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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Aug 21 2020 09:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   August 20, 2020                                                         
     * IARU Announces HF Digital Mode Band Plan Review                      
     * Amateur Radio Stood Ready for Isaias Throughout Storm's East Coast   
     * New Smartphone App Can Identify Unknown Data Modes                   
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * Rene Fonseca, NP3O, Elected as Puerto Rico Section Manager          
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * New Contest for Portable Stations to Debut                          
     * Technology and Technique Making Ham Radio Testing Possible During   
     * Intrepid-DX Group Announces Winners of Youth "Dream Rig" Essay      
     * Announcements                                                       
     * Past Puerto Rico Section Manager Victor Madera, KP4PQ, SK           
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   IARU Announces HF Digital Mode Band Plan Review                         
   An International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) working group has been      
   formed to develop solutions to reduce congestion within very popular    
   mode segments while preventing mutual interference between              
   "incompatible modes" as much as possible. The working group includes    
   representatives of the three regional band-planning committees, marking 
   the first time the three IARU regions have joined together to directly  
   coordinate band-planning efforts.                                       
   "Because frequency allocations and amateur radio operating interests    
   vary in different parts of the world, the development of band plans --  
   voluntary guidelines on the use of the spectrum that is available to    
   radio amateurs -- is a responsibility of the three IARU regional        
   organizations," the IARU explained in announcing the working group.     
   "Each of the three regions has a band-planning committee to focus on    
   this work."                                                             
   The IARU says this approach to band planning has generally kept pace    
   with the evolution of amateur radio operating, but the explosive growth 
   in HF digital modes, particularly FT8, has led to perceived             
   overcrowding of HF digital-mode band segments.                          
   The new working group has already had fruitful discussions with the     
   WSJT Development Group headed by Joe Taylor, K1JT. ditional           
   discussions including other HF stakeholders will be held as part of a   
   fundamental review of the different HF digital modes, and how they can  
   best be categorized and arranged to share the limited spectrum          
   In recent years, moves have been made to bring the regional band plans  
   into alignment wherever possible. Final approval of any band plan       
   revisions typically occurs during regional conferences of IARU          
   member-societies, held every 3 years on a rotating basis.               
   Due to recent administrative changes, however, revisions can be         
   implemented without having to wait for the regional conferences.        
   Amateur Radio Stood Ready for Isaias Throughout Storm's East Coast      
   In a hurricane season now predicted to be worse than originally         
   thought, Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaias was an opportunity for amateur 
   radio volunteers along the US eastern seaboard to exercise their        
   preparedness. The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) initiated two sessions,     
   totaling more than 50 hours to track Isaias as it approached landfall.  
   In Southern Florida, Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) John Wells,    
   W4CMH, said Indian River County Amateur Radio Emergency Service had     
   operators at three shelters, and a few clients housed overnight on      
   August 1. St. Lucie County went to Level 1 (full activation) on August  
   1, but no shelters were opened, and no ARES members were deployed. "St. 
   Lucie County ARES was operational from a remote location, although they 
   were prepared to staff the radio room at the Emergency Operations       
   Center (EOC)," Wells said.                                              
   Northern Florida ARES was never called up, but members did monitor the  
   situation. "We are still early in the season, and I hope it will be a   
   quiet year, but time will only tell," said Northern Florida SEC Karl    
   Martin, K4HBN.                                                          
   "The New York City-Long Island Section had a lot of downed trees and    
   wires across the whole island," NYC-Long Island Section Manager Jim     
   Mezey, W2KFV, reported. "ARES was in standby mode for the Red Cross and 
   other served agencies. Many clubs had information nets helping people   
   to find needed supplies." Power was lost for a time in some areas.      
   "All is well for the most part in Southern New Jersey," Section Manager 
   Tom Preiser, N2XW, reported. "We were inundated with power outages. We  
   activated SKYWARN and made reports to NWS-Mount Holly. Many trees and   
   tree limbs are down, and there was a great deal of activity on the      
   Delaware SEC Dave Scott, KC3BEJ, reported nearly 5 inches of rain in    
   the northern part of the state. "Areas of central Delaware -- around    
   Dover Air Force Base and southern New Castle County -- got a good punch 
   in the nose, with several confirmed tornadoes," he said. Several        
   tractor trailer trucks tipped over on Route 1 in southern New Castle    
   County and some 60,000 people statewide lost power. "There was no call  
   for amateur radio assistance from any state, county, or municipal       
   emergency management authorities," Scott said. "Most of our regular     
   repeaters remained fully operational." An emergency frequency of 3.905  
   MHZ allowed good communication with southern Delaware.                  
