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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Jul 17 2020 09:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   July 16, 2020                                                           
     * AMSAT-DL Submits Lunar Lander Proposal to European Space Agency      
     * DXCC Entities in Play as US Rejects China's Significant South China  
       Sea Claims                                                           
     * Field Day 2020 is Shaping Up to be One for the Record Books          
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * Radio Amateurs Respond to Flooding in Indonesia                     
     * Russian-Ukrainian Radio War May be Escalating                       
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Announcements                                                       
     * AMSAT VP Says Husky-1 CubeSat Project Helped Pave the Way for       
       Future Missions                                                     
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Getting It Right                                                    
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   AMSAT-DL Submits Lunar Lander Proposal to European Space Agency         
   Germany's amateur satellite organization AMSAT-DL has submitted a       
   comprehensive proposal to the European Space Agency (ESA) for its Lunar 
   Amateur Radio Transponder (LunART) lunar lander -- a communications     
   platform on the Large European Lander to support communication and      
   payload experiments. AMSAT-DL's Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, and Matthias      
   Bopp, DD1US, say that a LunART (called "LunaART" in the AMSAT-DL        
   proposal) would support direct communication with Earth via amateur     
   radio, support university and student payloads and offer direct access  
   to their experiments, and expand the reach of radio science. It could   
   also provide backup communication capability and capacity during an     
   emergency, or when the ESA network is busy.                             
   The comprehensive radio platform would use the European frequency       
   protocol of 2.4 GHz up and 10.45 GHz down (approximately 100 W),        
   pioneered in the QO-100 satellite, the first geosynchronous amateur     
   radio payload. The platform would also include a VHF/UHF transponder.   
   AMSAT-DL would develop and build the necessary hardware and software    
   and provide ground station support via the 20-meter dish at AMSAT-DL    
   headquarters in Bochum, Germany. They envision developing a smaller     
   ground station with an approximately 1-meter dish to support groups,    
   including schools and universities. Low-power beacons would transmit on 
   various frequencies from VHF (145 MHz) through SHF (up to 24 GHz or     
   even 47 GHz), AMSAT-DL's proposal says.                                 
   "This transponder would also be an ideal platform to develop new        
   transmission schemes with novel modulation and coding techniques        
   optimized for long-distance communications with the corresponding high  
   latency (long delays)," AMSAT-DL said. "This would provide essential    
   knowledge in preparation of a future Mars mission." In addition, LunART 
   could include the capability to transmit still or slow-scan television  
   images and video to schools "from cameras attached to the lander        
   monitoring the moon surface and perhaps the Earth in the background     
   [which] would be ideal stimuli for getting school kids and STEM         
   organizations further interested in space."                             
   The proposal is on open access at the ESA website and is now being      
   evaluated. AMSAT-DL's LunART follows the Lunar Amateur Radio            
   Interaction Experiment (LARIE) proposal from Andy Thomas, G0SFJ. Both   
   refer to weak signal modes and suggest the same frequency bands. Thomas 
   said he welcomes LunART as a well-developed proposal and hopes ESA will 
   support it as well. -- Thanks to Southgate Amateur Radio News           
   DXCC Entities in Play as US Rejects China's Significant South China Sea 
   To radio amateurs, Scarborough Reef or the Spratly Islands are DX       
   locations, occasionally activated to provide needy DXers with "a new    
   one." The Spratlys are #53 on the Club Log DXCC Most-Wanted List, but   
   Scarborough Reef -- a much more difficult piece of real estate to       
   access -- is #4. These South China Sea Islands are once again in the    
   news, as the US has begun putting heat on China by rejecting nearly all 
   of its significant land claims in the region. Secretary of State Mike   
   Pompeo this week said that the US now regards virtually all Chinese     
   maritime claims outside of its internationally recognized waters to be  
   "The world will not allow Beijing to treat the South China Sea as its   
   maritime empire," Pompeo said. "America stands with our Southeast Asian 
   allies and partners in protecting their sovereign rights to offshore    
   resources, consistent with their rights and obligations under           
   international law. We stand with the international community in defense 
   of freedom of the seas and respect for sovereignty and reject any push  
   to impose 'might makes right' in the South China Sea or the wider       
   A 2016 ruling from an international tribunal discounted China's claims  
   with respect to Scarborough Reef -- also known as Scarborough Shoal --  
   and the Spratlys, but it did not rule on the matter of sovereignty. In  
   addition to China's claim, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the           
   Philippines have asserted ownership of the Spratlys. Scarborough Reef   
   is claimed by China, the Philippines, and Taiwan. The Permanent Court   
   of Arbitration in the Hague ruled in favor of the Philippines in a      
   dispute with China over Scarborough Reef. The tribunal said that        
   although navigators and fishermen from China and other states have      
   historically made use of South China Sea Islands, there was no evidence 
   that China had historically exercised exclusive                         
   Bob Vallio, W6RGG, was one of the                                       
   operators on the 2007 BS7H                                              
   Scarborough Reef DXpedition.                                            
   control over the waters or resources. The tribunal said China had       
   violated the Philippines' sovereign rights and had caused "severe harm  
   to the coral reef environment" by building artificial islands and an    
   air strip.                                                              
   In 2015, a Chinese naval vessel "harassed a Philippine Air Force patrol 
   flight in the Spratlys," one news account reported, by firing an        
   illumination round. The incident postponed a Philippine Navy flight     
   that was to evacuate an ailing participant of the then-just-ended DX0P  
   DXpedition. The Chinese Navy has also warned off private aircraft. DX0P 
   was issued by the Philippines. Last week, China complained about the US 
   conducting joint exercises with two US aircraft carrier groups in the   
   A May 2007 DXpedition to Scarborough Reef used the call sign BS7H,      
   granted by China. DXpedition team members operated from wooden          
   platforms mounted atop each of the reef's four rocks that were exposed  
   during high tide. The ARRL Board of Directors voted in 1996 to add      
   Scarborough Reef to the ARRL DXCC List.                                 
