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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Feb 28 2020 09:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   February 27, 2020                                                       
     * ARRL Seeks a New Chief Executive Officer                             
     * ARRL Comments in Opposition to FCC Plan to Delete the 3.4 GHz Band   
     * AMSAT Cites Need for equate Spectrum in Opposing Deletion of 3.4   
       GHz Band                                                             
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * ARRL Announces Interruptions to Online Services                     
     * FCC Turns Down Amateur Licensee's Appeal                            
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Auxiliary Communications Training to Be Held in Conjunction with    
       Dayton Hamvention^(R)                                               
     * It's Never Too Late to Upgrade                                      
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   ARRL Seeks a New Chief Executive Officer                                
   ARRL is seeking an experienced radio amateur to be Chief Executive      
   Officer (CEO) at its headquarters in Newington, Connecticut. The CEO is 
   the top compensated employee in ARRL's management structure and         
   oversees all operations in collaboration with the President and the     
   Board of Directors, in accordance with ARRL's Articles of Association,  
   Bylaws, and Board policies. The successful candidate will ensure        
   day-to-day management of ARRL, including fiscal operations and will     
   oversee and make certain that its fund-raising, marketing, human        
   resources, technology, advocacy, and governance strategies are          
   effectively implemented.                                                
   Essential CEO Functions Include:                                        
     * Leading the headquarters staff and field volunteers, in response to 
       Board policy, in the development and implementation of effective    
       programs for the promotion and growth of amateur radio and the      
       provision of services to members.                                   
     * Planning, developing, organizing, implementing, directing, and      
       evaluating ARRL's operational and fiscal performance.               
     * Providing leadership, directing headquarters staff, and maintaining 
       performance standards in headquarters operations.                   
     * Participating, in collaboration with officers, Directors, and       
       staff, in developing ARRL's plans and programs.                     
   The successful candidate will be a strategic thinker with a record of   
   significant amateur radio experience and a broad understanding of its   
   operational, technical, regulatory, and social facets. The CEO will be  
   responsible for effective financial and operational management and      
   CEO candidates should possess a bachelor's degree or equivalent         
   (master's degree preferred), be an active radio amateur who has         
   initiated or led a significant amateur radio activity within the past   
   10 years, and have 10 years of management and supervisory experience.   
   Candidates should be able to demonstrate ability in providing effective 
   leadership and management of business operations.                       
   The position is located at ARRL Headquarters, and the successful        
   candidate will be required to establish a residence in the Hartford,    
   Connecticut, area.                                                      
   For More Information                                                    
   The CEO Position Announcement includes details. Interested candidates   
   should submit a cover letter and resume via e-mail to ARRL Human        
   Resources Assistant Monique Levesque.                                   
   ARRL Comments in Opposition to FCC Plan to Delete the 3.4 GHz Band      
   ARRL has filed comments opposing an FCC proposal to delete the 3.3 -    
   3.5 GHz secondary amateur allocation. The comments, filed on February   
   21, are in response to an FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in   
   WT Docket 19-348 in which the FCC put forward a plan to remove          
   "existing non-federal secondary radiolocation and amateur allocations"  
   in the 3.3 - 3.55 GHz band and relocate incumbent non-federal           
   operations. The FCC's proposal was in response to the MOBILE NOW        
   [Making Opportunities for Broadband Investment and Limiting Excessive   
   and Needless Obstacles to Wireless] Act, enacted in 2018 to make new    
   spectrum available for mobile and fixed wireless broadband use. ARRL    
   noted that amateur radio has a long history of successful coexistence   
   with primary users of the band.                                         
   "There is no reason suggested by the Commission, or known to us, why    
   the secondary status for amateur radio operations should not be         
   continued for the indefinite future," ARRL said in its comments. "We    
   understand that secondary commercial users are less flexible than       
   amateur radio users and may desire to relocate to protect continued     
   provision of services and service quality. Radio amateurs, by contrast, 
   benefit from having technical knowledge and no customer demands for     
   continuous service quality, more flexibility to make adjustments, and   
   often have the technical abilities necessary to design and implement    
   the means to coexist compatibly with the signals of primary users."     
   ARRL pointed to amateur radio's "decades-long experience observing and  
   experimenting with radiowave propagation" in the 3.3 - 3.5 GHz band     
   that includes mesh networks, amateur television networks, weak signal   
   long-distance communication, Earth-Moon-Earth (moonbounce)              
   communication, beacons used for propagation study, and amateur          
   satellite communications. In its comments, ARRL argued that it would be 
   "premature" to remove the current secondary amateur radio allocation.   
   Radio amateurs have established extensive infrastructure for the        
   current band and are engaged in construction and experimentation that   
   includes innovative "mesh networks" and amateur television networks     
   that can be deployed to support public service activities.              
   "This spectrum should not be removed from the amateur radio secondary   
   allocation and left unused," ARRL told the FCC. "Only at a later time   
   may an informed assessment of sharing opportunities be made in the      
   specific spectrum slated for re-allocation.... This depends upon the    
   Congressionally mandated NTIA studies of sharing or relocation options  
   that have yet to be completed and, if all or part of this spectrum is   
   re-allocated, the nature and location of buildout by the non-federal    
   users." The National Telecommunications and Information ministration  
   (NTIA) oversees spectrum allocated to federal government users. ARRL    
   noted that radio amateurs have established extensive infrastructure for 
   the current band and are engaged in construction and experimentation    
   that includes innovative "mesh networks" and amateur television         
   networks that can be deployed to support public service activities.     
