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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Jun 12 2020 09:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   June 11, 2020                                                           
     * ARRL Contest Program Issues Field Day 2020 FAQ                       
     * ARRL Volunteer Monitor Program Recognizes Good Operators             
     * UK Special Events to Recognize Historic Marconi Factory Radio        
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                                
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * ARRL Announces Updated Features on Contest Portal                   
     * Deadline is June 15 for 2020 McGan Silver Antenna Award Nominations 
     * ARISS Establishes Itself as an Independent Organization             
     * Announcements                                                       
     * Youth Working Group in IARU Region 1 Inaugurates YOTA Online        
     * Indian Amateur Radio Volunteers Support Communication During        
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   ARRL Contest Program Issues Field Day 2020 FAQ                          
   The ARRL Contest Program has released some Frequently Asked Questions   
   related to the temporary rule waivers for Field Day. On May 28, the     
   ARRL Programs and Services Committee (PSC) adopted these provisions     
   only for the June 27 - 28, 2020, event: (1) Class D stations may work   
   all other Field Day stations, including other Class D stations, for     
   points, and (2) an aggregate club score will be published, which will   
   be the sum of all individual entries that indicate a specific club.     
   Contact the ARRL Contest Program with any questions related to Field    
   Day 2020.                                                               
   Q: Several of our club members are going to operate independently and   
   wish to attribute their scores to the aggregate club score. What call   
   sign should they use?                                                   
   A: Participants should use their own call signs. Except for Class C     
   (mobile) entries, all transmitters, receivers, and antennas located     
   within a 1,000-foot-diameter circle may operate using a single call     
   sign. This prohibits the use of a single call sign from more than one   
   location. Under the 2020 waiver, those operating from home, including   
   backyard operations, must use their own station call signs. Multiple    
   home stations operating with a club call sign or modified club call     
   sign, such as W1AW-1, W1AW-2, W1AW-3, etc., are not allowed.            
   Q: How does my club submit an aggregate club score?  Does the club need 
   to add up each participating member's scores and submit a club entry    
   with the aggregate score under the club call sign?                      
   A: Each participant will submit his or her own independent entry under  
   his or her call sign. ARRL will calculate the aggregate score based     
   upon the club name entered on the official Field Day entry form via the 
   web applet (preferred method) or on the paper Field Day entry form. In  
   order for results to be tabulated correctly, all club participants must 
   enter the club's official name exactly the same, avoiding abbreviations 
   or acronyms. This is important!                                         
   Q: Our group is still planning to operate at the usual Field Day site,  
   but some members do not feel comfortable gathering in a large group     
   this year. Can we still submit an entry using the club call sign, as    
   well as have members operating from home using their own call signs?    
   A: Yes. If your club is still hosting a group Field Day effort, it will 
   submit an entry as usual, using the club call sign. Club members        
   operating at home will submit separate entries with their own call      
   signs and will enter the club name on the entry form for club aggregate 
   Q: Can a club member operate from home using the club call sign?        
   A: Yes, but the call sign may only be used in one location. The member  
   must receive permission from the trustee of the club call sign.         
   Q: Our club normally enters Field Day in Class A. If we operate from    
   our home stations, in which class should individual members enter in    
   order to be included in the aggregate club score?                       
   A: Each member will operate independently and will submit the entry     
   using whatever class applies to their operation. Typically, home        
   stations running on commercial ac power are Class D, while home         
   stations running on battery, solar, generator, or the like (i.e., not   
   from ac mains) are Class E. When the results are published, each club   
   member will be listed in the results under the class in which they      
   operated. For 2020 only, aggregate club scores will be listed by the    
   club name in a separate listing. Read more.                             
   Refer to the complete rules to determine eligibility for bonus points.  
   -- Thanks to ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE,          
   ARRL Volunteer Monitor Program Recognizes Good Operators                
   Volunteer Monitor Program Coordinator Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, said  
   the program has recognized numerous radio amateurs with Good Operator   
   "One facet of the ARRL and FCC agreement that set up the Volunteer      
   Monitor Program calls for ARRL to recognize especially good amateur     
   radio behavior, in order to encourage compliance with FCC rules and     
   further the efficiency of the Amateur Radio Service," Hollingsworth     
   said. "Seventeen operators in 15 states received Good Operator Notices  
   in the first quarter of 2020. The Good Operator Notices went to veteran 
   operators as well as newcomers, including a 13-year-old in North        
   Carolina for CW operation during the Youth on the Air Special Event,    
   and a 14-year-old in Wyoming for SSB operation."                        
