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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Oct 22 2021 09:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   October 21, 2021                                                        
     * Enjoy Two Weekends of Fun During the ARRL November Sweepstakes       
     * ARDC Grants to Fund Amateur Radio Project Expansions                 
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * Hams Support Chicago Marathon                                        
     * ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                       
     * Golden Globe Sailing Race Entrants Banned from Using Amateur Radio  
     * Amateur Radio in the News                                           
     * Announcements                                                       
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Upcoming Section, State, and Division Conventions                   
   Enjoy Two Weekends of Fun During the ARRL November Sweepstakes          
   The ARRL November Sweepstakes (SS) weekends loom large on the amateur   
   radio contest horizon. The CW weekend is November 6 - 8, while the      
   phone weekend is November 20 - 22. Both events begin on Saturday at     
   2100 UTC and conclude on Monday at 0259 UTC.                            
   The SS offers operating categories for every preference. The goal for   
   many seasoned SS operators is to complete a "clean sweep" by contacting 
   all 84 ARRL and Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) Sections.  Canada's      
   Prince Edward Island province joined the list last year. Most SS        
   operators try to run up the contact and multiplier counts and stay in   
   the chair for the full 24 (out of 30) allowable hours.                  
   The competition can be fierce, and the pileups can be huge. In 2020,    
   ARRL received 1,445 logs for the CW event and 2,046 for the phone       
   Some Sections are harder to contact than others. Northern Territories   
   (NT) is always a challenge, but there's a slim chance that snagging NT  
   could be easier this year.                                              
   Gerry Hull, W1VE (also VE1RM), is hoping to operate as VY1AAA for both  
   weekends, using "J" Allen's, VY1JA, Yukon Territory station remotely    
   from the US. Now in his mid-70s, Allen essentially retired from ham     
   radio a few years ago due to health issues, but he's bounced back this  
   year with renewed enthusiasm and working to get a station and antennas  
   ready for Hull to operate. At this point, he's sorting through a        
   backyard scrap pile that includes tower sections he had up in the past. 
   He wants to get 80 - 100 feet assembled and clamped to a sturdy utility 
   pole. Hull says Allen is committed to the task.                         
   The VY1JA tower boneyard. [Photo                                        
   courtesy of J Allen, VY1JA]                                             
   "VY1JA is now in re-construction," Allen says on his profile.   
   "There is only a small chance that it will be done and on the air for   
   SS CW this year. If so, signals may be weaker than in the past, with    
   only a 100 W Omni VII and wire antennas. Plans for building an amp      
   failed, and antenna work has taken far longer than expected."           
   Hull said if Allen does manage to erect the antenna support tower,      
   VY1AAA will have inverted V antennas for 20 and 40 meters, which Hull   
   considers "the money bands from Yukon on CW."                           
   "So, hoping for good weather and good health for J, and then we might   
   have VY1AAA on for the masses for SS CW," he said. Hull said if the CW  
   weekend is successful, he'll consider also operating in the phone       
   Other difficult Sections to contact include Delaware, Puerto Rico, the  
   US Virgin Islands, Pacific, and North Dakota. (Alaska, Hawaii and other 
   US territories in the ARRL Pacific Section, Puerto Rico, and the US     
   Virgin Islands count as W/VE stations, not as DX, for the SS.)          
   Contesters, especially the less experienced, often want to know how to  
   handle duplicate contacts (dupes). It's almost a given that this will   
   happen in SS. While some operators still set up a "hot key" to send     
   "WKD B4" on CW when encountering a dupe, current best practice is to    
   work the apparent dupe, log it, and move on. While dupes don't earn any 
   points, they also don't mean you'll incur a NIL (not-in-log) penalty if 
   the apparent dupe did not log the initial contact for one reason or     
   The SS exchange is patterned on traffic-handling terminology. For both  
   the CW and phone events, stations exchange a sequential serial number   
   (no leading zeros are required), an operating category (precedence),    
   call sign, the last two digits of the year first licensed (check), and  
   ARRL/RAC Section.                                                       
   Most areas of the US change from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time  
   at 2 AM local time on November 7, by moving clocks back 1 hour. UTC is  
   not affected.                                                           
   Logs are due within 7 days after the event is over. Certificates will   
   be awarded in the top operator CW and Phone scores in each category in  
   each ARRL/RAC Section and Division, and plaques will be awarded to the  
   Overall and Division winners. Icom America is the principal awards      
   An operating guide that relates some of the history and evolution of    
   these North American contests is available under "Operating Guidelines" 
   on the ARRL November Sweepstakes page.                                  
