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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Mar 06 2020 09:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   March 4, 2020                                                           
     * ARRL Foundation Announces ARDC Scholarship Matching Grant            
     * Dayton Hamvention Officials Keeping an Eye on Coronavirus Situation  
     * Henry Radio Los Angeles Founder Ted Henry, W6UOU, is 100!            
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * Dayton Hamvention Names 2020 Award Winners                           
     * International Space Station Resupply Mission to Carry New ARISS Ham 
       Radio Gear                                                          
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * IARU Region 2 Seeks Young Hams to Help Reshape Amateur Radio        
     * Motorola Wins Multimillion Dollar Theft of Trade Secrets Case       
       Against Hytera                                                      
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   ARRL Foundation Announces ARDC Scholarship Matching Grant               
   ARRL Foundation President Dr. David Woolweaver, K5RAV, announced this   
   week that the nonprofit Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has 
   generously agreed to award the ARRL Foundation a grant to match the     
   Foundation's 2020-2021 scholarships on a dollar-for-dollar basis, up to 
   a total of $200,000.                                                    
   "The ARRL Foundation Board is honored to partner with ARDC to award     
   ARDC's Amateur Radio Digital Communications' Brian H. Kantor, WB6CYT,   
   Memorial Scholarship grant for 2020," Woolweaver said. "These           
   scholarships, made possible by ARDC's generous contribution, will       
   assist many young amateur radio operators in their pursuit of education 
   at colleges, universities, and graduate schools."                       
   Last July, ARDC announced it would use the proceeds from its sale of    
   some 4 million unused consecutive AMPRNet internet addresses to fund    
   its operations and to establish a program of grants and scholarships to 
   support communications and networking research -- with a strong         
   emphasis on amateur radio. ARDC has said that it intends to award "a    
   total of several million dollars in grants of varied amounts" to        
   qualified beneficiaries, to be used in accordance with ARDC's mission.  
   ARDC awarded grants in 2019 and so far in 2020 to several amateur       
   radio-related entities, including a generous award to the Amateur Radio 
   on the International Space Station (ARISS), the Foundation for Amateur  
   Radio scholarship program, the GNU Radio Project, TAPR, and the YASME   
   The ARRL Foundation and ARDC are negotiating the terms for ARDC's 2021  
   - 2022 academic year scholarship awards, which will consist of          
   scholarships separate from those the ARRL Foundation already            
   The winners of the ARRL and matching ARDC scholarship awards for the    
   upcoming school year will be announced in the September issue of QST.   
   Dayton Hamvention Officials Keeping an Eye on Coronavirus Situation     
   With Dayton Hamvention^(R) 2020 a little more than 10 weeks away,       
   Hamvention officials say they are closely following the coronavirus     
   (COVID-19) situation. Show organizers will post updates as the May 15 - 
   17 event nears, but they're optimistic that coronavirus will not be an  
   "At this time, the Hamvention Executive Committee has been in contact   
   with the Greene County Public Health Department, and we do not          
   anticipate any impact because of this issue," a March 3 Hamvention      
   statement said. The Greene County Public Health Department reports that 
   no cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Ohio.                       
   "Greene County Public Health is working closely with the Ohio           
   Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and            
   Prevention, and are prepared to respond, should there be a community    
   spread of COVID-19," the Hamvention statement noted. "The current risk  
   to the general public is very low. Travel advisories are in effect, and 
   can change anytime, so please see the CDC Travel visory web page      
   before traveling."                                                      
   The Hamvention advisory pointed out the best ways to prevent becoming   
   infected or spreading the virus:                                        
     * Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use alcohol-based     
       hand sanitizer.                                                     
     * Avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.                           
     * Cover coughs/sneezes with your arm or a tissue.                     
     * Avoid exposure to others who are sick.                              
     * Stay home if you are ill and avoid close contact with others.       
     * Get adequate sleep and eat well-balanced meals to ensure a healthy  
       immune system.                                                      
     * Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.        
   The Ohio Department of Health also offers helpful information regarding 
   Dayton Hamvention takes place May 15 - 17 at the Greene County          
   Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia, Ohio.                             
   Henry Radio Los Angeles Founder Ted Henry, W6UOU, is 100!               
   Henry Radio Los Angeles founder Ted Henry, W6UOU, turned 100 years old  
   on January 25. The fascinating Henry family history in amateur radio    
   marketing and manufacturing dates back to the late 1920s.               
