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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Jan 15 2021 09:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   January 14, 2021                                                        
     * Dayton Hamvention Cancels 2021 Show                                  
     * FCC Invites Comments on Expanding the Number of Volunteer Examiner   
     * WSJT-X 2.4.0 to Introduce New Digital Protocol Q65                   
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * ARRL Seeks Nominations for Seven Awards                             
     * ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                      
     * Announcements                                                       
     * ARRL Life Member Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, is 2021 Carole Perry Educator   
       of the Year                                                         
     * Seven US Schools Move Forward in ARISS Selection Process            
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   Dayton Hamvention Cancels 2021 Show                                     
   Dayton Hamvention^(R) has been canceled for the second year.            
   "Unfortunately, several setbacks in the recovery from the COVID-19      
   pandemic make necessary the difficult decision to cancel Hamvention     
   2021," a January 11 announcement from the Hamvention Executive          
   Committee said. Sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association       
   (DARA), Hamvention was set to take place May 21 - 23 in Xenia, Ohio.    
   "Hundreds of volunteers have been working to do everything necessary to 
   bring this Hamvention to the many amateur radio enthusiasts and vendors 
   who support the Dayton Hamvention," the committee continued. "Vaccine   
   distribution both in the United States and around the world is lagging  
   behind what was planned. In addition, the emergence of a more           
   communicable form of the COVID-19 virus increases the potential for     
   further public health problems in the next few months. We make this     
   difficult decision for the safety of our guests and vendors." Tickets   
   deferred last year will be deferred again until 2022.                   
   The Hamvention Committee hinted at a QSO party for Hamvention weekend.  
   In November, Hamvention had announced that "The Gathering" would be the 
   theme for the 2021 show.                                                
   Hamvention is the largest annual amateur radio gathering in the US, and 
   was the host of the ARRL National Convention for its last event, held   
   in 2019. The ARRL Hamfest and Convention Calendar includes a searchable 
   database that includes other canceled in-person events.                 
   FCC Invites Comments on Expanding the Number of Volunteer Examiner      
   In a January 5 Public Notice, the FCC requested comments on whether the 
   current 14 Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs) are sufficient to     
   facilitate the efforts of their accredited Volunteer Examiners (VEs) in 
   administering amateur radio examinations, or whether it should          
   authorize up to five additional VECs. Comments are due by February 5,   
   and reply comments are due by February 19. After Congress authorized it 
   to do so, the FCC adopted rules in 1983 to allow volunteers to prepare  
   and administer amateur radio examinations, and it established the       
   system of VECs and VEs. The ARRL VEC is the largest of the 14 VECs in   
   the US.                                                                 
   "VECs introduced consistency into the volunteer examiner program by     
   centralizing accreditation of volunteer examiners, coordinating the     
   dates and times for scheduling examinations, and managing the various   
   administrative tasks arising from examinations," the FCC said.          
   Authorized VECs may operate in any of the 13 VEC regions, but must      
   service at least one region. The FCC pointed out that some VECs now     
   offer remote examinations.                                              
   "The Commission has long maintained 14 VECs and now seeks to consider   
   whether they continue to serve the evolving needs of the amateur        
   community, or whether there are unmet needs that warrant considering    
   expanding the number of VECs," the FCC said.                            
   The FCC Public Notice provided questions for framing comments:          
     * Are the existing 14 VECs sufficient to coordinate the efforts of    
       Volunteer Examiners in preparing and administering examinations for 
       amateur radio operator licenses, or are additional VECs needed?     
     * What needs are currently being met, and which needs, if any, are    
     * If the FCC were to allow additional VECs, how many more would be    
       needed to satisfy existing Amateur Radio Service license            
       examination needs? (The FCC indicated that it would likely cap the  
       number of additional VECs at five.)                                 
     * Given that VECs use a collaborative process to create examination   
       question pools and volunteer examination administration protocols,  
       would additional VECs enhance or hinder this process?               
     * How would increasing the number of VECs address the unmet needs, if 
       any, of the amateur radio community, and what obstacles or          
       complications could result from increasing the number of VECs?      