   "Storm Isaias moved rapidly through the Eastern and coastal areas of    
   Maryland," Maryland-DC (MDC) Section Manager Marty Pittinger, KB3MXM,   
   told ARRL. "From onset to conclusion, tropical storm conditions lasted  
   approximately 12 hours." Two Maryland counties more than 100 miles      
   apart received tornado damage, while high wind-driven rain soaked much  
   of the region. Pittinger reported, "The MDC Section was in touch with a 
   regional Red Cross representative and state emergency managers, and our 
   ARES [volunteers] maintained awareness." Hospitals and the health       
   department in Prince George County were advised that ARES was on        
   standby for them.                                                       
   Eastern New York saw Isaias as a tropical storm that came directly up   
   the Hudson Valley from the Greater New York City area, said Section     
   Emergency Coordinator Dave Galletly, KM2O. On August 4, the NWS in      
   Albany issued a tornado watch for mid- and upper-Hudson River Valley    
   counties, and a SKYWARN net was initiated on a regional repeater. Two   
   more tornado warnings, several flash flood warnings, and high wind      
   advisories were issued before the net shut down. Radio amateurs filed   
   multiple reports of flash flooding, road closures, and wind damage.     
   "Record-setting rainfall was reported across the forecast area,"        
   Galletly added.                                                         
   ARES volunteers in the Eastern Massachusetts Section supported the      
   NWS-Norton office's SKYWARN program, with winds gusting to 70 MPH,      
   leading to downed trees and power lines. "Just to our west, conditions  
   were significantly worse," Eastern Massachusetts SEC Rob Macedo, KD1CY, 
   reported. The NWS-Norton SKYWARN program encompasses neighboring ARRL   
   New England Sections. "Connecticut had a top-five event for total       
   number of power outages," Macedo said, noting some 700,000 customers    
   without power. ARES/SKYWARN teams in Connecticut and Rhode Island       
   collaborated on damage assessment.                                      
   ARES members in Vermont, a state not typically associated with tropical 
   cyclones, initiated VHF and HF nets to share information on conditions. 
   "Participation by ARES and RACES members was high," reported SEC Cathy  
   James, NQ1B. "It was clear that storm conditions were not as bad as     
   predicted." [Editor's note: This article represents a select summary of 
   amateur radio activities during the passage of Isaias.]                 
   New Smartphone App Can Identify Unknown Data Modes                      
   An incredible number of digital-mode radio signals occupy the spectrum, 
   and it's not always possible to identify the particular mode of         
   operation. CW, PSK31, and FT8 are pretty easy, but how about CIS405,    
   STANAG, or CHIP64? A new smartphone app can simplify things. SignalID   
   can recognize about 20 signal modes (more may be on the way), in just 5 
   seconds of recording time. The app is open source and free.             
   Using it is simple. Once the frequency and bandwidth have been set, the 
   user places the cell phone's microphone near the receiver's speaker,    
   presses the large button, and waits for 5 seconds. The quieter the      
   external environment is, the fewer errors.                              
   "The algorithm is based on frequency, [so incorrect tuning] will result 
   in an erroneous detection. The recording is limited to 5 seconds, for   
   practical reasons. Mode recognition may require several attempts, the   
   developer, Tortillum, said, and upgrades are already in the works. "The 
   easiest way to try [it] is RTTY or STANAG," the developer added.        
   The very few comments so far from users suggest some further work may   
   be needed, but they praised the concept. The developer invites          
   additional comments.                                                    
   The application, which includes a complete list, could prove a valuable 
   tool in determining the types of emissions that may stray into amateur  
   radio bands. A demonstration video is available. -- Thanks to Southgate 
   Amateur Radio News via Stephen Walters, G7VFY                           
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 8) features an    
   interview with brothers Andy, KK4LWR, and Tony, KD8RTT, Milluzzi about  
   the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative. The On the Air podcast is 
   a monthly companion to On the Air magazine, ARRL's magazine for         
   beginner-to-intermediate ham radio operators.                           
   The latest episode of the Eclectic Tech podcast (Episode 14) deals with 
   interference issues and features a chat with David Hodge, N6AN, about   
   his work at Caltech with the radio astronomy team.                      
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android), as well  
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   Rene Fonseca, NP3O, Elected as Puerto Rico Section Manager              
   Rene Fonseca, NP3O, has been elected as ARRL Puerto Rico Section        
   Manager (SM), defeating two other candidates, including incumbent Oscar 
   Resto, KP4RF. Fonseca, of Fajardo, received 85 votes; Juan Sepulveda    
   Mercado, KP3CR, garnered 48 votes, and incumbent Section Manager Oscar  
   Resto, KP4RF, got 31 votes. Resto has been Puerto Rico's Section        
   Manager since 2016. An ARRL Life Member, Fonseca is returning as SM,    
   having served previously from 2012 to 2016.                             
