication.                                                    
   The convention will be held in two parts. On Thursday, February 10, an  
   all-day ARRL National Convention Program will be held at the DoubleTree 
   by Hilton Hotel Orlando at SeaWorld. vance registration is required   
   and includes a series of day-long ARRL Training Tracks and a National   
   Convention luncheon with a keynote address by ARRL CEO David Minster,   
   NA2AA. The Training Tracks comprise four workshops led by experienced   
   presenters: Contest University (CTU), Emergency Communications Academy, 
   Hands-On Handbook, and Technology Academy. Registration can be          
   completed online.                                                       
   DX Engineering is the Official Sponsor of the 2022 ARRL National        
   Convention Program.                                                     
   On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, February 11 - 13, HamCation will take  
   place at the Central Florida Fairgrounds and Expo Park in Orlando -- an 
   87-acre lakefront fairgrounds. The convention marks the 75th            
   anniversary of HamCation -- one of the largest annual gatherings of     
   radio amateurs in the US. HamCation tickets can be purchased online     
   until January 31 and at the gate during the event.                      
   The centerpiece of ARRL's participation will be a large exhibit area in 
   the East and West Hall. Nearly a dozen ARRL program areas will be       
   represented, including Radiosport and DXCC Card Checking, Radio Clubs,  
   the Amateur Radio Emergency Service^(R), Development, and the ARRL      
   A suite of exhibits organized by the ARRL Education and Learning        
   Department will include an introduction to the new ARRL Learning        
   Center. ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, will 
   introduce this new member benefit that includes online courses, videos, 
   and other amateur radio instruction and training. At another booth,     
   ARRL Education and Technology Program Instructor Tommy Gober, N5DUX,    
   will cover the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology.          
   Josh Nass, KI6NAZ, of the popular                                       
   "Ham Radio Crash Course" is one of                                      
   the YouTube content creators who                                        
   will present at the Convention.                                         
   ARRL has invited several ham radio content creators from popular        
   YouTube channels to meet and interact with attendees in the exhibit     
   area. Josh Nass, KI6NAZ, of the popular "Ham Radio Crash Course"        
   YouTube channel, will moderate. He is the 2020 winner of the ARRL Bill  
   Leonard Award for outstanding published media that advances amateur     
   radio. Visitors will have a chance to meet ARRL authors and editors.    
   ARRL Laboratory engineers and volunteers will offer free testing of     
   visitors' handheld radios. This service will determine the spectral     
   purity of the output signal from the radios.                            
   Members and other attendees can meet ARRL elected officials and Field   
   Organization volunteers at the Southeastern Division booth to catch up  
   on events and to explore opportunities to get involved through their    
   ARRL Sections and radio clubs.                                          
   The exhibit area will also include the ARRL store and membership area,  
   where visitors may join, renew, or extend ARRL and Diamond Club         
   memberships and purchase publications, apparel, and 2022 Field Day      
   products. New ARRL Membership Manager Matt Caruso will be eager to meet 
   and greet members.                                                      
   ARRL will sponsor three forums at HamCation:                            
     * An ARRL Emergency Communications Panel will be held at 3:15 PM      
       Eastern on Friday. The panel will be moderated by ARRL Director of  
       Emergency Management Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, and will include        
       panelists from the ARRL Southeastern Division Field Organization.   
     * On Saturday at 2 PM Eastern, ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio visors 
       Andy Milluzzi, KK4LWR, and Tony Milluzzi, KD8RTT, will lead a       
       Collegiate Amateur Radio Forum. The ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio   
       Initiative is a regular networking source among active campus radio 
       clubs and their student members.                                    
     * An ARRL Membership Forum will be held on Saturday at 3:15 PM,       
       moderated by Southeastern Division Director Mickey Baker, N4MB.     
       This forum offers an opportunity to hear from ARRL representatives  
       on key areas of member interest and amateur radio advocacy and to   
       learn how ARRL supports dozens of ways to get involved and active   
       on the air. Panelists will include President Rick Roderick, K5UR,   
       and CEO David Minster, NA2AA.                                       
   The exhibit area will also include the ARRL store and membership area,  
   where visitors may join, renew, or extend ARRL and Diamond Club         
   memberships and purchase publications, apparel, and 2022 Field Day      
   The Orlando Amateur Radio Club sponsors Orlando HamCation. Further      

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