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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Oct 02 2020 09:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   October 1, 2020                                                         
     * Get Ready for the 15th Annual ARRL Online Auction!                   
     * Pandemic-Delayed ARRL 2019 Annual Report Released                    
     * Former Dayton Hamvention Venue Hara Arena is Being Demolished        
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * HF Station Grounding and Arduino Microcontroller Projects are Next   
       ARRL Webinar Topics                                                 
     * Special Pricing on ARRL 5-Band WAS and Triple Play WAS Award Plaque 
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * WSJT-X Beta Release Introduces Digital Protocols Designed for LF    
       and MF Bands                                                        
     * Announcements                                                       
     * Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite Launches Delayed                    
     * Sterling Mann, N0SSC, Named IARU Region 2 Liaison for Youth         
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   Get Ready for the 15th Annual ARRL Online Auction!                      
   The 15th Annual ARRL Online Auction will open for an "early bird"       
   preview and registration on Thursday, October 8, and will open for      
   bidding at 10 AM EDT (1400 UTC) on Thursday, October 15. The auction is 
   sponsored by GigaParts. The 2020 ARRL Online Auction includes a large   
   assortment of ARRL Product Review items, including an SPE Expert        
   1.5K-FA HF amplifier, ACOM 120S 160 - 6- meter linear amplifier, Yaesu  
   FTDX101D HF + 6-meter transceiver, and an Icom IC-9700 VHF/UHF          
   multi-mode transceiver.                                                 
   The ARRL Online Auction also features a wide assortment of vintage      
   books, including The ARRL Handbook, Radio for Everybody, and CQ Ghost   
   This year, bidders will find a large variety of equipment, vintage      
   books, novelty items, ARRL bundle packs, and a number of special items  
   donated by the cast and crew of Fox Television's Last Man Standing,     
   starring Tim Allen as Mike Baxter, KA0XTT.                              
   In order to place a bid, you must register on the ARRL Online Auction   
   website. You may browse the website and scope out those "must-have"     
   items without being a registered bidder, and you can register at any    
   time during the auction. If you are interested in some great bargains   
   -- and some great fun -- check out the 2020 ARRL Online Auction, which  
   concludes on October 25 at 10 PM EDT (0200 UTC on October 26 in North   
   America). Registration begins on October 8 at 10 AM EDT (1400 UTC)      
   during the auction preview.                                             
   Proceeds from the Online Auction benefit ARRL education programs,       
   including activities to license new hams, strengthen Amateur Radio      
   Emergency Service (ARES) training, offer continuing technical and       
   operating education, and create instructional materials.                
   Pandemic-Delayed ARRL 2019 Annual Report Released                       
   The 2019 ARRL Annual Report is now available in print and online. The   
   publication's release was delayed as a consequence of the coronavirus   
   pandemic. Print copies for members who are interested will be available 
   soon. ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, called 2019 "an exciting year 
   for ARRL," with several new initiatives moving through planning and     
   development for rollout in 2020.                                        
   "Two of them -- On the Air magazine and the ARRL Online Learning Center 
   -- signify steps taken toward the 'new generation of hams' that I've    
   been talking about in the past few Annual Reports," President Roderick  
   said. "They've been asking ARRL for help finding their way in amateur   
   radio for so long, wanting to know everything from how to serve their   
   communities, how to integrate the ham radio hobby and service with all  
   the demands that modern life makes upon them, and even simply how to    
   determine which parts of ham radio interest them."                      
   President Roderick also cited the development in 2019 of the ARRL       
   Online Learning Center -- an array of online courses that will at first 
   serve new hams and later expand to courses and materials for hams at    
   all skill levels. The Online Learning Center is expected to launch in   
   early 2021.                                                             
   "2019 was more than busy for ARRL -- it was productive and              
   constructive," President Roderick concluded. "We're growing and         
   ARRL President Rick                                                     
   Roderick, K5UR.                                                         
   changing, and we do it all for you, the members, with an eye on our     
   mission: to advance the art, science, and enjoyment of amateur radio."  
   ARRL membership was essentially flat from 2018 at 156,755 -- likely a   
   result of the membership dues increase in 2019, but still slightly      
   above projections.                                                      
   The ARRL Volunteer Monitor Program was developed in 2019, replacing the 
   Official Observers program. The new VM Program is a formal agreement    
   between the FCC and ARRL in which trained volunteers will monitor the   
   bands and collect evidence that may be used both to correct misconduct  
   and to recognize exemplary on-the-air operation.                        
