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Subject: Re: qwk 25 char subj line Date: Sat Jan 16 2021 01:06 pm
From: Rob Swindell To: Mauro Veiga

  Re: Re: qwk 25 char subj line
  By: Mauro Veiga to AUGUST ABOLINS on Fri Jan 15 2021 10:54 am

 >      The Bluewave standard accepts long titles and much more useful
 >      information than QWK and QWKE.  It is a pity that the developers
 >      insist on poor QWK or a little better QWKE instead of adopting a
 >      much higher standard like Bluewave.

I've looked at the Bluewave format several times over the years for
consideration in supporting in Synchronet, and ever time I conclude that it's
hardly any better than QWK or QWKE and my extensions to QWK/QWKE (namely, the
HEADERS.DAT file) blow Bluewave away.

I would say the "much higher standard" is actually Synchronet-extended QWK. :-) 
And I agree, more developers should adopt it.
                                            digital man

Sling Blade quote #13:
Karl: He lives inside of his own heart. That's an awful big place to live in.
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