   The original Henry Radio shop, started by Ted's brother Bob Henry,      
   W0ARA (SK), opened in 1927 in Butler, Missouri. It stayed in business   
   until Bob died in 1985. Ted and another brother, Walt, later W6ZN,      
   worked with Bob Henry during the early years and became fascinated with 
   ham radio. After Ted moved to Los Angeles in 1941, he opened a small    
   radio shop, which he operated while attending college at UCLA           
                                      Ted Henry, W6UOU, operating from     
                                      American Samoa in 1957.              
   with the intention of going into teaching. His shop survived the        
   suspension of amateur radio during World War II by purchasing gear from 
   hams and reselling it to MARS stations around the world, and by         
   manufacturing crystals (in Butler and Los Angeles) for Hallicrafters'   
   war production. The LA store grew quickly after the war, expanding to a 
   new location where it operated for nearly 35 years, becoming a          
   gathering spot for hams visiting from around the world.                 
   Walt Henry opened a Henry Radio branch in Anaheim, California, in the   
   1960s, which closed in 1990, after his health declined.                 
   In 1962, Ted Henry began manufacturing tube-type power amplifiers for   
   the ham radio market, starting with the original Henry 2K. Many of the  
   popular line of HF amplifiers remain in use today. The plant expanded   
   into the industrial RF equipment sector. In the 1970s, the company      
   developed its own line of solid-state amplifiers, which it still        
   manufactures for various services.                                      
   Henry Radio also became the first Kenwood dealer in the US, marketed    
   the Tempo line of ham gear, and is the oldest dealer for Bird RF test   
   equipment.The current store on South Bundy Drive in Los Angeles opened  
   in 1981.                                                                
   Ted Henry retired from the business in 2005. -- Thanks to Marty Woll,   
   N6VI; Henry Radio                                                       
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest (February 13) episode of the On the Air podcast focuses on   
   building the hands-free soldering tool from the article, "Extend Your   
   Handheld's Range with a Simple Ground-Plane Antenna," seen in the       
   January/February 2020 issue of On the Air magazine; a discussion of     
   open-wire feed lines, and an interview with a public service volunteer. 
   A new On the Air podcast will become available on March 12.             
   The latest episode of the Eclectic Tech podcast went live February 27.  
   Episode 2 touches on these topics: Most expensive home PC ever; Alexa   
   and amateur radio; solar activity's influence on whales, and a HamSCI   
   update from Ward Silver, N0AX.                                          
   Both podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android) as   
   well as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                       
   Dayton Hamvention Names 2020 Award Winners                              
   Dayton Hamvention^(R) has named five radio amateurs and one ham radio   
   club as the recipients of its 2020 awards.                              
   Amateur of the Year                                                     
   Yasuo "Zorro" Miyazawa, JH1AJT, was named Amateur of the Year. Licensed 
   in 1964 at age 15, Miyazawa became interested in DXing and, later in    
   his life, international humanitarian activities. He was inducted into   
   the CQ DX Hall of Fame in 2015. His many DXpeditions focus not just on  
   handing out contacts but cooperating with the local population to       
   implement needed humanitarian activities. In 2010 he established the    
   Foundation for Global Children (FGC). "His efforts have helped          
   revolutionize education in Japan by creating the learning systems for   
   children who had difficulties in ordinary schools because of dyslexia,  
   developmental disabilities, and other issues," the Hamvention Awards    
   Committee said.                                                         
   Special Achievement Award                                               
   Jordan Sherer, KN4CRD, of Atlanta, Georgia, is the recipient of the     
   [IMG]Hamvention Special Achievement Award. A software engineer by day   
   and digital amateur radio operator by night, Sherer started his journey 
   into ham radio in 2017, exploring PSK31, JT65, and, later, FT8.         
   Fascinated by the ability to connect with others using low power, he    
   set about developing a protocol for weak-signal mesh networking and     
   communication. The result was JS8Call, a free, open-source platform     
   inspired by WSJT-X and fldigi. It allows for keyboard-to-keyboard,      
   store-and-forward, and network relay-based communication.               
   Technical Achievement Award                                             
   Hamvention bestowed its Technical Achievement Award on a group of three 
   radio amateurs who have become well-known for their development of the  
   WSJT-X digital software suite. The 2020 award recipients are Steve      
   Franke, K9AN; Bill Somerville, G4WJS, and Nobel Laureate Joe Taylor,    
   K1JT. Over the past 7 years, the trio has collaborated on all aspects   
   of WSJT-X -- in particular the digital protocol FT8 and its contesting  
   variant FT4. Introduced in July 2017, FT8 now accounts for a            
   significant portion of all HF ham radio activity.                       
   Club of the Year                                                        
   The South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) of Norman, Oklahoma,   
   is the 2020 Club of the Year. An ARRL Special Service Club formed in    
   1977, the club has worked through its website, Facebook, YouTube        
   channel, and weekly newsletter to expand its reach to thousands of hams 
   from the local area to around the globe. The club takes emergency       
   communication very seriously. NWS SKYWARN training and weekly ARES nets 
   offer hams in central Oklahoma an opportunity to practice their skills  
   before the next weather emergency. The club also sponsors an "Elmer     
   Night" and monthly free license examination sessions, participates in   
   community public service events, and works closely with the American    
   Red Cross.                                                              
   Awards will be presented during Hamvention, May 15 - 17, at the Greene  
   County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia, Ohio. Read more.           