   Field Day 2020 is Shaping Up to be One for the Record Books             
   ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, reported this week    
   that ARRL has received more than 8,700 online Field Day entries, and    
   paper-only entries have started arriving too.                           
   "As many participants chose to operate from home this year, and given   
   the 2020 rules waivers, we have seen a tremendous increase in entries   
   over last year's event," Bourque said. "Most of the entries received    
   have been through the online web app, and Headquarters staffers have    
   begun processing the paper entries this week." The 2020 waivers allowed 
   individual club members to attribute their scores to their clubs.       
   Participants who submitted entries online are encouraged to check the   
   Field Day entries received page to verify that their entries are marked 
   as complete, and that the club name entered is correct. Entries with a  
   status of "pending" are incomplete entries that are missing one or more 
   items, and these need to be completed for an official entry.            
   Share your stories and photos using the ARRL soapbox page or via social 
   media, such as on the ARRL Field Day Facebook group.                    
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 7) features tips  
   for soldering a PL-259 connector onto the end of a coaxial cable, and   
   information on beginner courses for hams who want to serve their        
   communities during disasters and other incidents. The On the Air        
   podcast is a monthly companion to On the Air magazine, ARRL's magazine  
   for beginner-to-intermediate ham radio operators.                       
   The latest episode of the Eclectic Tech podcast (Episode 12), available 
   on Thursday, July 16, will feature a discussion with Bob Allison,       
   WB1GCM, about low-frequency activities, plus an update on the status of 
   NextGen TV.                                                             
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android) as well   
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   Radio Amateurs Respond to Flooding in Indonesia                         
   Indonesia's International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member-society     
   ORARI and the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia  
   (LAPAN) have activated the IO-86 amateur radio satellite to facilitate  
   emergency communication in the South Sulawesi province in the wake of   
   flooding on July 13. The disaster has affected nearly 5,000 families,   
   according to Indonesia's National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB). 
   Heavy rains early this week swelled rivers and sent floodwaters, mud,   
   and debris across roads and into thousands of homes, submerging many of 
   them. IARU Region 3 Disaster Communication Coordinator Dani Halim,      
   YB2TJV, reports an emergency post was established near the scene of the 
   flooding. Some traffic is being handled on HF, and radio amateurs in    
   Region 3 are asked to keep 7.110 MHz free for emergency communications. 
   Repairs to the power grid are under way. Local emergency managers and   
   the Indonesian Red Cross have conducted a quick assessment in the       
   field. The provincial road is covered in mud, preventing access to the  
   main command post and the affected location.                            
   As of July 15, at least 16 people died, and 46 other individuals are    
   missing. ORARI Local Soroako participated in activating the Masamba     
   flash flood disaster relief program and proceeded directly to the       
   disaster site. Carrying out communication support at the disaster site, 
   ORARI Local Soroako -- with Andi Baharuddin, YC8BR, who had first       
   headed for the disaster site -- and ORARI Local Luwu Utara were         
   establishing emergency communication.                                   
   Russian-Ukrainian Radio War May be Escalating                           
   The June newsletter of the International Amateur Radio Union Region 1   
   Monitoring System (IARUMS) reports that what's being called "the        
   Russian-Ukrainian radio war" continues apace.                           
   "The Russian-Ukrainian radio war remained on a high escalation level    
   also in June," IARUMS Region 1 Coordinator Peter Jost, HB9CET, said.    
   "Almost every day, we heard the massive spiteful and provocative        
   broadcasts. In June, they used more frequencies than before, affecting  
   our bands very hard. It is a great annoyance and a big shame!"          
