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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Dec 25 2020 09:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   December 17, 2020                                                       
     * SKYWARN Recognition Day 2020 Deemed A Success                        
     * SSTV Event to Help ARISS Mark 20 Years of Continuous Ham Radio       
       Operation in Space                                                   
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * Oregon ARRL VEC Testing Group Offers Testing from the Comfort of     
       Your Car                                                            
     * Announcements                                                       
     * The ARRL RTTY Roundup is January 2 - 3                              
     * SAQ Alexanderson Alternator Christmas Eve Transmission Cancelled    
     * ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                      
     * Reverse Beacon Network Leveraging Yasme Foundation Grant for        
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
     * Due to severe winter weather, ARRL Headquarters is closed on        
       Thursday, December 17 for the safety of our staff. Headquarters     
       management expects that things will be back to normal on Friday,    
       December 18.                                                        
     * Because of the holidays, this will be the final edition of The ARRL 
       Letter for 2020. The ARRL Letter will return on January 7. ARRL     
       Audio News will be available on December 18, and then go on hiatus  
       until January 8.                                                    
     * Logbook of The World (LoTW), ARRL's online QSO confirmation system, 
       will undergo scheduled maintenance beginning Monday, December 21,   
       at 2300 UTC (6 PM EST) for approximately 6 hours. LoTW will be      
       offline and unavailable while the system's server is upgraded to    
       new hardware. Thank you for your understanding.                     
   SKYWARN Recognition Day 2020 Deemed A Success                           
   Judging by the list of more than 700 registered participants,           
   SKYWARN^(R) Recognition Day (SRD) on December 5 was a success.          
   Cosponsored by ARRL and the National Weather Service (NWS), SRD         
   recognizes radio amateurs for the vital public service they provide     
   during severe weather. Participants ranged from NWS offices, radio      
   amateurs, non-amateur radio spotters, and non-SKYWARN spotters. Radio   
   amateurs -- the first SKYWARN volunteers -- comprise a large percentage 
   of SKYWARN volunteers across the country, providing vital communication 
   between the NWS and emergency management in the event that              
   telecommunication systems are knocked out.                              
   The NWS Milwaukee Forecast Office reported more than 150 contacts       
   logged across 35 states. The NWS office in Springfield, Missouri,       
   tweeted, "What would SKYWARN Recognition Day be without a special       
   thanks to the net control operators?" The NWS office in Chicago         
   tweeted, "SKYWARN Recognition Day has come to an end; thanking everyone 
   for attending and to all of our spotters across the nation."            
   SKYWARN Recognition Day planner and organizer Michael Lewis, KG4KJQ,    
   who is the Warning Coordination Meteorologist in the northern Indiana   
   NWS Forecast Office, expressed appreciation to the SRD Planning Team    
   and the Facebook livestream presenters for helping to make the event a  
   success. The NWS Forecast Office in northern Indiana registered 34      
   radio amateurs. The office serves 37 counties in northern Indiana,      
   southwest lower Michigan, and northwest Ohio.                           
   Given the COVID-19 pandemic, SRD was handled a little differently than  
   in the past. Normally, radio amateurs participate from their home       
   stations and from stations at NWS forecast offices, with the goal of    
   contacting as many NWS forecast offices as possible. This year,         
   participation from NWS forecast offices was minimal, and the focus      
   shifted to contacting as many SKYWARN trained spotters as possible. New 
   this year, SRD was opened to all SKYWARN spotters, and a SKYWARN        
   Recognition Day Facebook page was created, hosting a variety of live    
   and recorded segments throughout the day. -- Thanks to the ARRL ARES    
   SSTV Event to Help ARISS Mark 20 Years of Continuous Ham Radio          
   Operation in Space                                                      
   Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) will continue  
   its year-long 20th anniversary celebration of continuous ham radio      
   operation from the ISS this month, with a slow-scan television (SSTV)   
   event over the holidays. The first ARISS school contact took place in   
   December 2000, not long after the first ISS crew arrived on station a   
   month earlier and had made test contacts. The commemorative             
   late-December SSTV event will be held December 24 through December 31,  
   although dates are subject to change. The frequency will be 145.800     
   MHz, using SSTV PD-120 mode. Over its 20 years, ARISS has supported     
   nearly 1,400 scheduled ham radio contacts with schools, student groups, 
   and other education organizations.                                      