   The Report summarizes a raft of responses to emergencies and disasters  
   by Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES^(R)) volunteers. ARES          
   membership grew by 3,130 in 2019, and a new ARES Comprehensive Plan was 
   Financially, ARRL had a particularly good year in 2019, producing a     
   $596,000 gain from operations, along with strong investment markets     
   resulting in an overall net asset gain of $3.75 million. Read more.     
   Former Dayton Hamvention Venue Hara Arena is Being Demolished           
   Hara Arena, the former venue for Dayton Hamvention^(R) and myriad       
   sports, entertainment, and other presentations over the years, will     
   soon be history. In the wake of a failed attempt to revitalize the      
   tornado-damaged complex, officials in the city of Trotwood, Ohio --     
   where Hara Arena is located -- announced plans last week to raze the    
   complex and rezone the property from commercial recreation to light     
   "The complex suffered extensive damage during the 2019 Memorial Day     
   tornado outbreak," a city news release recalled on September 25, taking 
   note of hopes to salvage the complex. "However, redeveloping the        
   property would be a challenge due to the extent of the damage, so the   
   decision was demolish the legendary venue."                   
   The city said the zoning change will allow manufacturing, distribution  
   centers, and call centers to establish their businesses in the area.    
   "We are excited for what the future holds for this property," Trotwood  
   Mayor Mary McDonald said.                                               
   "This is going to create some momentum for redevelopment," City Manager 
   Quincy Pope told the Dayton Daily News.                                 
   According to the Dayton Daily News, the property's owners have said the 
   iconic marquee spelling out "Hara Arena" atop the main arena will be    
   preserved and auctioned off, with the proceeds donated to charity.      
   The Hara complex and the surrounding real estate occupy some 128 acres. 
   Co-owner Corey Heitz told the Dayton Daily News that it will take up to 
   6 months to tear down the buildings completely, and he hopes to have    
   "something" there in the next 12 months.                                
   Hara Arena had served as the venue for Dayton Hamvention from 1964      
   until 2016. Hamvention announced in July 2016 that Hara Arena would be  
   closing but that Hamvention would continue. The show is now held at the 
   Greene County Fairgrounds & Expo Center.                                
   Over its six-decade history, Hara Arena hosted concerts by performers   
   that included the Rolling Stones and the Grateful Dead; it was also     
   where hockey legend Wayne Gretzky played his first professional hockey  
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 9) features a     
   discussion on how to tune HF signals and use transceiver tools to       
   enhance reception. The On the Air podcast is a monthly companion to On  
   the Air magazine, ARRL's magazine for beginner-to-intermediate ham      
   radio operators.                                                        
   The latest episode of the Eclectic Tech podcast (Episode 17) features a 
   discussion of how RSID is used to identify HF digital modes, and a chat 
   with Bob Allison, WB1GCM, about mysterious long-delayed echoes (LDEs).  
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android), as well  
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   HF Station Grounding and Arduino Microcontroller Projects are Next ARRL 
   Webinar Topics                                                          
   Two well-known ham radio authors and speakers will share their          
   expertise with members in October during ARRL Learning Network          
   webinars. ARRL Contributing Editor Ward Silver, N0AX, will present      
   "Grounding & Bonding for Home HF Stations" on Tuesday, October 6, at 10 
   AM PDT/1 PM EDT/0500 UTC. Popular ARRL author Glen Popiel, KW5GP, will  
   present "Welcome to the World of Arduino" on Thursday, October 15, at 5 
   PM PDT/8 PM EDT (0000 UTC on Friday, October 16). Members must log in   
   to the ARRL website to register for each webinar.                       
   Silver authored the ARRL book Grounding and Bonding for the Radio       
   Amateur in 2017 as a practical guide to building a station that         
   incorporates effective grounding and bonding techniques for electrical  
   safety, lightning protection, and RF management. Radio amateurs often   
   cite the title for demystifying an often misunderstood or intimidating  
   During his webinar, Silver will define grounding and bonding, cover the 
   benefits and requirements, and share useful references and guides for   
   hams to apply these techniques in their home HF stations.               
   In his presentation, Popiel -- the author of several ARRL books,        
   including Arduino for Ham Radio, More Arduino Projects for Ham Radio,   
   and High Speed Multimedia for Amateur Radio -- will cover the           
   open-source, electronic-prototyping Arduino platform, which is widely   
   popular among electronics hobbyists and radio amateurs. The webinar     
   will include examples of how to put Arduinos to use in building ham     
   radio projects and practical station gear.                              