   ARDC Grants to Fund Amateur Radio Project Expansions                    
   Two recent Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) grants will      
   benefit the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club (SBARC), K6TZ, and Oregon  
   A $35,550 grant will enable SBARC to construct an amateur radio station 
   at the new Chrisman California Islands Center (CCIC) in downtown        
   Carpinteria, California, at the invitation of the Santa Cruz Island     
   Foundation (SCIF). According to Levi Maaia, K6LCM, who is the K6TZ club 
   call sign trustee, the station is scheduled to open in 2022. SBARC      
   promotes education and training programs for anyone interested in ham   
   radio. It also encourages and sponsors experiments in electronics and   
   promotes the highest standards of practice and ethics in the conduct of 
   The station will be prominently located near the CCIC main entrance. An 
   interactive display will provide an overview of amateur radio           
   communications and the role that amateur radio has played in the        
   history of the islands.                                                 
   When the station is not staffed, visitors can interact with it using a  
   custom touchscreen that controls an interactive presentation on amateur 
   radio and wireless technologies and their importance to mariners,       
   aviators, scientists, and explorers who visit the rugged islands off    
   the California coast. Webcams connected to the station via SBARC's      
   microwave data network will offer visitors a view of the island's       
   terrain in real time.                                                   
   An ARRL-Affiliated club, SBARC already maintains open repeaters, data   
   systems, and a club station in Santa Barbara County under the K6TZ call 
   Oregon HamWAN has received an ARDC grant of $88,000 to expand its       
   digital communications network. The project aims to enhance amateur     
   radio digital and emergency communications capabilities between         
   Portland and Salem, Oregon.                                             
   The nonprofit plans to expand its digital communications network by     
   deploying 12 network backbone distribution sites between the two        
   cities. Eventually, the sites will connect to the Puget Sound Data      
   Ring, which currently extends from Seattle to Vancouver, Washington.    
   The network would allow emergency management personnel to communicate   
   in the event of a disaster, such as a major earthquake, that disrupts   
   telecommunications systems. In such cases, amateur radio operators will 
   be able to quickly set up network nodes where they are needed to        
   provide emergency communication via the Oregon HamWAN digital network.  
   "This will be a game changer for emergency communications in the        
   Portland area," said Herb Weiner, AA7HW, the Oregon HamWAN Project      
   "Deciding to fund [the] Oregon HamWAN project was an easy decision,"    
   said ARDC Grants visory Committee Chair John Hays, K7VE. "It is a     
   well-organized and well-staffed project that uses multiple amateur      
   radio technologies, such as the 44Net IP address space, 5 GHz radios,   
   and proven software methodologies. It will provide a strong backbone    
   network in Oregon and help preserve our microwave bands."               
   ARDC is a California-based private foundation that supports innovative  
   amateur radio projects. The foundation makes grants for projects and    
   organizations that follow amateur radio's practice and tradition of     
   technical experimentation in both amateur radio and digital             
   communication science.                                                  
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 22) will feature  
   a discussion with Chris Plumblee, W4WF, about contesting and what this  
   activity has to offer new amateurs.                                     
   The latest episode of the Eclectic Tech podcast (Episode 45) will       
   feature a discussion about the current status of amateur television     
   with Jim Andrews, KH6HTV, as well as a brief description of an unusual  
   "sound dampening screw."                                                
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android) as well   
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   Hams Support Chicago Marathon                                           
   A team of 135 radio amateurs from four states supported medical teams   
   volunteering for the Bank of America Chicago Marathon on October 10.    
   The Chicago Marathon is the third largest marathon in the world. This   
   marked the 13th year that amateur radio volunteers have partnered with  
   the marathon medical team to help coordinate responses, arrange for     
   deployment of medical supplies, and provide situational awareness for   
   the organizers.                                                         
   The largely flat marathon course has 20 aid stations on its 26.2-mile   
   course, each with a medical tent. Hams are deployed at each medical     
   tent to support communication for the medical teams.                    
   There are two main communication nets: a medical net and a logistics    
   net, and nine repeaters support these nets. Most of the repeaters       
   belong to local clubs, but five temporary repeaters are also deployed.  
   In addition to passing urgent medical and health-and-welfare traffic,   
   ham radio volunteers also provide situational awareness for race        
   organizers, such as updating the number of individuals under care at    
   each medical tent. Hams at each medical tent are also responsible for   
   changing the event alert flag, which informs runners of course          
   conditions so they can adjust their pace. This year, the flags were     
   changed to red because of the humidity and an increased potential for   
   serious heat-related injuries.                                          
   Most communication is done via FM repeaters. If a runner develops a     
   problem, spotters alert a rapid-response medical team, each with a ham  
   volunteer to handle communication. In serious situations, hams can call 
   into the Forward Command post to dispatch medical assistance. Ten ham   
   volunteers in Forward Command serve as net controls, traffic handlers,  
   logging specialists, and expediters.                                    