   "ARISS would not be the complex and growing program of education,       
   operations, and hardware were it not for ARRL, AMSAT, NASA, and the ISS 
   National Lab (INL)," said Rosalie White, K1STO, ARISS-US Delegate       
   representing ARRL. "For these past 20 years and for the years to come,  
   when we grow into lunar ham radio opportunities and more, the ARISS     
   team will continue to be grateful to ARRL and all our sponsors. We      
   could not do it without you!"                                           
   The ARISS ham radio gear, for what would become NA1SS on board the      
   station, arrived ahead of the Expedition 1 crew, headed by Bill         
   Shepherd, KD5GSL. Shepherd made the first ARISS school contact with     
   students at Luther Burbank Elementary School in Illinois on December    
   21, 2000. NASA has marked the ARISS milestone with an infographic       
   highlighting the educational contacts via amateur radio between         
   astronaut crew members aboard the ISS and students.                     
   ARISS will continue to sponsor various commemorative events through     
   November 2021, including more of the very popular ARISS SSTV sessions.  
   In celebration of the 20th anniversary of ham radio on the space        
   station, ARISS took part in the ISS Research and Development Conference 
   (ISSRDC) panel session, "20 Years of STEM Experiments on the ISS." A    
   video developed for the session describes the program, conveys some key 
   lessons learned over the past 20 years, and describes the ARISS team's  
   vision for the future.                                                  
   "Twenty years of continuous operations is a phenomenal accomplishment," 
   said ARISS-International Chair Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, who's been with the 
   program from the start. "But what makes it even more extraordinary is   
   that ARISS has achieved this through hundreds of volunteers who are     
   passionate in paying it forward to our youth and ham radio community.   
   On behalf of the ARISS International team, I would like to express our  
   heartfelt thanks to every volunteer who has made ARISS such an amazing  
   success over the past 20 years. Your passion, drive, creativity, and    
   spirit made it happen."                                                 
   In September, ARISS announced that the initial element of its           
   next-generation Interoperable Radio System (IORS) had been installed in 
   the ISS Columbus module, replacing outmoded and problematic station     
   A helpful addition to the ARISS website is a "Current Status of ISS     
   Stations," which reports the present or coming operating mode of ARISS  
   radios in the Columbus and Service modules. Click on "General Contacts" 
   and then "Current Status of ISS Stations" on the drop-down menu of the  
   ARISS website to access the reports.                                    
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 12) features a    
   discussion about storm spotting and SKYWARN, with Mike Corey, KI1U.     
   The latest episode of Eclectic Tech (Episode 23) includes a story about 
   6th-generation wireless networking, and a discussion with W1AW Station  
   Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, about the technology in use at W1AW.          
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android), as well  
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   Oregon ARRL VEC Testing Group Offers Testing from the Comfort of Your   
   Volunteer Examiners in Grant County, Oregon, affiliated with the ARRL   
   Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC), put their heads together to       
   overcome adversity and hold a safe and secure drive-in exam session     
   that took pandemic precautions into account. Current health regulations 
   in Oregon precluded both indoor and outdoor gatherings, so the Grant    
   County Amateur Radio Club, the local ARES Group, and the Grant County   
   Emergency Radio Infrastructure Coalition (ERIC) combined forces to      
   offer five candidates the chance to obtain their first license or to    
   upgrade their existing license, all from the comfort of their vehicles. 
   "Many amateur radio clubs have experimented with exams via the          
   internet," said Steve Fletcher, K7AA, who is the ARES Emergency         
   Coordinator for Grant County. "In eastern Oregon, with the cooperation  
   of the County Roads Department, we chose to hold a 'drive-up' exam      
   session on Saturday, December 12. Under the circumstances, we used four 
   ARRL VEs for the exam instead of the required three." Wheeler County    
   ARES loaned Stuart Bottom, K7FG, to help as the third required Amateur  
   Extra-class Volunteer Examiner.                                         
   Fletcher reports three new Technician-class licensees and two new       
   General-class radio amateurs resulted from the session.                 
   Required ARRL VEC forms contained pre-printed data -- including the FCC 
   Registration Number (FRN) -- were given to the candidates on a          
   clipboard. Each candidate took the exam in the front seat of their own  
   vehicle. Cell phones, papers, and anything not required for the exam    
   were removed.                                                           
   "Everyone dressed warmly, and most candidates had their heaters         
   running," Fletcher reported. A camper owned by Ronda Metler, KB5LAX,    
   and a communications van owned by Fletcher served as sites to check     
   results and sign forms.                                                 
   The Grant County Roads Department loaned its parking area for the exam  
   session. Thanks to Steve Fletcher, K7AA; photos courtesy of Thomas      
     * The summer/autumn edition (No. 25) of The 5 MHz Newsletter is now   
       available for download in PDF. A newsletter archive is maintained.  
