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Subject: Re: Trying to study for extra Date: Fri Aug 14 2020 01:15 pm
From: Andre Robitaille To: Nigel Reed

On 14 Aug 2020, Nigel Reed said the following...
 NR>  > I'm not really following this line of thinking.

 NR> Not at all.

Meaning that general has access to every band that extra does. So any radio
or antenna you buy to cover band X will be accessible whether you are a
general or an extra.

Same mostly goes for antennas, though as a general you'd have a different center
of band to tune the antenna.

-  Andre`

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Raspberry Pi/32)
 * Origin: Runaan BBS (1:154/70)

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