   Interested parties may file short comments on WT Docket No. 21-2 via    
   the FCC's Electronic Comment Filing Service (Express). Visit the FCC's  
   "How to Comment on FCC Proceedings" page for information on filing      
   extended comments.                                                      
   WSJT-X 2.4.0 to Introduce New Digital Protocol Q65                      
   WSJT-X version 2.4.0 will introduce a new digital protocol called Q65,  
   which, according to the Quick Start Guide, is designed for "minimal     
   two-way QSOs over especially difficult propagation paths." The Guide    
   said, "On paths with Doppler spread more than a few hertz, the          
   weak-signal performance of Q65 is the best among all WSJT-X modes. Q65  
   is particularly effective for tropospheric scatter, ionospheric         
   scatter, and EME on VHF and higher bands, as well as other types of     
   fast-fading signals."                                                   
   The new protocol uses 65-tone frequency-shift keying and builds on the  
   demonstrated weak-signal strengths of QRA64, introduced in 2016. User   
   messages and sequencing are identical to those in FT4, FT8, FST4, and   
   MSK144. Q65 employs a "unique tone" to sync time and frequency. "As     
   with JT65, this 'sync tone' is readily visible on the waterfall         
   spectral display," the Guide said.                                      
   "Unlike JT65, synchronization and decoding are effective even when      
   meteor pings or other short signal enhancements are present.            
   Transmit/receive sequence lengths of 15, 30, 60, 120, and 300 seconds   
   are available. According to the Guide, "Q65 will enable stations with a 
   modest Yagi and 100 W or more and to work one another on 6 meters at    
   distances up to ~1,600 kilometers at most times, in dead-band           
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On The Air podcast (Episode 13) features a    
   discussion with Curt Laumann, K7ZOO, about his success in boosting      
   activity at the University of Arizona amateur radio club.               
   The latest edition of Eclectic Tech (Episode 25) will discuss extreme   
   magnetic fields and also feature a chat with Bob Allison, WB1GCM, on    
   the topic of hunting down and resolving interference.                   
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android), as well  
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   ARRL Seeks Nominations for Seven Awards                                 
   ARRL invites nominations for awards that recognize excellence in        
   amateur radio educational, technological, and public relations          
   pursuits. Nominations are also open for the Hiram Percy Maxim Award,    
   ARRL's premier award to honor a young licensee.                         
   The Hiram Percy Maxim Award                                             
   The Hiram Percy Maxim Award is the premier honor for a radio amateur    
   and ARRL member younger than 21 whose accomplishments and contributions 
   are of the most exemplary nature within the framework of amateur radio  
   activities. Nominations must be made through your ARRL Section Manager, 
   who will forward nominations to ARRL Headquarters by March 31, 2021.    
   Nomination forms and supporting information should document as          
   thoroughly as possible the nominee's amateur radio achievements and     
   contributions during the previous calendar year.                        
   The ARRL Herb S. Brier Instructor of the Year Award                     
   This award honors an ARRL volunteer amateur radio instructor or         
   professional classroom teacher who uses creative instructional          
   approaches and reflects the highest values of the amateur radio         
   community. The award highlights quality of -- and commitment to --      
   licensing instruction. Nominations are due by March 15, 2021.           
   Technical Awards                                                        
   The ARRL Microwave Development Award pays tribute to a radio amateur or 
   group of radio amateurs who contribute to the development of the        
   amateur radio microwave bands. The nomination deadline is March 31,     
   The ARRL Technical Service Award recognizes a radio amateur or group of 
   radio amateurs who provide amateur radio technical assistance or        
   training to others. The nomination deadline is March 31, 2021.          
   The ARRL Technical Innovation Award commends a radio amateur or group   
   of radio amateurs who develop and apply new technical ideas or          
   techniques in amateur radio. The nomination deadline is March 31, 2021. 
   The Knight Distinguished Service Award                                  
   The Knight Distinguished Service Award honors exceptional contributions 
   by an ARRL Section Manager to the health and vitality of ARRL. The      
   nomination deadline is April 30, 2021. It was named for Joe T. Knight,  
   W5PDY (SK), who was commended for his exemplary service not only as     
   ARRL New Mexico Section Manager for more than a quarter-century, but    
   for his willingness to share his knowledge and leadership skills.       
   The Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award                       
   The ARRL Public Relations Committee invites nominations for the Philip  
   J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award. This award recognizes and       
   honors the efforts of an ARRL member-volunteer who demonstrates success 
   in amateur radio public relations and creates greater awareness and     
   understanding for amateur radio through efforts focused on the media    
   and general public. The nomination deadline is May 14, 2021.            
