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Subject: Re: New callsign! Date: Sat Jul 11 2020 03:00 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Sean Dennis


 SD> As of today, I am now KS4TD (my initals are STD; no, not being funny).
 SD> The FCC public database is lagging so while I have my license, it
 SD> probably won't be until Wednesday of next week before my new call shows up.

  First, congratulations. Now, the rest of us jokers (hi hi), will get alternate
phonetics for you!! I'm going to have to think about this one.
Keep Searching For The Datafiles, perhaps?? <BG>

 SD> What's really frustrating is that I am trying to update all of the services
 SD> I use (, Echolink, et al.) and they won't do anything until the
 SD> database updates ...

  I went through a similar deal when I changed from:

1) N5VLZ (original callsign) to AE5WX
2) AE5WX to WX1DER
3) WX1DER to WX4QZ

  Unfortunately, I had to pay a fee for the AE5WX and WX1DER callsigns,
but there was no fee for WX4QZ. The bad part is that refunds are not
available...that's the government for you.

  And, I'm not changing this one again (I know, I never thought I'd
change any of the others). But, after getting burned out on weather
after 28 years in ham radio (and the ignorance of so many who should
know better), I changed the emphasis to trains and railroads. But, the
suffix is "QRZ without the R" -- in my case, R stands for "Radio", since
I operate "internet only". But, at least my ham radio license isn't just
"a sheet of paper".

Daryl, WX4QZ

... I CQ. Therefore, I HAM. -- DE WX4QZ
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