   Ham radio volunteers at the Chicago                                     
   Marathon Med Team #4 Tent [Photo                                        
   courtesy of Rob Orr, K9RST]                                             
   The event provides plenty of personal challenges. Many ham volunteers   
   report to their duty stations very early in the morning to conduct roll 
   calls at 6 AM, and many remain on course until the event ends at around 
   4 PM. The hams and the medical teams must adjust to the weather as      
   well. Hams also serve the aid stations where race volunteers dispense   
   water and Gatorade. In the event of an emergency, hams shadow the aid   
   station captain to facilitate communication with Forward Command.       
   Even in an era of ubiquitous cell phones, ham radio remains able to     
   provide an independent resource that can back up all other              
   Read an expanded version in this week's edition of The ARES Letter. --  
   Thanks to Rob Orr, K9RST, via The ARES Letter                           
   ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                          
   Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register,   
   check on upcoming webinars, and to view previously recorded sessions.   
   More webinars are coming soon. Check the website for updated            
   ARRL members may register for upcoming presentations and view           
   previously recorded Learning Network webinars. ARRL-affiliated radio    
   clubs may also use the recordings as presentations for club meetings,   
   mentoring new and current hams, and discussing amateur radio topics.    
   The ARRL Learning Network schedule is subject to change.                
   Golden Globe Sailing Race Entrants Banned from Using Amateur Radio      
   The use of amateur radio by participants in the 2022 - 23 Golden Globe  
   Race (GGR) -- an around-the-world sailing competition -- has been       
   banned. Race organizers put the restriction in place because of         
   unlicensed use of amateur radio equipment in the 2018 - 19 event,       
   Yachting Monthly reported. In the 2018 - 19 race, Estonian skipper Uku  
   Randmaa, ES1UKU, was penalized after seeking weather routing (the best  
   route according to wind and weather conditions) via ham radio. While he 
   escaped disqualification, he did receive a 72-hour penalty. Randmaa     
   received weather routing information from Bob McLeod, VP8LP, who        
   advised Randmaa, "The more north you go, the quicker you get out of the 
   wind hole.                                                              
   The race rules say, "Entrants are free to speak to media, family,       
   friends, and sponsors by radio at any time during the event, but must   
   not be given any form of weather routing." But in the next sentence,    
   the rules allow competitors to "communicate freely (by radio or by      
   hailing) with other competitors, or other mariners on vessels at sea,   
   requesting or giving any verbal information/advice whatsoever, even if  
   this is considered weather routing."                                    
   The GGR rules that were spelled out in the Notice of Race require at    
   least a 125 W marine MF/HF radio transceiver with a frequency range of  
   at least 1.6 to 29.9 MHz, "fitted in a 100% watertight enclosure (able  
   to be sealed in any storm) with permanently installed antenna and       
   [ground] and an emergency antenna when the regular antenna depends upon 
   the permanent Backstay."                                                
   The rules make clear that, "Any proven breach of International radio    
   telecommunication regulations, such as transmitting on illegal maritime 
   frequencies, may result in a time penalty. Ham Radio transmissions are  
   specifically banned."                                                   
   According to Yachting Monthly, the change has caused concern within the 
   race community, "with some of the 2018 entrants highlighting            
   difficulties in picking up Global Maritime Distress and Safety System   
   (GMDSS) frequencies in the Southern Ocean due to the shrinking of the   
   broadcasting network as more mariners rely on satellite communication." 
                                      The approximately 30,000-mile GGR    
                                      solo circumnavigation starts and     
                                      ends in Les Sables-d'Olonne, France. 
                                      It has four rendezvous "gates" along 
                                      the way. [Maxine Heath image]        
   "This is a retro race with skippers restricted to using a sextant [a    
   navigation instrument used to measure altitudes of celestial bodies],   
   paper charts, and wind-up chronometers, just as Sir Robin Knox-Johnston 
   used in the first Sunday Times Golden Globe Race 50 years ago," Race    
   Chairman Don McIntyre has explained.                                    
   In the 2018 race, some GGR skippers who operated on ham radio           
   frequencies using bogus call signs were asked to stop operating.        
   GGR monitors all severe weather with winds over 40 knots and, if        
   appropriate, provides both forecasting and routing information to       
   assist entrants in sailing safely.                                      