   Hollingsworth also said that a 2-meter repeater operator received a     
   Good Operator Report for establishing and managing a COVID-19 net in    
   Pennsylvania, while other operators of various license classes received 
   notices for everyday SSB and CW operation on the HF bands. Recipients   
   were nominated on the basis of operation observed by Volunteer Monitors 
   According to Hollingsworth, Volunteer Monitors reported 2,035 hours     
   monitoring on HF, and 2,856 hours monitoring on VHF/UHF and other       
   frequencies during May.                                                 
   After kicking off on January 1, the new Volunteer Monitor Program       
   ramped up to operational status earlier this spring, starting with a    
   "soft rollout" that started on February 1, designed to familiarize VMs  
   with issues on the bands and to put into practice what to report and    
   what to ignore, based on their training.                                
   Hollingsworth uses a system called VMTRAC -- developed by a VM -- to    
   measure the work of VMs and determine instances that qualify for good   
   operator or discrepancy notices, referral to the FCC, or follow-up with 
   FCC requests to the VM program. -- Thanks to Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH 
   UK Special Events to Recognize Historic Marconi Factory Radio Broadcast 
   Two special events in June will mark the centennial of the first        
   entertainment radio broadcast. England's Chelmsford Amateur Radio       
   Society (CARS) will operate special event GB100MZX on June 13 - 20, and 
   Wales' Dragon Amateur Radio Club will operate special event GB0MZX on   
   June 12 - 21. Both will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the live   
   radio recital by well-known Australian soprano Dame Nellie Melba, on    
   June 15, 1920. These special events open the door to some interesting   
   radio history.                                                          
                                      MZX was the call sign at Marconi's   
                                      factory on New Street in Chelmsford. 
   MZX was the call sign at Marconi's second Chelmsford radio factory on   
   New Street, built in 1912. A CARS history recounts that after 1913, all 
   G- and M-prefix call signs were allocated to the UK, with the M prefix  
   being associated with Marconi. The Marconi factory received a general   
   experimental license in late 1919 with the MZX call sign.               
   According CARS, in order to test transmitters manufactured in the new   
   plant, it became common practice to power them into an antenna and      
   invite people to read "railway timetables or similar mundane material"  
   over the air.                                                           
   Listeners who wrote Marconi suggested that he air more enlightening     
   material, so some locals were informally invited into the factory to    
   tell stories or even sing from a makeshift studio. Two 750-foot towers  
   at the factory supported wire antennas for MZX, which by the time of    
   the historic broadcast was running a 15 kW transmitter.                 
   Dame Nellie Melba. [BBC archive]                                        
   Sensing a potential profit, The Daily Mail newspaper paid Dame Nellie   
   Melba to travel to Chelmsford by train, where she was picked up in a    
   chauffeur-driven car and taken the long way around Chelmsford on a      
   route advertised beforehand to waving crowds before arriving at the     
   studio in New Street, just a few hundred meters away.                   
   The CARS account continues, "Her historic performance was very well     
   received, although she realized that possibly future (paid) public      
   performances may suffer if she was often 'on the radio,' [and] she      
   never made a radio broadcast again.                                     
   "The Postmaster-General was not amused by such trivial use and withdrew 
   the license in November 1920 on 'interference grounds,' in particular   
   with Croydon airfield. The public clamor for reinstatement was          
   substantial, and due to pressure from the Wireless Society of London    
   and the House of Commons, the Post Office eventually relented."         
   The Wireless Society of London eventually became the Radio Society of   
   Great Britain (RSGB), the International Amateur Radio Union             
   ditional history of Marconi's manufacturing and broadcasting in the   
   UK appears on the CARS website.                                         
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Sunspots made a solid reappearance    
   over the June 4 - 10 reporting week, with average daily sunspot number  
   rising from 3.3 to 14. As expected, the average 10.7-centimeter solar   
   flux rose from 69.6 to 71.3.                                            
   The average daily planetary A index dipped from 6 to 5.1, while average 
   daily middle latitude A index changed from 5.7 to 6.1.                  
   The outlook for the next 45 days has solar flux at 72 on June 11; 70 on 
   June 12 - 17; 68 on June 18 - 24; 70 on June 25 - 26; 72 on June 27 -   
   July 11; 70 on July 12 - 13; 68 on July 14 - 21; 70 on July 22 - 23,    
   and 72 on July 14 - 25.                                                 
   Predicted planetary A index is 5 on June 11 - July 3, then 8 and 12 on  
   July 4 - 5, and 5 on July 6 - 25.                                       
   Sunspot numbers for June 4 through 10 were 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 14, and  
   11, with a mean of 14. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 70.1, 71.1, 71.6,   
   71.6, 71, 72.4, and 71, with a mean of 71.3. Estimated planetary A      
   indices were 4, 4, 3, 9, 4, 5, and 7, with a mean of 5.1. The middle    
   latitude A index was 5, 4, 2, 10, 6, 5, and 11, with a mean of 6.1.     