   The ARRL Board of Directors makes the final determination of award      
   recipients. Winners typically are announced following the Board's July  
   meeting. More information about these awards is on the ARRL website, or 
   contact Steve Ewald, WV1X, at ARRL Headquarters (telephone              
   International Amateur Radio Union Preparing for WRC-23                  
   Preparations are under way by the International Amateur Radio Union     
   (IARU) to represent the interests of the amateur and amateur-satellite  
   services at World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23). The      
   International Telecommunication Union (ITU) sponsors WRCs, typically    
   every 4 years, to consider revisions to the international Radio         
   Regulations that define frequency allocations for various radio         
   "As an incumbent radio service with allocations at intervals throughout 
   the radio spectrum, the amateur service faces challenges at every WRC," 
   IARU Secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ, said. "Successfully defending our    
   existing access to the spectrum is a significant accomplishment at any  
   WRC, but sometimes it is possible also to improve our existing          
   allocations. WRC-19 resulted in major improvements in 50 MHz            
   allocations in Region 1. Without any doubt, this could not have         
   happened without the concerted efforts of dozens of IARU volunteers     
   over the course of several years."                                      
   The next WRC is expected to be held in 2023. Under the direction of     
   IARU Vice President Ole Garpestad, LA2RR, 20 IARU volunteers have been  
   participating in virtual meetings of ITU working parties and            
   preparatory committees of regional telecommunications organizations     
   (RTOs) as they address WRC-23 agenda items of particular concern to     
   amateur radio. Potentially affected bands are 50 - 54 MHz (a new        
   service has been proposed in an adjacent band); 1240 - 1300 MHz; 3300 - 
   3400 MHz; 10.0 - 10.5 GHz, and 241 - 250 GHz. In addition, studies are  
   being conducted to identify protection requirements for space weather   
   sensors that operate in frequency bands from 13 kHz to at least 15 GHz. 
   The participation of IARU member-societies in preparations at the       
   national level is an important contribution to amateur radio's eventual 
   success at a WRC, Sumner said.                                          
   The IARU ministrative Council has chosen "Amateur Radio: Home but     
   Never Alone" as the theme for World Amateur Radio Day on Sunday, April  
   18, 2021. With the pandemic driving adoption of physical isolation to   
   reduce the spread of the virus, the worldwide amateur radio community   
   has responded positively to overcome the resulting social isolation.    
   On-air activity was at an unprecedented level throughout the remainder  
   of 2020, with record-breaking numbers of entries in the major contests, 
   Sumner said. "This theme offers the opportunity for our                 
   member-societies to tailor meaningful messages to the general public    
   about the values of the global amateur radio community."                
   ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                          
   Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register,   
   check on upcoming webinars, and to view previously recorded sessions.   
   The schedule is subject to change.                                      
   Emergency Communications: Why Train? -- North Texas Section Emergency   
   Coordinator Greg Evans, K5GTX                                           
   Utilizing amateur radio operators in an emergency communication         
   situation is a key function that can save lives. We must be able to     
   respond to the needs of our served agencies quickly and responsibly.    
   Topics covered include the Incident Command System and its relevance;   
   building on consistent training; interoperability with multiple         
   communication providers; interoperability with VOAD and partners, and   
   Mission One: get the information delivered.                             
   Thursday, January 21, 2021, 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST (2030 UTC)       
   Easy Helical Copper Tape and PVC 2-Meter Vertical Antenna -- John       
   Portune, W6NBC                                                          
   Here's how to quickly build a tiny, 18-inch, continuously loaded        
   lightweight portable or base station 2-meter omnidirectional vertical   
   antenna with performance and efficiency comparable to a 5-foot J-pole.  
   The antenna is built from hardware store copper tape and PVC pipe, and  
   the cost is roughly $10. It's an easy afternoon's homebrew project,     
   ideal for the new ham but equal to the experienced ham's needs. It's    
   great for events like bike-a-thons. It also makes an excellent ham      
   radio club hands-on building project, and the design is adaptable to    
   other bands.                                                            
   Tuesday, February 2, 2021, 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST (1800 UTC)              
   Interesting Stories about Ham Radio & Weather Spotting -- Rob Macedo,   
   One of the most critical ways amateur radio supports agencies such as   
   the National Weather Service (NWS), National Hurricane Center (NHC),    
   and emergency management is through weather spotting via the NWS        
   SKYWARN program. This presentation reviews some interesting stories     
   about how amateurs involved in SKYWARN have saved lives and property    
   and why this is an important amateur radio activity.                    
   Thursday February 11, 2021 @ 8 pm EST (0100 UTC on Friday, February 12) 
     * The Reverse Beacon Network has announced some enhancements. Pete    
       Smith, N4ZR, said, "Thanks to Mark Glenn, K7MJG, the RBN beta       
       site's world map now displays currently and recently active RBN     
       nodes, along with spots. Red dots denote nodes that have made at    
       least one spot in the last 30 minutes."                             
