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Subject: Re: Trying to study for Date: Sat Aug 15 2020 02:12 pm
From: Sean Dennis To: Andre Robitaille

-=> Andre Robitaille wrote to Nigel Reed <=-

 AR> Then I'd argue you probably don't need extra. After a little over two years
 AR> into radio, I've used something from every section of the test except sat,
 AR> and even that knowledge I've used in discussions with
 AR> people.

I've been a ham for 23 years now and recently upgraded to Extra in June
2019.  I haven't actually needed to use anything from the Extra test ... but
I have always used my General knowledge.  The Extra is full of a lot of
radio and electronics theory which is good if you're building everything
yourself.  I don't though I do build wire antennas.

 AR> I can tell you in no uncertain terms, every antenna you buy or built,
 AR> *maybe* with the exception of a loop or metal vertical, is going to
 AR> need some antenna knowledge to get the best performance out of it.

I'll respectfully disagree with you on that.  I built my first antenna, a
G5RV Junior, to "specs", put it on the air, and used it for four years until
I had to move.  I worked everywhere from Alaska to Chile to Japan with it
... and I didn't know anything about antennas at the time.

I have bought several antennas and not needed to do anything to them to get
optimum performance.  I installed them according to instructions and they
work just fine.  My current antenna, a 10-80 meter end-fed half wave with a
9:1 balun on it, was designed by a professional antenna designer.  All I did was
mount it.  I have a 40 year old Mosley RV-4C vertical (10-40 meter with
the additional 80 meter coil) that worked just fine by following
instructions to mount it.  I've had a SuperAntennas MP-1, Hustler vertical,
and a full Buddipole Deluxe kit--I still use that--and never any issues
outside of following instructions.

 AR> I have operated with plenty of people of all sorts, including a bunch
 AR> with extra class, and about 80% of them have damn near no idea what they're
 AR> doing with antennas, setup, and/or operating. I promise that if you learn
 AR> what's in extra and put it into practice as you need it,
 AR> you'll find value in it.

I've done the same but it all depends on how much you want to bother to know
about it.  Many don't bother with it though if you take the time to attempt
the Extra license, you tend to want to know more.

 AR> Etienne passed with a couple wrong answers. I did worse. He was eleven
 AR> at the time. :-/

I passed my Extra last June (2019) at the age of 47.  I did a "cram and
exam" session and passed just fine.

I didn't bother to ask if I missed any questions or how many I did miss  if
I did.  All that mattered to me was that I passed.

I'm also an ARRL-accredited VE and I can tell you that the reason most don't get
their Extra is because they're happy with what they have and don't want
to work any harder to get it.  If someone is actively trying to get their Extra,
they'll get it, one way or the other.

Sean KS4TD

-- Sean
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