   With the NTIA report addressing the 3.1 - 3.55 GHz spectrum not         
   expected until late March, ARRL said, "we do not yet know how much      
   spectrum below and above the amateur secondary allocation may be        
   reallocated to non-federal users and what opportunities may exist or be 
   developed to share [that] spectrum" with new primary users and systems. 
   "Even if suitable new spectrum could be found for the existing amateur  
   uses -- which is difficult before the spectrum musical chairs activity  
   is concluded -- the costs to radio amateurs would be significant and be 
   borne with no countervailing public benefit," ARRL told the FCC.        
   "If the advent of new primary licensees forecloses some types of        
   secondary operations, the amateur community will reevaluate the         
   situation when some certainty exists," ARRL concluded.                  
   AMSAT Cites Need for equate Spectrum in Opposing Deletion of 3.4 GHz  
   AMSAT has commented on the FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in  
   WT Docket 19-348 that proposes to delete the 3.3 - 3.5 GHz (9           
   centimeter) amateur band and relocate incumbent non-federal operations. 
   The band includes the 3.40 - 3.41 GHz Amateur Satellite Service         
   allocation. In its remarks, AMSAT said it opposes deletion of the       
   allocation and stressed the necessity of having adequate microwave      
   spectrum available for future amateur satellite projects, including     
   AMSAT's GOLF program and the Lunar Gateway. AMSAT acknowledged that the 
   3.4 GHz Amateur Satellite Service allocation is not currently used by   
   any amateur satellites and that it is unsuitable for worldwide          
   communication because it is not available in ITU Region 1. AMSAT said a 
   number of potential future uses for the band remain, however, as        
   worldwide usage of other available allocations increases.               
   "These potential uses include a future amateur satellite in             
   geostationary orbit above the Americas," AMSAT said, explaining that    
   the segment could support uplink or downlink frequencies for such a     
   spacecraft without potential interference to worldwide activities       
   involving space stations in high-Earth or lunar orbit. The              
   most-desirable allocations for use as uplinks are between 2.4 GHz and   
   5.67 GHz -- 80 MHz in all, AMSAT told the FCC. "As many of the proposed 
   uses include amateur television and high-speed data transmission with   
   satellites in high-Earth orbit or lunar orbit, these allocations may    
   quickly become inadequate," AMSAT said.                                 
   AMSAT told the FCC the 3.40 - 3.41 GHz allocation could be utilized as  
   a command channel or secondary data downlink for AMSAT ground stations  
   in ITU Region 2 without interfering with the primary communications on  
   the other allocations or other satellites utilizing those segments.     
   AMSAT said several non-amateur satellites use the broader 3.3 - 3.5 GHz 
   amateur allocation, which also sees wide use for amateur radio mesh     
   networking, EME communications, and contesting.                         
   "The Amateur Satellite Service continues to provide immense value to    
   the growing field of small satellites," AMSAT concluded. "Experiments   
   conducted by amateur satellites...continue to inform the development of 
   the commercial small satellite industry. ditionally, student          
   participation in amateur satellite projects provides both inspiration   
   for young men and women to pursue careers in the commercial satellite   
   industry and practical experience for those careers.                    
   "A strong and robust Amateur Satellite Service will continue to benefit 
   the public interest and inspire future developments in satellite        
   technology," AMSAT said. "Continued progress in achieving these goals   
   requires adequate spectrum, especially in suitable microwave bands." -- 
   Thanks to AMSAT News Service via AMSAT Executive Vice President Paul    
   Stoetzer, N8HM                                                          
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The February 13 episode of the On the Air podcast focuses on building   
   the hands-free soldering tool from the article, "Extend Your Handheld's 
   Range with a Simple Ground-Plane Antenna," seen in the January/February 
   2020 issue of On the Air magazine; a discussion of open-wire feed       
   lines, and an interview with a public service volunteer. New On the Air 
   podcast episodes are available monthly.                                 
   The new episode of Eclectic Tech podcast goes live February 27. Episode 
   2 touches on these topics: Most expensive home PC ever; Alexa and       
   amateur radio; solar activity's influence on whales, and a HamSCI       
   update from Ward Silver, N0AX.                                          
   Both podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android) as   
   well as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                       
   ARRL Announces Interruptions to Online Services                         
   The ARRL website and other online services will be offline on Friday,   
   February 28, for up to 8 hours in order to conduct necessary            
   maintenance. The outage will begin at 0500 UTC and should end by 1300   
   UTC. It will affect the main ARRL website, the ARRL Store, and the ARRL 
   contesting-related pages, including the log submission page. Logbook of 
   The World (LoTW), email, and all ARRL Headquarters systems will not be  
   As part of ARRL Headquarters' transition to new internet service        
   providers, an interruption of internet access at ARRL Headquarters is   
   set for Wednesday, March 4, starting at 2300 UTC. The interruption will 
   last no longer than 4 hours. During the work period, these services     
   will be unavailable: Logbook of The World (LoTW), Online DXCC,          
   International Grid Chase Archive, National Parks on the Air Archive,    
   Centennial QSO Party Archive, W1AW Echolink Conference Server, and VPN  
   access to Headquarters. Email to Headquarters will remain online, and   

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