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Subject: Re: Trying to study for Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 02:36 pm
From: Sean Dennis To: Daryl Stout

 DS> 1) Full amateur radio privileges, although on HF, you still have to
 DS> stay 3 kc's away from the band edges, to avoid going "out of band".
 DS> There is 500 kilohertz of HF spectrum not available to General class
 DS> licensees...and 250 kilohertz of HF spectrum not available to Advanced
 DS> Class licensees.

You forgot to mention the much larger availablity of DX stations from other
regions that only Extras in Region 2 have access to.

 DS> 2) The shorter 2x1 or 1x2 callsigns...*IF* you're lucky enough to
 DS> get one.

Good luck.  There's nothing in region 4 but honestly, that's really
overrated to me.

 DS> 3) If traveling overseas, you can get Extra Class privileges with
 DS> the CEPT license.

That's something I didn't think about.

 DS> 4) As a Volunteer Examiner, you can give and grade ALL the exams.

That too.

 DS> 5) Snob appeal (hi hi).

Oh, I've seen Technicians with plenty of snob appeal.  When I first got my
license in 1997, I was berated for being an "appliance operator" because I
didn't know CW.  There's still that attitude today...

I still catch hell from these crusty "CW since 1950" operators that tell me that
if you don't use CW, you're not a true amateur radio operator.

Sean KS4TD

-- Sean
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