   Live question-and-answer periods will follow each 30-minute             
   All webinars are recorded, so members and radio clubs can view previous 
   presentations. Join ARRL to take advantage of this new member benefit.  
   Read more.                                                              
   Special Pricing on ARRL 5-Band WAS and Triple Play WAS Award Plaque     
   Beginning October 1, ARRL will offer a 10% discount on all applications 
   for 5-Band Worked All States (5B WAS) wall plaques and Triple Play      
   (TPA) wall plaques. The discount will be deducted from the total charge 
   (i.e., application fee, plaque fee, and shipping).                      
   This special is good for first-time applicants, as well as for those    
   who have been awarded TPA or 5B WAS and want to display their           
   achievement with an attractive, colorful wall plaque.                   
   Submit contacts via Logbook of The World (LoTW) and indicate in the     
   comments section of the payment page that you want the wall plaque.     
   Discounts will be applied during processing.                            
   Apply online with the order forms available to order plaques for the    
   Triple Play or 5Band WAS. This offer is good until the close of         
   business at ARRL Headquarters on December 31, 2020, so if you need some 
   contacts to complete your 5-Band WAS or Triple Play awards, the         
   November Sweepstakes or ARRL 160- or 10-Meter contests are good         
   opportunities to fill those empty slots on your scorecard.              
   Uploading your contacts to LoTW provides quick contact confirmation and 
   makes it easy to apply for these awards.                                
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Solar wind disturbed HF conditions    
   over the September 24 - 30 reporting week.                              
   Average daily planetary A index rose from 5.1 to 22, while average      
   middle latitude A index went from 5 to 15.6. Average daily sunspot      
   number declined from 1.9 to 1.6; a weak sunspot appeared on only 2      
   days, September 23 and 25, with sunspot numbers of 13 and 11,           
   respectively. Average daily solar flux was on the increase, edging up   
   from 71.1 to 73.4.                                                      
   Predicted solar flux for the next 45 days is 74 on October 1 - 3; 72 on 
   October 4; 70 on October 5 - 18; 72 on October 19 - 31, and 70 on       
   November 1 - 14.                                                        
   Predicted planetary A index is 15 and 10 on October 1 - 3; 5 on October 
   3 - 10; 10 on October 11; 5 on October 12 - 19; 10, 18, and 20 on       
   October 20 - 22; 24, 16, 38, and 38 on October 23 - 26; 26, 15, and 10  
   on October 27 - 29; 5 on October 30 - November 6; 10 on November 7, and 
   5 on November 8 - 14.                                                   
   W6MVT in southern California was pleasantly surprised on September 28   
   after erecting a new vertical. His first catch was E51JD in the         
   Southern Cook Islands at 0022 UTC. This was his first SSB DX on 15      
   meters in many years, although the opening vanished as quickly as it    
   Sunspot numbers for September 24 - 30 were 0, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0,    
   with a mean of 1.6. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 73.6, 73.4, 72.6,      
   74.1, 73.9, 72.8, and 73.3, with a mean of 73.4. Estimated planetary A  
   indices were 19, 20, 27, 24, 33, 16, and 15, with a mean of 22. Middle  
   latitude A index was 11, 17, 18, 16, 21, 14, and 12, with a mean of     
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable           
   propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * October 3 -- German Telegraphy Contest (CW)                         
     * October 3 -- FISTS Fall Slow Speed Sprint                           
     * October 3 - 4 -- TRC DX Contest (CW, phone)                         
     * October 3 - 4 -- RTTYOps WW RTTY                                    
     * October 3 - 4 -- Russian WW Digital Contest                         
     * October 3 - 4 -- All YLRL DX/NA YL Anniversary Contest (CW, phone)  
     * October 3 - 4 -- International HELL-Contest                         
     * October 3 - 4 -- California QSO Party (CW, phone)                   
     * October 3 - 4 -- SKCC QSO Party (CW)                                
     * October 4 -- RSGB DX Contest (CW, phone)                            
     * October 4 -- UBA ON Contest, SSB                                    
     * October 4 -- Peanut Power QRP Sprint (CW, phone)                    
     * October 5 -- RSGB 80-Meter Autumn Series, CW                        
     * October 6 -- ARS Spartan Sprint CW                                  
     * October 7 -- VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest                           
     * October 7 -- 432 MHz Fall Sprint (CW, phone)                        
     * October 7 -- UKEICC 80-Meter Contest (Phone)                        
   WSJT-X Beta Release Introduces Digital Protocols Designed for LF and MF 
   The latest beta release of the WSJT-X digital software suite includes   
   digital protocols particularly designed for communication on LF and MF  
   bands, such as 2200 meters and 630 meters, and its developers say that  
   during its first few months of testing, contacts have spanned           
   intercontinental paths "many times" on those bands. New protocols FST4  
   and FST4W are included in WSJT-X version 2.3.0-rc1 (release candidate   
   1). FST4 is for two-way contacts, while FST4W is for "quasi-beacon"     
   style WSPR-type transmissions. Both modes offer a range of options for  
   T/R-sequence lengths and threshold decoding sensitivities extending     
   well into the -40 dB range, developers said.                            
