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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Dec 03 2021 09:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   December 2, 2021                                                        
     * Two 160-Meter Events in December Give Nod to 1921 Transatlantic      
     * Dayton Hamvention Expects to be Live Event in 2022                   
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * Fall ARRL Section Manager Election Results                           
     * YOTA Month Continues to Expand into the Americas                    
     * ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                      
     * IARU Reports Another Over-the-Horizon Radar System is Under         
       Construction in India                                               
     * ARDC Grants Will Expand Emergency Capabilities in Haiti and the US  
       Virgin Islands                                                      
     * Announcements                                                       
     * Amateur Radio in the News                                           
     * ARRL Author, QST Technical Editor Joel Hallas, W1ZR, SK             
     * Past ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Director Claude Maer, W0IC, SK    
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Upcoming Section, State, and Division Conventions                   
   Two 160-Meter Events in December Give Nod to 1921 Transatlantic Tests   
   In December, there will be two opportunities for 160-meter operators to 
   fill the airwaves with activity and to test skills and stations on that 
   band. The events take place a century after the transatlantic tests of  
   the 1920s, which ushered in the dawn of international amateur radio     
   This famous cover of the                                                
   January 1922 issue of QST                                               
   trumpets the success of the                                             
   Second Transatlantic Test and                                           
   lists the stations that Paul                                            
   Godley, 2ZE, copied (or                                                 
   received) in Scotland.                                                  
   The annual ARRL 160-Meter Contest begins at 2200 UTC on Friday,         
   December 3, and ends at 1559 UTC on Sunday, December 5. This 42-hour    
   CW-only contest is most similar to the original transatlantic tests.    
   This contest typically attracts a good crowd and presents a challenge   
   to operator skill and station performance.                              
   The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) is planning to activate       
   special call signs to commemorate the centenary of the tests. Stations  
   from the UK and Crown Dependencies will use up to seven different call  
   signs, each having a "6XX" suffix: G6XX, England; GD6XX, Isle of Man;   
   GI6XX, Northern Ireland; GJ6XX, Jersey; GM6XX, Scotland; GU6XX,         
   Guernsey, and GW6XX, Wales. In addition, listen for UK stations         
   appending the suffix "/2ZE" to the station's call sign. Use of this     
   commemorative suffix has been authorized for use December 1 - 26 by     
   Ofcom, the UK's communications regulator.                               
   On December 12 -- and not to be confused with the ARRL 160-Meter        
   Contest -- ARRL and the RSGB will jointly sponsoring the 160-Meter      
   Transatlantic Centenary QSO Party. This 6-hour event will run from 0200 
   to 0800 UTC. The event coincides with the 100th anniversary of the      
   successful Second Transatlantic Tests. Participating stations will      
   operate only on CW, trying to contact the two official call sign        
   activations, W1AW and GB2ZE. The stations may listen for callers 1 kHz  
   above their transmitting frequency, to shift the pileup from their      
   transmit frequency. They may also periodically ask for DX callers only. 
   The exchange is call sign and signal report.                            
                                                The cover of the December  
                                                2021 issue of QST          
                                                commemorates the centenary 
                                                of the Transatlantic       
                                                Tests, which contributed   
                                                to the rise of             
                                                international amateur      
                                                radio communications in    
                                                the 1920s.                 
   During the QSO Party, ARRL will activate W1AW from Newington,           
   Connecticut. RSGB will activate GB2ZE with help from a team of          
   stations, including members of the GMDX Group of Scotland sharing the   
   operating duties. GB2ZE commemorates the call sign of Paul Godley, 2ZE, 
   who was sent by ARRL to the UK to lead the second Transatlantic Test in 
   December 1921.                                                          
   W1AW will be active for all 6 hours. Stations operating as GB2ZE will   
   follow this schedule:                                                   
     * 0200 UTC, from the commemorative station at Ardrossan, Scotland     
     * 0300 UTC, from GM3YTS                                               
     * 0400 UTC, from GM0GAV                                               
     * 0500 UTC, from MM0ZBH                                               
     * 0600 UTC, from MM0GPZ                                               
     * 0700 UTC, from GM4ZUK until 0800 UTC, or until the band closes at   
   The GMDX Group will award a quaich -- a traditional Scottish drinking   
   cup representing friendship -- to the first stations in North America   
   and the UK to complete contacts with both W1AW and GB2ZE during the QSO 
   Party. A commemorative certificate will be available for download.      
   Participants will not have to submit logs. The official logs from W1AW  
   and GB2ZE will be used to determine the winners and for certificates.
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