       -- Thanks to editor Paul Gaskell, G4MWO                             
     * CWops is accepting award nominations for the 2021 CWops Award for   
       vancing the Art of CW. The award recognizes individuals, groups,  
       or organizations that have made the greatest contribution toward    
       advancing the art or practice of radio communications by Morse      
       code. More details are on the ARRL website.                         
     * As he has done each December for the past few years, Brian Justin,  
       WA1ZMS, of Forest, Virginia, will transmit a program on 486 kHz,    
       under authority of his FCC Part 5 Experimental License WI2XLQ, to   
       commemorate wireless pioneer Reginald Fessenden's accomplishments.  
       Justin will transmit for at least 24 hours starting at around 1800  
       UTC on December 24. Fessenden claimed to have made his first voice  
       -- and music -- broadcast on Christmas Eve in 1906 from Brant Rock, 
       Massachusetts, although his account is disputed.                    
     * The WINTERHEAT VHF/UHF simplex event will take place during         
       January. The event is open to participants in Illinois, Michigan,   
       Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa, and Wisconsin. -- Thanks to      
       Jesse Hunter, W9ABS                                                 
     * HamAlert will notify you when a desired station appears on the DX   
       cluster, the Reverse Beacon Network, or PSK Reporter. Alerts are    
       available via email, push notification, text message, or URL        
       GET/POST. Registration is free.                                     
   The ARRL RTTY Roundup is January 2 - 3                                  
   The 2021 ARRL RTTY Roundup on January 2 - 3 features two new            
   multioperator categories: multi-two (M2) and multi-multi (MM). Because  
   M2 and MM are new categories, there are no existing records, so the     
   high scores for these categories will, by default, become the new       
   records. High scores are kept by US call area, ARRL Division, ARRL      
   Section, Canadian Province, and DX entity. Visit the ARRL Contest web   
   page to see the current ARRL RTTY Roundup all-time records.             
   If you're new to RTTY or digital modes, in the RTTY Roundup, operators  
   worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other amateurs      
   using Baudot RTTY, PSK, FT8/FT4, ASCII, AMTOR, and Packet. Automated    
   operation is not permitted; each claimed contact must include           
   contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the  
   If you have to look outside your immediate household for M2 or MM       
   operators and you're already set up for RTTY or FT8/FT4, consider       
   staying safe and letting other team members access your station         
   remotely via AnyDesk or another sharing technology. The key to making   
   this easy and frustration-free for all involved is that all aspects of  
   your station's operation be controllable from your logging computer's   
   desktop, and that the RTTY audio be audible to the remote operator (if  
   using RTTY) via the sharing software.                                   
   It is possible to do RTTY without listening to the receiver and just by 
   watching the decode and X - Y or waterfall, but it's not recommended.   
   Many, if not most, RTTY operators prefer low-level audio to signal when 
   other stations are transmitting. For those using FTx modes, all you     
   really need is the screen display.                                      
   Contacts must be made on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters. Any station may 
   work any other station. Stations may be worked once per band,           
   regardless of mode. The ARRL RTTY Roundup begins at 1800 UTC on January 
   2 and wraps at 2359 UTC on January -- Thanks to Brian Moran, N9ADG, and 
   Paul Bourque, N1SFE                                                     
   SAQ Alexanderson Alternator Christmas Eve Transmission Cancelled        
   There will be no Christmas Eve transmission from SAQ, the Alexanderson  
   Alternator transmitting station in Sweden. The Grimeton World Heritage  
   Foundation and Alexander GVV Friends Association cited "prevailing      
   circumstances in our society" for the event cancellation.               
   "We find it sad to have to make this decision, but see it as a          
   necessary measure to protect everyone involved," the announcement       
   continued. Past SAQ transmission events are chronicled on YouTube. "We  
   truly regret this and hope for your understanding of the situation and  
   continued support for the business. We hope that 'our old lady' can     
   soon be heard on the air again," the announcement concluded.            
   The vintage Alexanderson Alternator provided an electromechanical means 
   of transmitting message traffic. It dates back to the early 1920s.      
   ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                          
   Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register,   
   check on upcoming webinars, and to view previously recorded sessions.   
   The schedule is subject to change.                                      
   Learn and Have Fun with Morse Code: Howard Bernstein, WB2UZE, and Jim   
   Crites, W6JIM                                                           
   Morse code, or "CW," is a popular ham radio operating mode. Learning CW 
   does not have to be an arduous or lonely experience. Learn, practice,   
   and enjoy CW with the methods used by the Long Island CW Club.          