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer       
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.        
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * June 13 -- Asia-Pacific Sprint (SSB)                                
     * June 13 -- AGCW VHF/UHF Contest (CW)                                
     * June 13 - 14 -- DRCG WW RTTY Contest                                
     * June 13 - 14 -- SMIRK Contest (CW)                                  
     * June 13 - 14 -- Portugal Day Contest (CW, phone)                    
     * June 13 - 14 -- SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (CW)                       
     * June 13 - 14 -- GACW WWSA CW DX Contest                             
     * June 13 - 14 -- REF DDFM 6 Meter Contest (CW, phone)                
     * June 13 - 15 -- ARRL June VHF Contest (CW, phone, digital)          
     * June 15 -- 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint (CW, phone)      
     * June 15 -- RSGB FT4 Contest Series                                  
     * June 16 -- SARL Youth Sprint (Phone)                                
     * June 17 -- NAQCC CW Sprint                                          
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth        
   reporting on amateur radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest    
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                  
   ARRL Announces Updated Features on Contest Portal                       
   The much-anticipated updated features at the ARRL Contest portal are    
   here! These web-based tools provide an updated interface to contest     
   data for all ARRL-sponsored contest events, including:                  
     * Contest Score viewer, including a searchable call history and       
     * Submitted logs and raw scores for recent events                     
     * Downloadable Comma Separated Values (CSV) files of contest results  
     * Club Competition scores, including total and individual scores      
     * Soapbox page for posting and viewing contest stories, photos, and   
       other media                                                         
     * Downloadable, printable certificates suitable for framing           
     * Log Checking Reports (LCRs)                                         
     * Access to public logs                                               
     * Contest results articles and line scores                            
   ARRL Contest portal users will notice other minor changes to the site,  
   as some functions have been moved on the page for better functionality  
   and flow. The ARRL Contest portal is now a one-stop shop for all        
   ARRL-sponsored contests. From the site, you can access everything, from 
   the start time of a contest to your post-event certificate of           
   accomplishment. All ARRL contest information is now conveniently        
   located in one centralized location. Contact the Contest Program        
   Manager for more information on the updated features and on ARRL        
   contests in general.                                                    
   Deadline is June 15 for 2020 McGan Silver Antenna Award Nominations     
   The deadline is Monday, June 15, to submit nominations for the 2020     
   Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award, presented annually to a  
   radio amateur who has demonstrated success in public relations on       
   behalf of amateur radio and who best exemplifies the volunteer spirit   
   of Philip McGan, WA2MBQ (SK).                                           
   A journalist, McGan was the first chairman of the ARRL's Public         
   Relations Committee, which helped reinvigorate ARRL's commitment to     
   public relations, and he served as ARRL PIO for the New Hampshire       
   Activities for which the McGan Award is presented include those         
   specifically directed at bringing amateur radio to the media's and the  
   public's attention in a positive light. This may include such           
   traditional methods as news releases or interviews, or less traditional 
   methods, such as hosting a radio show or being an active public         
   speaker. Nominees must be ARRL members.                                 
   The ARRL Board of Directors will choose the award winner at its July    
   2020 meeting.                                                           
   Nominations must be received at ARRL Headquarters by the close of       
   business on Friday, June 15, 2020. Nominations must be on an official   
   entry form. Anyone may make a nomination. Read more.                    
   ARISS Establishes Itself as an Independent Organization                 
   Going forward, the US arm of the Amateur Radio on the International     
   Space Station International working group will be known as ARISS-USA,   
   an independent organization. ARISS serves as the intermediary to        
   arrange contacts between schools and organizations on Earth and ISS     
   crew members. ARISS-USA incorporated as a non-profit entity in Maryland 
   in late May. The move will allow ARISS-USA to work independently,       
   soliciting grants and donations. ARISS-USA will continue promoting      
   amateur radio and science, technology, engineering, arts, and math      
   (STEAM) goals within schools and educational organizations. ARISS-USA   
   lead Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, noted that the scope and reach of what ARISS  
   accomplishes has grown significantly since its modest start in 1996.    
