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Subject: Re: qwk 25 char subj line Date: Fri Jan 15 2021 10:54 am
From: Mauro Veiga To: AUGUST ABOLINS

 -=> Quoting August Abolins to Dale Shipp <=-

 AA> But QWK's 25 char limit in the subject s cutting off my beautifully thought
 AA> out  subjects! LOL

 AA> And yours seems to even cut them down further to about 20 chars.   :(

 AA> Your subject line for something like:
 AA> FidoGazette Vol 13 no 17 Page: 7
 AA> FidoGazette Vol 13 no 17 Page: 6
 AA> FidoGazette Vol 13 no 17 Page: 5

 AA> ..would look all the same in your lists:
 AA> FidoGazette Vol 13 no 17

 AA> I dunno how you can accept that! :/

 AA> The "future" of longer subject line awaits you!

     The Bluewave standard accepts long titles and much more useful
     information than QWK and QWKE.  It is a pity that the developers
     insist on poor QWK or a little better QWKE instead of adopting a
     much higher standard like Bluewave.

 AA>> .. I had a little trouble 
 AA>> getting the setup.exe to cooperate. "not a wn32 program" error. Bad 
 AA>> archive? Maybe the archive is listed somewhere else to try?
 DS> More likely, it is a 16 bit program.  It would need WINXP or so to install.

 AA> Indeed.  I was attempting to try in on my XP.   No go.  :(   No
 AA> "future" for  16bit.

     With the advancement of emulators, 16bits will never die. :-)

... QWK: The VHS of offline mail formats.
___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30
--- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
 * Origin: Ninho do Abutre 2 - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil * (4:801/194)

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Replies: Re: qwk 25 char subj line (Rob Swindell)