   International Space Station Resupply Mission to Carry New ARISS Ham     
   Radio Gear                                                              
   The scheduled March 7 (UTC) SpaceX CRS-20 mission to the International  
   Space Station (ISS) will include the initial Amateur Radio on the       
   International Space Station (ARISS) Interoperable Radio System (IORS)   
   flight unit, which is listed as a primary payload. The IORS is the      
   foundation of the ARISS next-generation amateur radio system on the     
   space station. Once at the space station, the IORS will be stowed for   
   later installation.                                                     
   The ARISS hardware team built four flight units, and the first will be  
   installed in the ISS Columbus module. A second flight unit expected to  
   be launched on a later 2020 cargo flight will be installed in the       
   Russian Service Module. NASA contracts with SpaceX to handle ISS        
   resupply missions.                                                      
   The IORS represents the first major upgrade of on-station ARISS         
   equipment. The package will include a higher-power radio, an enhanced   
   voice repeater, and updated digital packet radio (APRS) and slow-scan   
   television (SSTV) capabilities for both the US and Russian space        
   station segments. The IORS consists of a custom-modified JVCKenwood     
   TM-D710GA transceiver, an AMSAT-developed multi-voltage power supply,   
   and interconnecting cables.                                             
   The ARISS hardware team remains busy on IORS development and final      
   certification. While the initial unit has been certified for launch and 
   stowage on ISS, the team is still deep into the final certification of  
   the IORS for flight operations, and construction of a second flight     
   unit is in progress.                                                    
   ARISS will mark 20 years of continuous amateur radio operation on the   
   space station in November.                                              
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Last week's Friday bulletin (ARLP009) 
   noted that NASA STEREO images showed two bright spots, magnetically     
   complex, about to rotate over the sun's eastern horizon and onto the    
   visible solar disc. I was hoping these might develop into sunspots, but 
   they just faded away, so currently we have seen no sunspots in more     
   than a month. Clearly, we are still at solar minimum.                   
   Over the past week, average daily solar flux shifted from 70.5 to 70,   
   average daily planetary A index stayed the same at 6.7, while average   
   daily mid-latitude A index dipped from 5 to 4.6.                        
   This period of low solar flux and very stable geomagnetic indicators is 
   great for 160-meter propagation, especially during the winter season,   
   when atmospheric noise is low. Predicted solar flux over the next 45    
   days is 70 on March 5 - 12, and 71 on March 13 - April 18.              
   Predicted planetary A index is 5 on March 5 - 10; 8 on March 11 - 12; 5 
   on March 13 - 14; 10, 8, 10, and 8 on March 15 - 18; 5, 10, 8, and 5 on 
   March 19 - 22; 8, 12, 10, and 5 on March 23 - 26; 5 on March 27 - 30;   
   20, 15, and 8 on March 31 - April 2, and 5 on April 3 - 18.             
   Sunspot numbers for February 27 - March 4, 2020 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
   and 0, with a mean of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 70.9, 70.6, 70.1, 
   69.3, 69.3, 70, and 69.8, with a mean of 70. Estimated planetary A      
   indices were 4, 6, 11, 8, 5, 6, and 7, with a mean of 6.7. Middle       
   latitude A index was 2, 4, 8, 6, 4, 4, and 4, with a mean of 4.6.       
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer       
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.        
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * March 7 - 8 -- ARRL International DX Contest (SSB)                  
     * March 7 -- Wake-Up! QRP Sprint (CW)                                 
     * March 7 - 8 -- SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (CW)                        
     * March 7 - 8 -- Open Ukraine RTTY Championship                       
     * March 7 - 15 -- Novice Rig Roundup (CW)                             
     * March 8 -- UBA Spring Contest (CW)                                  
     * March 8 -- WAB 3.5 MHz Phone/CW                                     
     * March 9 -- 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint (CW, phone)      
     * March 11 -- RSGB 80-Meter Club Championship (CW)                    
     * March 11 - 15 -- AWA John Rollins Memorial DX Contest (CW)          
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth        
   reporting on amateur radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest    
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                  
   IARU Region 2 Seeks Young Hams to Help Reshape Amateur Radio            
   International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 2 (R2, the Americas) is 
   looking for a few young hams interested in helping to remake amateur    
   radio for the 21st century.                                             
   "Frustrated that there are so few of your friends and age group that    
   are interested in ham radio? Frustrated that amateur radio is in a rut, 
   not doing more or different things with technology? Concerned that an   
   aging demographic means ham radio is dying? And that our frequencies    
   will be sold out to the highest bidder because there aren't enough hams 
   to show that we use them?" IARU Region 2 said in a March 3              
   solicitation. "So are we. And we want to do more than talk. We want to  
   do something about it."                                                 
   According to the announcement, IARU R2 is looking for volunteers who    
   would brainstorm ideas and possible actions to make amateur radio more  
   attractive to a younger generation.                                     