   Amateur Radio in the News                                               
   ARRL Public Information Officers, Coordinators, and many other          
   member-volunteers help keep amateur radio and ARRL in the news.         
     * Mary Hare pupils make contact with International Space Station in   
       world first for deaf children with Newbury Amateur Radio Society /  
       Newbury Weekly News, UK, October 13, 2021                           
     * Dialed In: Owensboro Amateur Radio Club going strong /              
       Messenger-Inquirer, Kentucky, October 11, 2021                      
     * Hundreds take part in Burlingame's Drill. Residents joined by       
       police, fire and Ham radio operators / Patch, California, October   
       10, 2021                                                            
   Share any amateur radio media hits you spot with us.                    
     * ARRL's YouTube channel, ARRLHQ, has launched a series of amateur    
       radio Technician-class license courses. This series of videos       
       features Dave Casler, KE0OG, QST's "Ask Dave" columnist, who leads  
       viewers through The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual. These videos     
       supplement the manual and provide an overview of the sections       
       students will study, along with a few videos on how things work.    
       Share this excellent resource with those who are preparing to take  
       the Technician exam, and visit the ARRLHQ YouTube channel for more  
       great amateur radio videos.                                         
     * Radio Club Argentina celebrates its 100th anniversary on October    
       21. Special event station L21RCA has been active throughout the     
     * The WRTC 2022 organizing committee has announced final              
       qualification standings for team leaders and teammates. The         
       organizers note that WRTC 2022 has been postponed until July 2023.  
     * The International DX Association (INDEXA) has a new mailing         
       address. It is 2309 Lincoln Ave., Saint Albans, WV 25177.           
     * A free General-class licensing course via Zoom will begin on        
       Thursday, October 28 and continue through Thursday, January 13 --   
       nine sessions in all, plus 3 weeks off for the holidays in November 
       and December. Rol Anders, K3RA, will be the instructor. Sessions    
       will start at 6:30 PM ET (2230 UTC on October 28; 2330 UTC          
       thereafter) and run for 3 hours. Classes are sponsored by the       
       National Electronics Museum. To sign up, email Anders.              
     * Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, reports that the NO-104 satellite has been    
       enabled for APRS-to-voice (A2V) mode. Information on how to use     
       this and other features of this satellite is on the PSAT2 website.  
       "PSAT2 voltage telemetry has failed, so we will turn the PSAT2 user 
       modes on as long as they work," Bruninga said.                      
   In Brief...                                                             
   The November issue of QST includes the article, "The Beverage Antenna,  
   100 Years Later," by Ward Silver, N0AX, and Frank Donovan, W3LPL. The   
   famous receiving antenna, designed and patented in 1921 by Harold       
   Beverage, 2BML, remains popular for the low bands as increasing sunspot 
   activity in Solar Cycle 25 leads to weaker signals on 160 and 80        
   meters. The article explains the Beverage antenna's noise-rejection     
   abilities, as well as how to build a basic Beverage antenna system. The 
   November issue also includes a special contesting insert, "Contest      
   Season 2021 - 2022," which is full of resources and hints to help you   
   have your best radiosport season yet.                                   
   The Yasme Foundation Board of Directors has announced a grant to the    
   Seychelles Amateur Radio Association (SARA). The funds will go toward   
   establishing a facility for its recently formed (2018) amateur radio    
   club. The Yasme Foundation also announced that Steve Babcock, VE6WZ, of 
   Calgary, Alberta, Canada, is the latest recipient of its Excellence     
   Award. This honor is presented to individuals and groups who, through   
   their own service, creativity, effort, and dedication, have made a      
   significant contribution to amateur radio. The Yasme Foundation cited   
   Babcock's contributions to the art of low-band antennas and remote      
   operating. Babcock has made countless hours of instructional videos,    
   which are available to the amateur community for free via his   
   profile. The Yasme Excellence Award is given in the form of a cash      
   grant and an individually engraved crystal globe.                       
   The 2021 AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium will take place as a   
   Zoom webinar on October 24. It will run from 0945 until 1500 UTC.       
   AMSAT-UK membership is not required, but participants are asked to      
   register before October 24. The 2021 colloquium will also be            
   livestreamed via YouTube. Each presentation will be followed by a       
   5-minute Q&A session, and Zoom participants will be able to pose        
   questions to the speakers. The AMSAT-UK Annual General Meeting will     
   follow the colloquium and, after a short break, there will be an        
   informal evening discussion session on "all things satellite."          
   The new Youth category for the CQ World Wide DX Contest (CQ WW, phone)  
   will debut October 30 - 31. The category covers contesters age 25 years 
   old or younger and applies not only to the phone event but the CW       
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