     * The Fédération des clubs radioamateurs du Québec (RAQI) is marking  
       the 70th anniversary of RAQI in 2021 with Quebec Parks On The Air   
       (QcPOTA). The event will take place from April 1 to December 31,    
     * The ebook, Capture the MAGIC of Six Meters, by Jim Wilson, K5ND, is 
       available for free download. It covers propagation, equipment,      
       software, antennas, awards, and contesting, as well as assistance   
       in finding the magic, Wilson says.                                  
     * Tom Roscoe, K8CX, has 149 "rare DX MP3 sound clips" on his         site. Some of the nearly 3,000 classic clips go back 
       to the 1960s.                                                       
     * CQ has announced that Steve Molo, KI4KWR, of Madison, Alabama, is   
       the magazine's Awards Editor.                                       
     * The FCC's Enforcement Bureau has announced that it will target      
       property owners and managers who "knowingly tolerate pirate         
       broadcasting on their properties." The FCC said it would be         
       exercising its new authority under the recently enacted PIRATE Act. 
   ARRL Life Member Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, is 2021 Carole Perry Educator of    
   the Year                                                                
   Orlando HamCation^(R) has announced that ARRL Life Member Neil Rapp,    
   WB9VPG, of Bloomington, Indiana, is the 2021 recipient of the Carole    
   Perry Educator of the Year Award. The award recognizes an outstanding   
   individual contribution in educating and advancing youth in amateur     
   radio. It was first awarded in 2018 to its namesake, Carole Perry,      
   WB2MGP, in honor of her work as an educator teaching students about ham 
   radio. Rapp was ARRL 2004 Professional Educator of the Year. He's an    
   Assistant Central Division Director and an ARRL VEC certified examiner. 
   An educational professional for more than 28 years, Rapp currently      
   teaches chemistry at Bloomington High School South. He's also the       
   school's amateur radio club sponsor and has introduced 3,600 students   
   and parents to amateur radio through his involvement in the             
   organization. Among his educational achievements, he was able to send   
   an experiment involving protein crystallization to the International    
   Space Station (ISS). He also mentored 2013 Amateur Radio Newsline Young 
   Ham of the Year and ARRL William R. Goldfarb Memorial Scholarship       
   recipient Padraig Lysandrou, KC9UUS.                                    
   Rapp got his license when he was 5 years old, and, at the time, was     
   touted as the world's youngest ham. Now 50, he's the host and founder   
   of the amateur radio podcast Ham Talk Live! He's also a member of AMSAT 
   and was the youngest person to both join and be eligible for membership 
   in the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA). He is the editor of 
   the "Next-Gen Contesters" column for NCJ.                               
   Seven US Schools Move Forward in ARISS Selection Process                
   Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) has announced  
   that seven schools or host organizations selected for the July -        
   December 2021 contact window have moved forward in the processes of     
   planning to host a scheduled amateur radio contact with a space station 
   crew member. ARISS' primary goal is to engage young people in science,  
   technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) activities and raise    
   their awareness of space communications, radio communication, space     
   exploration, and related areas of study and career possibilities.       
   The schools/organizations are:                                          
     * Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt University in   
       Nashville, Tennessee                                                
     * Tarwater Elementary School in Chandler, Arizona                     
     * Museum of Science & Technology in Syracuse, New York                
     * SpaceKids Global and Girl Scouts of Citrus in Winter Park, Florida  
     * Illinois Wing Civil Air Patrol in St. Charles, Illinois             
     * Children's National Hospital in Washington, DC                      
     * Savannah River Academy in Grovetown, Georgia                        
   ARISS is now working with hosts to complete acceptable equipment plans  
   that demonstrate their ability to carry out a ham radio contact. Once   
   their equipment plan is approved by the ARISS Technical Mentors, the    
   final list of host schools/organizations will be scheduled as their     
   availability and flexibility match up with contact opportunities        
   offered by NASA.                                                        
   This year, ARISS celebrates 20 years of continuous amateur radio        
   operations on the ISS.                                                  
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Solar Cycle 25 seemed well under way, 
   but no new sunspots emerged since December 23. The last time any        
   sunspot was visible was January 2.                                      
   Average daily solar flux declined from 78.6 to 73.8. Geomagnetic A      
   index remained quiet. Predicted solar flux for the next 30 days is 73,  
   73, and 74 on January 14 - 16; 75 on January 17 - 19; 73 and 75 on      
   January 20 - 21; 78 on January 22 - 27; 77 on January 28 - 31; 75 on    
   February 1 - 6, and 74 on February 7 - 12. Solar flux is expected to    
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