   Jost points out that the IARU Monitoring System has little opportunity  
   to stop the on-the-air conflict. "Only national authorities can         
   hopefully do something against international complaints," he said. "It  
   is very important and very helpful that many other [IARU]               
   member-societies also observe these frequencies and make complaints to  
   their regulators. We have to coordinate this well within IARU and act   
   together. This is the only way we have a certain power."                
   In May, Jost reported that the radio war has raged "for years" at 7055  
   kHz LSB (as well as on 7050 or 7060 kHz). Jost also reported continued  
   daily transmissions from the Russian over-the-horizon radar known as    
   "Contayner" in the 40- and 20-meter amateur bands and elsewhere. The    
   Chinese "V" has been reported on 20 meters, from 14,246 to 14,256 kHz.  
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Over the July 9 - 15 reporting week,  
   we only saw sunspot activity on July 10, when the daily sunspot number  
   was 12. The sunspot was designated as number 2766, returning for a      
   second appearance from Solar Cycle 24. From last week to this, the      
   average daily sunspot number declined from 3.3 to 1.7, but average      
   daily solar flux remained at 68.5.                                      
   Predicted solar flux remains low, further evidence of this long, deep   
   solar minimum. All flux values for the next 45 days are predicted to    
   stay below 70. The predicted 10.7-centimeter solar flux is 69 on July   
   16 - 22; 68 on July 23 - 24; 69 on July 25 - August 1, 68 on August 2 - 
   20; 69 on August 21 - 28, and 68 on August 29.                          
   Predicted planetary A index is 5 on July 16 - 30; 8 and 10 on July 31 - 
   August 1; 5 on August 2 - 8; 8 on August 9 - 10; 5 on August 11 - 26; 8 
   on August 27 - 28, and 5 on August 29.                                  
   George Hall, N2CG, in Northern New Jersey reported an extensive 6-meter 
   opening, which we will cover in Friday's bulletin.                      
   Sunspot numbers for July 9 - 15 were 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0, with a   
   mean of 1.7. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 68.7, 68.8, 68.7, 67.6, 68.2, 
   68.9, and 68.4, with a mean of 68.5. Estimated planetary A indices were 
   4, 3, 3, 3, 6, 11, and 5, with a mean of 5. Middle latitude A index was 
   4, 3, 2, 3, 7, 9, and 6, with a mean of 4.9.                            
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer       
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.        
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * July 18 -- Feld Hell Sprint                                         
     * July 18 -- Russian Radio Team Championship (CW, phone)              
     * July 18 -- Trans-Tasman Low-Bands Challenge (CW, phone)             
     * July 18 - 19 -- North American QSO Party, RTTY                      
     * July 18 - 19 -- CQ Worldwide VHF Contest (CW, phone)                
     * July 19 -- RSGB Low Power Contest (CW)                              
     * July 19 -- Run for the Bacon QRP Contest (CW)                       
     * July 19 -- CQC Great Colorado Gold Rush (CW)                        
     * July 22 -- SKCC Sprint (CW)                                         
     * July 23 -- RSGB 80-Meter Club Championship, Data                    
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth        
   reporting on amateur radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest    
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                  
     * The ARRL Board of Directors will meet July 17 - 18 in virtual       
       session for its second regular meeting of the year. The Board will  
       hear reports from committees, including the CEO Search Committee,   
       chaired by Central Division Director Kermit Carlson, W9XA; consider 
       committee reports and recommendations, and proposals for amendments 
       to the Articles of Association and Bylaws.                          
     * ARRL has a new way to let members know when the digital editions of 
       QST and other publications are available. Distributed via email,    
       The ARRL Current offers a monthly overview of ARRL publications and 
       member benefits. The inaugural edition launched in June. Subscribe  
       now to receive each issue going forward. Manage your email          
       preferences from your ARRL account (members must first be           
       registered on the ARRL website). Go to the Edit Email Subscriptions 
       page, select The ARRL Current, and then click Save.                 
     * Volunteer Monitor (VM) program coordinator Riley Hollingsworth,     
       K4ZDH, reported that monitoring hours increased significantly from  
       the first quarter to the second quarter of the year. VMs logged     
       first-quarter HF hours at 3,533, and VHF/UHF/Other hours at 2,258.  
       They logged second-quarter HF hours at 5,930, and VHF/UHF/Other at  
     * "The Uncertain Future of Ham Radio" is the title of an IEEE         
       Spectrum article by Julianne Pepitone that addresses a range of     
       topics, from ARRL to spectrum allocation and ham radio              
       demographics. The author interviewed both young and old radio       
       amateurs to glean their individual perspectives on how to grow      
       amateur radio and keep it alive for future generations.             