   The Puerto Rico SM election was the only contested election in the      
   summer round of voting. Ballots were counted on August 18 at ARRL       
     * In Minnesota, Bill Mitchell, AE0EE, of Minneapolis, will become the 
       new Section Manager this fall. Mitchell was the only nominee when   
       the nomination deadline arrived in early June. Incumbent Skip       
       Jackson, KS0J, chose not to run for a new term after a 16-year run  
       that began in 2004.                                                 
     * In North Dakota, Richard Budd, W0TF, will begin a full 2-year term  
       of office after being appointed in June to succeed Nancy Yoshida,   
       K0YL. She stepped down to become vice president of the YL           
       International Single Sideband System.                               
   The following incumbent SMs ran unopposed and were considered elected.  
   Chuck Motes, K1DFS (Connecticut); Dan Marler, K7REX (Idaho); Scott      
   Yonally, N8SY (Ohio); Kevin O'Dell, N0IRW (Oklahoma); Barry Porter,     
   KB1PA (Southern Florida); Fred Kleber, K9VV (Virgin Islands), and Laura 
   Mueller, N2LJM (Western New York).                                      
   All new terms begin on October 1.                                       
   James Armstrong, NV6W, Named Santa Clara Valley SM                      
   James Armstrong, NV6W, of San Jose, California, was appointed as Santa  
   Clara Valley (SCV) Section Manager following the untimely death on July 
   28 of incumbent Bill Ashby, AA6FC, just 4 weeks after he took office.   
   An ARRL Life Member, Ashby, also of San Jose, was 66 and the only       
   nominee for the position when nominations closed in March. Ashby had    
   earlier served as the Affiliated Club Coordinator from 2007 to 2010.    
   Armstrong will fulfill the remainder of the term, which expires on June 
   30, 2022.                                                               
   His appointment by ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager Bart      
   Jahnke, W9JJ, followed consultation with ARRL Pacific Division Director 
   Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT. Armstrong served as an Assistant SM in the SCV     
   Section since 2013. A ham for more than 40 years, Armstrong also holds  
   a Second Class Radiotelegraph Operator certificate, a General           
   Radiotelephone Operator license, and a GMDSS Radio Operator/Maintainer  
   license, all with ship radar endorsements.                              
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Sunspots disappeared on 4 days of the 
   past week, but then returned. The average daily sunspot number declined 
   from 14.3 to 5.4, while average daily solar flux went from 73.8 to 71.  
   Geomagnetic indicators remain quiet. Average daily planetery A index    
   increased from 3.7 to 4.4.                                              
   Predicted solar flux is 70 on August 20 - 26; 71 on August 27; 72 on    
   August 28 - 29; 73 on August 30 - September 5; 72 on September 6 - 9;   
   71 on September 10 - 11; 70 on September 12 - 19; 71 on September 20 -  
   23; 72 on September 24 - 25; 73 on September 26 - October 2, and 72 on  
   October 3.                                                              
   Predicted planetary A index is 16, 8, and 5 on August 20 - 22; 8 on     
   August 23 - 25; 5 on August 26 - 28; 8, 16, and 8 on August 29 - 31; 5  
   on September 1 - 14; 10 on September 15 - 16; 5 on September 17 - 24;   
   then 8, 16, and 8 on September 25 - 27, and 5 on September 28 - October 
   Sunspot numbers for August 13 - 19 were 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, and 15,     
   with a mean of 5.4. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 72.3, 70.8, 70.6,      
   70.9, 70.8, 71.3, and 70.5, with a mean of 71. Estimated planetary A    
   indices were 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 7, and 6, with a mean of 4.4. Middle        
   latitude A index was 5, 3, 3, 5, 3, 7, and 9, with a mean of 5.         
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable           
   propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * August 22 - 24 -- Hawaii QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)             
     * August 22 - 23 -- Ohio QSO Party (CW, phone)                        
     * August 22 - 23 -- CVA DX Contest (Phone)                            
     * August 22 - 23 -- 50 MHz Fall Sprint (CW, phone)                    
     * August 26 -- SKCC Sprint (CW)                                       
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth        
   reporting on amateur radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest    
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                  
   New Contest for Portable Stations to Debut                              
   A new amateur radio contest for portable operators -- the Fox Mike      
   Hotel Portable Operations Challenge (POC) -- will debut October 3 - 4.  
   The event is aimed at leveling the competitive playing field between    
   fixed stations and portable stations. Scoring for the POC, based upon a 
   kilometers-per-watt metric, will be handicapped in favor of the         
   portables. The contest is the brainchild of Frank Howell, K4FMH.        