   Thursday, December 17, 2020, 5 PM PST / 8 PM EST (0100 UTC on Friday,   
   December 18)                                                            
   QSLing in an Online World: Anthony Luscre, K8ZT                         
   Learn all about the changing methods of QSLing in amateur radio,        
   including traditional paper QSL cards, and electronic QSLing methods,   
   such as Logbook of The World and eQSL.                                  
   Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST (1800 UTC)               
   Amateur Radio Logging: Anthony Luscre, K8ZT                             
   Discover the advantages of keeping an electronic amateur radio log.     
   Find out why you may need more than one software program for            
   logging-contesting, digital modes, special events, and more. Learn      
   about using one full-featured logging program to pull everything        
   together, interface with outside databases, handle electronic QSLing,   
   and so on. The discussion will include file formats, importing and      
   exporting data between programs, submitting contest logs online, and    
   safe backup of data.                                                    
   Thursday, January 7, 2021, 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST (2030 UTC)        
   VHF/UHF Contesting and SOTA; A Perfect Match: Brian Betz, W7JET         
   Explore the challenge of VHF UHF contesting and the success of the      
   large-scale participation of SOTA Summit activators in Arizona for the  
   January VHF contest.                                                    
   Thursday, January 14, 2021, 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST (2030 UTC)       
   Emergency Communications: Why Train? North Texas Section Emergency      
   Coordinator Greg Evans, K5GTX                                           
   Why should we train? Utilizing amateur radio operators in an emergency  
   communication situation is a key function that can save lives. We must  
   be able to respond to the needs of our served agencies quickly and      
   responsibly. Topics covered include: Incident Command System and its    
   relevance; building on consistent training; interoperability with       
   multiple communication providers; interoperability with VOAD and        
   partners, and Mission One: Get the information delivered.               
   Thursday, January 21, 2021, 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST (2030 UTC)       
   Reverse Beacon Network Leveraging Yasme Foundation Grant for Expansion  
   The Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) is taking advantage of a grant from    
   the Yasme Foundation, in cooperation with Amateur Radio Digital         
   Communications (ARDC), to add 15 more nodes. RBN is a global system of  
   software-defined radio receivers that monitor amateur radio bands and   
   report CW, RTTY, and FT4/FT8 signals to a central, searchable database. 
   In October, a Yasme-funded node was successfully installed in Tunisia,  
   bolstering RBN representation in northern Africa. ditional nodes are  
   planned for Algeria and Libya. The success of this small program led to 
   the global 15-node project to expand the RBN into such                  
   under-represented areas as the Caribbean, the South Pacific, Central    
   Asia, the Middle East, and South America. Selections were guided by the 
   research community at HamSCI, whose website provides a forum for        
   researchers and amateurs to interact and conduct studies and            
   "By adding stations in these areas, the network's data quality and      
   coverage are improved to allow better analysis of events and openings   
   beyond what was previously available," Yasme Foundation President Ward  
   Silver, N0AX, said. "This large and growing database of records         
   supports scientific research and allows hams to be more effective on    
   the air and in planning operations and station design."                 
   Silver said researchers are particularly interested in the RBN data     
   because it covers such a wide area with so many stations, a capability  
   unusual in research. Silver also noted that the RBN project has         
   resulted in many volunteers working together around the globe. "The RBN 
   team deserves a lot of credit for creating an important asset that      
   combines amateur radio and science in the best traditions of both," he  
   said. "We look forward to helping keep that spirit alive and well." --  
   Thanks to Ward Silver, N0AX, and DX Engineering                         
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Solar activity has declined recently, 
   with average daily sunspot numbers slipping in recent weeks from 57.6   
   to 28.9 and then 17.4 over this past week. Solar flux averages also     
   slipped from 108.1 to 91.9 to 82.1 over the past week.                  
   The latest solar flux prediction also appears soft, with predicted      
   values over the next 45 days at 82 on December 17 - 23; 83 on December  
   24; 86 on December 25 - 28; 85, 84, and 83 on December 29 - 31; 82 on   
   January 1 - January 10; 83, 83, and 84 on January 11 - 13; 85 on        
   January 14 - 20; 86 on January 21 - 24; 85, 84, and 83 on January 25 -  
   27, and 82 on January 28 - 30.                                          
   Predicted planetary A index is 8 on December 17; 5 on December 18 - 20; 
   12, 8, 8, 5, and 8 on December 21 - 25; 5 on December 26 - January 4;   
   10 on January 5 - 6; 5 on January 7 - 12; 8 on January 13; 5 on January 
   14 - 16; 10, 12, and 10 on January 17 - 19; 8 on January 20 - 21, and 5 
   on January 21 - 30.                                                     
--- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
 * Origin: Christian Fellowship | 856-933-7096 (1:266/512)

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