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Subject: Re: Trying to study for Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 02:19 pm
From: Sean Dennis To: Nigel Reed

 NR> THe main reason for it is trying not to remember which frequencies I
 NR> can use as tech and which I can't. It also means that if I'm
 NR> eventually going to put down stupid amounts of money for an
 NR> antenna and radio setup, I'll be able to get one that
 NR> covers all the frequencies, not wasting any, and not having
 NR> to upgrade later.

If you're putting "stupid amounts of money" into ham radio, you need to
re-examine why you're doing it.  I have but a humble ICOM IC-718 matched to
a 10-80m EFHW ... about $800 invested into that setup ... and
I can work the world just fine with it, even in rotten conditions.  I'm
doing a lot more digital work these days though I prefer SSB.

 NR> I guess it's not a matter of not needing it, but not having
 NR> to needing to remember it when we have plenty of instant
 NR> online resources. It'd probably be quicker for me to look
 NR> up some forumla calculator on Google than to perform it
 NR> myself.

You would be surprised at how much you can absorb over the years.

 NR> I really don't think I'm ever going to need stuff like
 NR> "What is a typical range for tropospheric propagation of
 NR> microwave signals?"

Comes in handy sometimes.  Last night there was some sort of propagation
path from the East Coast to the Midwest.  I was working Kansas stations like
there was no tomorrow ... which is highly unusual for me due to the
direction that my wire antenna is "aimed".

 NR> I used to get me through my General. I really
 NR> have no idea how I passed my Technician. I think it was
 NR> more luck than skill.

Give yourself some credit.  You may have actually learned something and just not
realized it.

Remember that a good deal of memory comes from "drill and practice".  It's
one of the reasons I love to contest: contesting uses a lot of skills and
they're a good chance to hone them.

I rarely use DX spotting in contests.  It's more fun to do the "hunt and pounce"
method for me that way.

Sean KS4TD

-- Sean
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