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Subject: Re: [ANSI] PACKET Date: Mon Apr 12 2021 01:02 pm
From: Sean Dennis To: Eduardo CSatillo

-=> LU9DCE wrote to All <=-

 LU> [0m[1;1H[66C[1mX[5CX[B[73D[66CXX[0mX   [1mXX[0mX[B[75D[3C

Please do not post ANSI ads in this echo.  If you want to post about
your packet BBS, please do so in regular ASCII.  Ads aren't actually
allowed in here but in this case I may make an exception.

Sean KS4TD
HAM Moderator
___ MultiMail/Win v0.52

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * (1:18/200)

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