   "We're not looking for a single magic approach. After all, amateur      
   radio means many things to many people. Rather, we're looking for       
   possible ways to target specific interests that are either part of ham  
   radio today or could be part of ham radio in the future to recruit and  
   retain new amateurs," the solicitation said. IARU R2 said it's looking  
   for radio amateurs between the ages of 18 and 35 who have been licensed 
   for more than 1 year. Applicants must be self-starters willing to take  
   initiative, exercise creativity, and volunteer their time.              
   If interested, contact IARU Region 2 Secretary George Gorsline, VE3YV,  
   telling why you are willing to volunteer, your current interests, and   
   your thoughts on solutions. "Ideally, we would like to have as many     
   parts of the Americas represented as possible," IARU R2 said in its     
   "This is more than a think tank. We're prepared to provide funding to   
   try out some of the proposed ideas to see how well they work. We expect 
   that some ideas will work, others won't, and different things will work 
   in different parts of the Americas -- one size will not fit all. As     
   part of the work, IARU R2 would propose to send one person to the IARU  
   R1 YOTA youth camp to experience the camp, meet with the R1 youth       
   coordinators to learn about what they are doing in Europe and Africa,   
   to exchange ideas, and to explore what joint activities might be done." 
   -- Thanks to Joaquin Solana, XE1R, IARU Region 2                        
   Motorola Wins Multimillion Dollar Theft of Trade Secrets Case Against   
   A jury for the US District Court of the Northern District of Illinois   
   has awarded Motorola Solutions damages of $764.6 million in its theft   
   of trade secrets and copyright infringement lawsuit against Hytera      
   Communications of Shenzhen, China. In 2017, Motorola filed complaints   
   in federal court alleging that Hytera's digital mobile radio (DMR)      
   products employed techniques and systems that infringed on Motorola     
   Solutions' patents and trade secrets. Already known for its Land Mobile 
   Radio Service products, Hytera entered the amateur radio DMR market in  
   2016. Its ham products include the Hytera AR482Gi digital mobile radio. 
   Motorola alleged that proprietary and patented information was taken    
   illegally by three former company engineers who went to work for        
   Hytera, as "part of a deliberate scheme to steal and copy" its          
   technology. The company said it would seek a global injunction to       
   prevent Hytera from trade secret misappropriation and copyright         
   infringement, a Motorola spokesperson said following the verdict.       
   Motorola said technology features it developed started showing up in    
   Hytera products soon after Hytera began hiring former Motorola          
   engineers in 2008, according to the lawsuit.                            
   In a statement, Hytera expressed disappointment and disagreement with   
   the verdict and said it would appeal. But, the company went on to say   
   that it has "enhanced its corporate governance and added new policies   
   and procedures related to intellectual property and the onboarding of   
   new employees." Hytera also said it's "engaged in an ongoing process of 
   removing the affected source code from the products at issue and has    
   been rolling out updated software to the marketplace."                  
   In Brief...                                                             
   The Yasme Foundation will present its Excellence Award on March 6 to    
   the individuals behind the reactivation of UN Headquarters club station 
   4U1UN. The project took more than 4 years to complete. As announced     
   earlier, those receiving the award are James Sarte, K2QI, and rian    
   Ciuperca, KO8SCA. The team used an innovative in-house remote concept:  
   the station is located on the 42nd floor of UN Headquarters in New York 
   City, while the control point is on the ground floor. Jointly           
   presenting the award will be ARRL Hudson Division Director Ria Jairam,  
   N2RJ, and Yasme Director Martti Laine, OH2BH. Capping the ceremony will 
   be the first-ever FT8 contacts from 4U1UN, with WSJT-X developer Joe    
   Taylor, K1JT, at the controls. Those making the first 25 contacts will  
   receive a certificate signed by Taylor. Following the presentation,     
   K2QI, G6CBR, N2RJ, OH2BH, KO8SCA, and VE7NY will activate 4U1UN for the 
   ARRL International DX SSB contest. QSL via HB9BOU. -- Thanks to Martti  
   Laine, OH2BH                                                            
   Many radio amateurs around the world will celebrate Saint Patrick's Day 
   on the air as part of the St. Patrick Award. The 48-hour event will     
   take place from 1200 UTC on March 16 until 1200 UTC on March 18. Saint  
   Patrick's Day is March 17. Shortwave listeners are invited to take      
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