   Sponsors include National Contest Journal (NCJ) -- an ARRL publication  
   -- but the POC will not be an official NCJ or ARRL contest.             
   "NCJ's role is to encourage hams who don't contest to give it a try,"   
   NCJ Editor Dr. Scott Wright, K0MD, said. "It will encourage activity by 
   operators who are limited by real estate and do not have a full-blown   
   contest station. Events like this stimulate more interest in            
   contesting, and this will have an international scope to give chances   
   to snare some new DXCC entities."                                       
   The contest rules say scoring will be calculated using the distance     
   between stations (Maidenhead grid squares) in kilometers divided by     
   power output in watts. Fixed (QTH) stations will compete against        
   portable (P) stations on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters. Allowable modes 
   include phone, CW, and digital.                                         
   The exchange is call sign, station class (P or Q), consecutive serial   
   number, and four-character grid square.                                 
   Contact Howell for more information. Read more.                         
   Technology and Technique Making Ham Radio Testing Possible During       
   Amateur radio license testing continues during the pandemic, with a     
   combination of remote Volunteer Examiner (VE) test sessions and careful 
   in-person session planning. In Hawaii, VE Team leader and Section       
   Manager Joe Speroni, AH0A, said he and his team passed the              
   100-candidate mark on August 10 for video-supervised remote test        
   sessions. Speroni said the most recent session administered exams to 10 
   candidates simultaneously.                                              
   "Candidates from all Hawaiian Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US        
   military bases in Okinawa have had an opportunity to sit for licenses," 
   he told the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator. "The high pass rate of 
   95% is most likely due to candidates having had time to prepare for the 
   exam." Speroni also said his VEs' willingness to contribute their time  
   has made the program a success and available to a wide geographical     
   "Zoom meeting video lends itself to handling three candidates per       
   session, and each requires three VEs," Speroni explained. "The 1:1      
   ratio of candidates to VEs makes planning important. Fortunately, the   
   team of 15 VEs has volunteers from Oahu, Maui, the Big Island,          
   California, and the Pacific. Often, hams from Okinawa and Guam are      
   helping to license and upgrade hams in Hawaii."                         
   The COVID-19 pandemic has affected licensing numbers as well as testing 
   protocols. ARRL VEC Manager Maria Somma, AB1FM, reports that through    
   the end of July, overall FCC license activity was down by 15% compared  
   to the same period last year. New amateur licenses are down by 12% so   
   far in 2020, with 15,849 new licensees compared to 17,947 in 2019.      
   "Upgraded licenses are down by a staggering 23% -- 6,501 versus 4,984," 
   Somma said. "The year-end prediction of 7,500 upgrades is much lower    
   than in previous years, which have averaged around 9,500."              
   On the other side of the US, Rhode Island Section Manager and VE Bob    
   Beaudet, W1YRC, reports his club, the Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio   
   Club, conducted a "pandemic-compliant" open-air test session on August  
   "Our governor in Rhode Island has directed citizens not to congregate   
   in groups greater than 15 outdoors," Beaudet said, estimating that      
   group size remained at around that number at any given time as          
   candidates arrived and left. "Some came early and left as new people    
   arrived," he said. "Also, we were rather widely spread out in the       
   parking lot." Everyone wore masks and observed appropriate social       
   distancing. The VEs grading and processing applications were also       
   spread widely apart. "We planned to keep applicants a car width apart   
   from one another, but many applicants came in rather large trucks,"     
   Beaudet recounted. "That changed our parking pattern a little."         
   The session accommodated one candidate who was severely vision impaired 
   and successfully upgraded to a General-class license, with a VE reading 
   the questions and recording his answers. -- Thanks to Joe Speroni,      
   AH0A, and Bob Beaudet, W1YRC                                            
   Intrepid-DX Group Announces Winners of Youth "Dream Rig" Essay Contest  
   The Intrepid-DX Group has announced the winners of its first annual     
   Youth "Dream Rig" Essay Contest. "We received over 60 essays from young 
   amateurs from all over the world," said Intrepid-DX Group President     
   Paul Ewing, N6PSE. "The essays were unique in thought and very          
   well-articulated. Extra points were given for proper grammar,           
   punctuation, and spelling. Most of the essays gave unique perspectives  
   on how to reach out and connect with the youth of today. We will be     
   sharing those ideas in subsequent postings."                            
   The first-place winner and recipient of an Icom IC-7300 transceiver is  
   Faith Hannah Lea, KD3Z. She will also receive a vertical flagpole       
   antenna from Greyline Performance Antennas, a deluxe headset from Heil  
   Sound, a Powerwerx switching power supply donated by Steve Jones, N6SJ, 
   and a QRP Nano Morse Key-25-811P from GigaParts.                        
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