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Subject: Huge Opening Last Weekend Date: Wed Nov 03 2021 08:20 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Al Kaiser


 AK> The bands were wide open for the CQWW SSB Contest Last weekend.

 AK> It looks like the solar conditions are picking up.   Been working a lot
 AK> of 12 meter FT8 looking for new countries too.

 AK> Looks like we can expect the same for the CQWW CW Contest the end of
 AK> the month and also for the WAE RTTY Contest in a week.

  I talked to several hams, and they said that with all the contesters...
many tuning up, etc. on top of was almost impossible to do
nets, etc. -- unless you were on the WARC bands.

  This weekend is the ARRL CW Sweepstakes, with the Phone Sweepstakes in
2 weeks.

  Contesting never appealed to me, though. Yet, with ham radio, there's
something in it for everybody. My niches are traffic nets, VE Testing,
and doing a forum for new hams.

Daryl, WX4QZ

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