     * The European Space Agency (ESA) has released a new video, "How to   
       get pictures from the International Space Station via Amateur       
       Radio." The video features radio amateur David Honess, 2E0XDO       
       (ex-M6DNT). An article on the same topic, "Pictures from space via  
       ham radio," appeared last year in The MagPi, the Raspberry Pi       
     * The first DX Engineering (DXE) Virtual Hamfest and DX Academy takes 
       place on Saturday, July 25, Both virtual events are free. Register  
       for the Zoom platform presentations or watch live on the DXE        
       YouTube channel. The DXE hamfest starts at 9 AM. The DX Academy     
       starts at 1 PM. Visit the DXE Facebook page or On All Bands blog    
       for more information.                                               
     * Brazil's IARU member-society LABRE has released an analysis of      
       radio amateurs by numbers, class, and state. With a population of   
       212 million, Brazil boasted 39,539 radio amateurs (36,919 men and   
       2,620 women) in 2019. By way of comparison, the UK, with a          
       population of 67 million, is believed to have some 78,000           
       individual amateur licensees as of mid-July 2020.                   
   AMSAT VP Says Husky-1 CubeSat Project Helped Pave the Way for Future    
   AMSAT Vice President of Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, said that while 
   it was disappointing that the amateur transponder on HuskySat-1         
   (HO-107) was not available any longer, following the satellite's        
   science missions, the overall HuskySat-1 project and mission "were      
   quite beneficial for our partner and for AMSAT." The linear transponder 
   module (LTM) on HuskySat-1 was operational for more than 3 months,      
   failing during or just after a period of full sun when LTM temperatures 
   topped 80 °C (176 °F). HuskySat-1 was the first CubeSat from the Husky  
   Satellite Lab at the University of Washington (UW) and the first        
   mission with AMSAT's LTM V/u transponder onboard. University            
   researchers conducted their work using an FCC Part 5 Experimental       
   "The HuskySat-1 team was able to command their satellite and            
   experiments and receive the telemetry they sought, and AMSAT was able   
   to work through the extensive process of making a new design for a      
   'black box' radio module that can be integrated into a non-AMSAT        
   spacecraft and fly in the space environment," Buxton said in a recent   
   post to the AMSAT-BB reflector. "While licensed and operated as an      
   amateur radio satellite by AMSAT during the transponder use, some facts 
   set HO-107 apart from our Fox-1 CubeSats and other AMSAT satellites,"   
   Buxton explained, pointing out that HuskySat-1 was not an AMSAT         
   "We have no control and may not have any insight into how a partner     
   actually uses the LTM," he said. "While we see the LTM temperatures and 
   many of the other typical data fields that we downlink to FoxTelem      
   regarding LTM health, data such as temperature of the host environment  
   as well as other specific information like power and the state of the   
   other systems in a host satellite may or may not be available to us.    
   Whether LTM is operated within design limits is entirely up to the      
   Buxton said the HuskySat team and AMSAT cooperated smoothly on the      
   mission. The HuskySat-1 team is processing and studying its data for    
   use in their thesis and classes and preparing it for release "in a      
   specific way typical of such an institution today," he said. "AMSAT is  
   generally more forthcoming with information about our missions, but     
   what we can and have said about this mission is determined by UW."      
   Buxton said the LTM concept is now becoming available for other         
   non-AMSAT CubeSats to fly amateur radio on their mission.               
   "HO-107 is the pilot production of LTM and was developed in partnership 
   with UW HuskySat-1," Buxton explained. "It was the first CubeSat radio  
   module designed and built by AMSAT for use in other host CubeSats, and  
   UW was key in working with us through the design and processes needed   
   to provide such a module. They did not buy it as such, nor did we give  
   it to them as an 'off-the-shelf' product, as we plan to for future LTM  
   LTM was developed from the Fox-1E linear transponder design. "Overall,  
   the HuskySat-1 team was quite happy with the telemetry and command      
   performance, even with the LTM anomalies showing up toward the end of   
   their experiments," Buxton said. "In the process of getting HuskySat-1  
   to orbit, several students became interested in amateur radio, and we   
   have already had preliminary discussions of future joint mission        
   "There is no doubt that HO-107 was a success in many ways beyond the    
   operational life of the transponder," Buxton added. -- Thanks to AMSAT  
   News Service                                                            
   In Brief...                                                             
   Former North Texas Section Manager Tom Blackwell, N5GAR, of Dallas,     
   Texas, died on May 14. An ARRL Life Member, he was 65. Blackwell served 
   as North Texas SM from 2005 until 2009. Blackwell graduated from the    
   University of Texas at Austin in the College of Business                
   ministration. He attended graduate school at the University of Texas  
   at Dallas. He was an original petitioner in the Petition for Rule       
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