   "Our working group status made it cumbersome to establish partnerships, 
   sign agreements, and solicit grants," Bauer said. "These can only be    
   done as an established organization."                                   
   The move toward becoming an independent organization has been discussed 
   for quite a while, ARISS-USA said in announcing the change.             
   "ARISS-USA will maintain its collaborative work with ARISS              
   International as well as with US sponsors, partners, and interest       
   groups," the announcement said. "The main goal of ARISS-USA remains as  
   connecting educational groups with opportunities to interact with       
   astronauts aboard the [space station]. ARISS-USA will expand its human  
   spaceflight opportunities with the space agencies beyond low-Earth      
   orbit, starting with lunar opportunities including the Lunar Gateway.   
   ARISS-USA will continue to review and accept proposals for ISS contacts 
   and expand its other educational opportunities to increase interest in  
   space sciences and radio communications."                               
   AMSAT President Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, said AMSAT would work with      
   ARISS-USA to ensure a smooth transition for operations and funding.     
   "Many of AMSAT's members are an integral part of the ARISS team," he    
   said. "The human spaceflight element of AMSAT's vision has been         
   realized through these contributions."                                  
   ARISS-USA can accept tax-deductible contributions via AMSAT-NA through  
   the ARISS website. Read more.                                           
     * The 38th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting    
       in-person event set to be held in Bloomington, Minnesota, in        
       October will be shifted to a virtual, online platform, in response  
       to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.                                   
     * Astronaut Kate Rubins, KG5FYJ, in mid-October will head to the ISS  
       for a 6-month mission as a flight engineer. She will launch with    
       Cosmonauts Sergey Ryzhikov and Sergey Kud-Sverchkov.                
     * The FCC has announced a $5 million settlement with                  
       voice-over-internet protocol (VoIP) telephone service provider      
       magicJack regarding the company's failure to report its interstate  
       revenues and to contribute to the Universal Service Fund.           
     * Kylee Shirbroun, KE0WPA, of Worthington, Minnesota, has posted a    
       portion of the science fair video she made about amateur radio      
     * China's Harbin Institute of Technology has released a short cartoon 
       video, Longjiang-2: Journey to the Moon, which tells the story of   
       LO-94, the world's smallest spacecraft, which entered lunar orbit   
       independently. The video is narrated in Chinese with English        
     * The 2020 edition of AMSAT's Getting Started with Amateur Satellites 
       is now available for download on the AMSAT store.                   
   Youth Working Group in IARU Region 1 Inaugurates YOTA Online            
   The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 Youth Working     
   Group inaugurated YOTA (Youngsters on the Air) Online in late May. The  
   program is an opportunity for young radio amateurs from Region 1        
   (Europe, Africa, and the Middle East) to gather online each month. For  
   each session, a YOTA team will present various topics; the initial      
   session focused on the Youth Contesting Program (YCP) in Region 1, in   
   which young radiosport enthusiasts operate from well-equipped contest   
   stations for various events. The sessions, which are open to all and    
   conducted in English, also offer the opportunity for participants to    
   get answers to questions addressed to the online community. Each        
   session wraps up with a prize raffle.                                   
   Region 1 Youth Working Group chair Lisa Leenders, PA2LS, moderated the  
   May 28 gathering. She said the YOTA Online approach evolved because a   
   lot of activities fell victim to the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond that,    
   she said, YOTA Online provides an interactive venue for those who might 
   be unable to attend even in-person activities. The inaugural YOTA       
   Online session ran about 1 hour. In addition to social media platforms  
   Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitch, Leenders said the session was 
   streamed on Amateur Television via the Es'hail QO-100 geostationary     
   satellite from a location in Belgium, with good reports.                
                                             Lisa Leenders, PA2LS,         
                                             moderated the YOTA Online     
                                             inaugural session.            
   "A huge thanks to everyone watching the first YOTA Online session,"     
   Leenders said. "The successful session gathered more than 600 unique    
   viewers from all continents except Oceania and Antarctica, as far as we 
   could track. Considering this, we can say that the event was indeed     
   taking place worldwide."                                                
   YOTA Online was created by a team of young hams from six European       
   countries. The first event involved dozens of hours of planning, with   
   several team sessions held in advance to make the free YOTA broadcast   
   available around the world.                                             
   Leenders asked all who watched the event or viewed it after the fact    
   for any feedback. The form also gives viewers a chance to suggest       
   topics for future YOTA Online gatherings. The second YOTA Online        
   session is set for Thursday, June 25, at 1800 UTC.                      
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