   "On these bands, their fundamental sensitivities are better than other  
   WSJT-X modes with the same sequence lengths," the WSJT-X development    
   team. "FST4 and FST4W do not require the strict, independent            
   time-synchronization and phase-locking of modes like EbNaut," a         
   protocol for VLF and LF communication.                                  
   The WSJT-X development team said operators familiar with the software   
   suite will find using FST4 and FST4W straightforward.                   
   The new modes use 4-GFSK modulation and share common software for       
   encoding and decoding messages. FST4 offers T/R sequence lengths of 15, 
   30, 60, 120, 300, 900, and 1,800 seconds, while FST4W omits the lengths 
   shorter than 120 seconds.                                               
   Message payloads contain either 77 bits -- as in FT4, FT8, and MSK144   
   -- or 50 bits for the WSPR-like messages of FST4W.                      
   WSJT-X version 2.3 offers 12 different protocols: FST4, FT4, FT8, JT4,  
   JT9, JT65, QRA64, ISCAT, MSK144, WSPR, FST4W, and Echo.                 
   The WSJT-X 2.3 User Guide and the Release Notes include additional      
   information. Read more.                                                 
     * Scouting's Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and Jamboree on the Internet  
       take place October 16 - 18. Groups or individuals can register on   
       the World JOTA-JOTI site. ditional information about JOTA 2020 is 
       on the K2BSA website. The K2BSA site offers COVID-19 guidance       
       during radio scouting activities                                    
     * ARRL Life Member Mark Persons, W0MH, of Brainerd, Minnesota, has    
       been recognized with the 10th Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE)  
       Lifetime Achievement Award. He was SBE Engineer of the Year for     
       2018. -- Thanks to Rob Atkinson, K5UJ                               
     * The California QSO Party (CQP) has announced some changes for 2020. 
       All multioperator stations (multi-single and multi-multi) must      
       register before the contest. Logs from multioperator stations not   
       registered in advance will be considered as check logs. The 55th    
       running of the CQP takes place October 3 - 4.                       
     * Want to know what hams live in your neighborhood? Check out Amateur 
       Radio License Map. You may have hams nearby you never knew about.   
     * The United Nations Amateur Radio Contest DX Club at the Vienna      
       International Center in Austria will operate as 4U75A, in           
       celebration of the UN's 75th anniversary. The UN Headquarters       
       Amateur Radio Club (UNARC) will use 4U75UN, although no set         
       schedule is in place.                                               
   Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite Launches Delayed                        
   CAMSAT says the CAS-7A launch has been postponed until next May, and    
   CAS-5A until next June.                                                 
   "Because of COVID-19, many things have been delayed," CAMSAT's Alan     
   Kung, BA1DU, told ARRL. He said an announcement would be made next      
   CAMSAT had said that CAS-7A would launch in mid-September; the launch   
   has been postponed multiple times since first announced. CAS-5A was     
   predicted to launch in October. Both satellites will carry two          
   transponders that include HF, in a configuration similar to that of the 
   Russian RS satellites decades ago.                                      
   CAS-7A will be placed into a sun-synchronous orbit with an inclination  
   of 98° at 500 kilometers above Earth. The transponders will have a      
   bandwidth of 30 kHz. The HF/HF linear transponder will uplink on 15     
   meters and downlink on 10 meters. A CW beacon will transmit on 10       
   meters. The HF/UHF transponder CW beacon transponder will transmit on   
   70 centimeters.                                                         
   The CAS-5A nanosatellite, with a 6U form factor, carries two HF         
   transponders and two VHF/UHF transponders. While in orbit, it will      
   deploy the tiny CAS-5B femtosatellite, weighing just half a             
   The array of CAS-5A linear transponders will include HF/HF, HF/UHF, and 
   VHF/UHF with 30 kHz passbands (except 15 kHz for the HF/UHF             
--- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
 * Origin: Christian Fellowship | 856-933-7096 (1:266/512)

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